
Chapter 864

There are many mountains and peaks, and there is a thick mist floating in the mountains. When the strong wind blows, the mist suddenly sways slowly like a white veil.

This is a stretch of endless mountains. The green dots in the mountains are just right, not too much and not too little. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking into the distance, one can't help but feel refreshed.

Luo Tian stood on the top of the mountain with his big sleeves fluttering, with his hands behind his back, looking down, with the aura of a king visiting all countries.

Behind him is a glamorous beauty in black, but seeing this beauty move her lips from time to time, she seems to be muttering something,

"Dare to ask Fellow Daoist Su, have you fully recovered from your injuries in the past few days?"

After a long time, Luo Tian withdrew his gaze and said with a wry smile on his face, the heart-wrenching image just now was completely destroyed.

"Soon, it's only a few days away." The beauty in black was naturally Fu Muhan, but at this moment, seeing the corners of her mouth curled up very imperceptibly, she said calmly, a little less of the indifference and coldness before.

Even Fu Muhan himself didn't notice it.

Luo Tian rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and then turned his head away very depressed. He thought that the woman was too narrow-minded and too vengeful, and he just took away the star clothes a few days ago and drove her out directly. I am afraid that the anger in his heart has not calmed down at this moment.

Afterwards, Luo Tian was too lazy to say much, and took care of himself to separate out a piece of jade tablet engraved with a fiery red long knife in the portable space, which is the treasure key of the Heavenly Sword Sect.That little cave was only realized by Luo Tian before he bumped into it by mistake. It is true that it is the inheritance treasure of the Heavenly Sword Sect, but a powerful sect will not put all the good treasures in one place, so as not to be dumped by others. There is no possibility of a comeback.

Suddenly, the fiery red long knife on the jade tablet suddenly floated, countless runes and light spots slowly emerged, and a map appeared at once.

The map is the complete map of the Tiandaozong area, and Luo Tian and Fu Muhan have visited several places where there may be treasures in the past few days, but they found that they were all taken first, and now only the last area is the largest. The widest place was not explored, which made Luo Tian, ​​who hadn't caught any oil or water, feel at ease.

So another day or two passed.

Luo Tian and Fu Muhan kept flying in this endless mountain, and Fu Muhan finally recovered from all his injuries.

On this day, the two of Luo Tian were hiding and flying high in the sky, and they suddenly looked at each other.


Three extremely subtle sounds of piercing the sky appeared in the perception of the two of Luo Tian, ​​and then in the distant sky, four extremely obscure lights came flying in the void.

Two groups of black vortices quietly appeared in Luo Tian's eyes, Tun Tian's spiritual eyes saw through all falsehoods, and directly saw the true appearance in the four rays of light.

Is it them?

After a while, Luo Tian slowly withdrew his gaze, and his eyes returned to their original state. He wondered in his heart, how could these four guys appear here?You must know that this is the Four Extremes Sect, and there is an ancient strange formation like the Eight Desolation Heavenly Jade Formation guarding the periphery. With the cultivation base of the four of them, they would never appear here no matter what!

Who is coming?

It was Deng Yu, Ji Chun, Sikong Hai and Bai Xinghui who had previously signed an alliance with Luo Tian.

Four guys with only a half-step Taiyi cultivation could pass through the Eight Desolation Heaven Xuan Formation?

Luo Tian's face remained calm, but deep doubts filled his heart. These four people seemed to have quite a lot of secrets, and they had to reveal them all if they had the opportunity.

Fu Muhan frowned slightly and was about to strike.

A big hand stretched out from the horizontal direction, and firmly held Fu Muhan's white hand again.

"Stand still for the time being, these four people are very suspicious." Luo Tian said solemnly.

A cup of tea passed.

Two cups of tea passed.

Three cups of tea passed.

"How long are you going to hold my hand?" Fu Muhan's face turned cold.

Luo Tian quickly let go of his hand, and said with a sneer, "I'm afraid that you can't help but do it? Didn't you notice it?"

"Isn't it just how four guys with a half-step Taiyi cultivation level passed through the Eight Desolation Heavenly Xuan Formation?" Fu Mu coldly glanced at Luo Tian, ​​"Do you still need to remind me? Don't insult me ​​because of it." Just start changing the subject! This seat is not so easy to fool!"

Luo Tian suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

Speaking of which, the four of Deng Yu were already extremely careful in their actions, and they still had deep cards. Although they were half-step Taiyi's cultivation, ordinary Taiyi golden immortals would not be able to detect the four of them at all, unless they were all the time. They are all reversing the law of the five elements.

Except for Luo Tian, ​​who is a pervert who possesses the Five Elements Saint Body and has reached half-step Saint Immortal cultivation, even Fu Muhan would not be able to see the whereabouts of the four of them without the help of the half-level attacking Yuanshen Immortal Treasure on his body. .

Luo Tian was reversing the law all the time, if other Taiyi Golden Immortals knew about it, he might be frightened to death.The Taiyi Golden Immortal is said to be powerful, but it still has a lot of restrictions. In the general fairy world, the Taiyi Golden Immortal travels and shows up in the public the least, and the chance of appearing is much smaller than the Saint Immortal.

But Luo Tian didn't have such worries, that's why he was so unscrupulous.

The four of Deng Yu were not flying fast in the void, and Luo Tian and Fu Muhan easily followed behind.

Half a day later, the four of Deng Yu arrived at a hidden place very carefully, and then the four of them worked together to hollow out a small mountain, and then rearranged and decorated the surrounding area. The clues come.

"These four guys have some tricks."

Above the sky, Luo Tian smiled and said.

"It's really interesting." Fu Muhan also sighed, "If I hadn't followed the four of them, I'm afraid I wouldn't have found them if I hadn't deliberately used my soul to investigate carefully. It's really hard to believe that this is just four and a half steps of Taiyi. done."

"Concentrate your breath with all your strength!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian let out a low cry, and immediately disappeared into the void.

Fu Muhan also took a deep breath, and directly disappeared into the void.

In the belly of the mountain.

The four of Deng Yu sat cross-legged in four directions, and all opened their mouths to spray out a fiery red bead. The four bead condensed together, and immediately diffused a series of invisible forces, breaking through the mountainside and covering it in all directions.


It lasted for a full quarter of an hour before the four fiery red beads returned to their original positions, all suspended above the heads of the four.

"Hehe, I said Brother Deng was too worried. This is the site of the Heavenly Sword Sect. How could there be too many people coming?" Ji Chun laughed.

Bai Xinghui took the folding fan and slapped it lightly, but said nothing.

Sikong Hai was silent for a moment, and said with a chuckle, "The group of Taiyi Jinxian powerhouses outside who are desperately working hard would never have imagined that the founder ancestors of our four sects walked out of the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

Deng Yu's expression relaxed a lot, he laughed and said, "The four of us just need to be careful enough, and we can easily obtain the inheritance of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and then we will be able to rule the roost in our respective sects!"

"Haha, that's right, speaking of it, we are the local overlords in the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

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