
Chapter 865 Retreating like a god?

"How long do you want to wait?"

Somewhere in the hidden space above the sky, Fu Muhan shook his arm and was about to pull it out of Luo Tian's hand, with an angry expression on his face.

Luo Tian said righteously, "Fellow Daoist Fu, it's not that Mr. Li harbored evil intentions. You also saw the power of the aura just now. Just now you just reversed the law and haven't returned to the original state. If Mr. Li hadn't acted in time, the two of you and I would have been killed." I'm afraid they have been discovered by the other party."

"Let's talk about it." Luo Tian continued with pride, "If it wasn't for that, how would you and I know that those four guys are direct disciples of the ancient Heavenly Sword Sect. This news is really shocking."

Fu Muhan finally looked better. What Luo Tian said just now was not false. Hearing the words, he had no choice but to say, "Sects in ancient times, especially the big sects like Tiandao Sect, did not just practice a kind of exercise for their own sake. Lord, there are still many branches in their sect, and their cultivation methods are also different. The name of the Heavenly Sword Sect is probably due to the immortal king who sits in the Heavenly Sword Sect."

"Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord?" Luo Tian pondered for a while, "It is said that this person has cultivated to the late stage of Immortal Lord, and then suddenly disappeared for unknown reasons."

"Being able to make a great figure disappear without a sound, I am afraid that at least ten or more immortals will be able to do it together, or the Heavenly Sword Immortal forced his way into the Hunyuan Realm before his whereabouts are unknown."

"Isn't it?" Luo Tian was surprised at the moment, "Isn't the Hunyuan Realm permanently opened and entered? How can the immortal enter it without authorization? Doesn't this violate the common agreement between the northern and southern immortal worlds?"

Fu Muhan said indifferently, "In ancient times, there was no such regulation at all. As long as you have the ability to have enough Da Luo Yuling and Tianyi Shenshui, no one will bother you if you want to enter the Hunyuan Realm."

Tianyi Shenshui!

Luo Tian was startled, forced himself to suppress the trembling in his heart, and said with his mouth curled up, "Fellow Daoist Fu, this, can you explain who is the treasure that day? What does it have to do with the Hunyuan Domain?"

Fu Muhan took a deep look at Luo Tian, ​​and said, "I only know that Tianyi Shenshui can play a defensive role in the Hunyuan Domain, a drop of Tianyi Shenshui can last for three days, and the rest I don’t know, this seat has never entered the Hunyuan Domain.”

Luo Tian rolled his eyes wildly in his heart, this old man naturally knew, but this little girl didn't disclose the key information at all, it's really annoying.

Even if Luo Tian is a pig right now, he can guess that there must be a great figure behind Fu Muhan, otherwise Luo Tian wouldn't have brought Fu Muhan to come with him, and he would be able to play tricks on him by then.

Of course, Luo Tian wanted to find out some specific news about the Hunyuan Domain from Fu Muhan, such as whether there is a division of regions, and it would be better if there were a map, but Fu Muhan was not fooled at all.

In fact, Luo Tian also knew that none of the great figures in the fairy world could escape the powerful temptation of the Hunyuan Domain.It is said that there is an opportunity to advance to the realm of the fairy king, who can resist it?Can you hold on?

Thus, Fu Muhan was held by Luo Tiansheng for about half a day, and then he saw four faint rays of light flashing away in the hill below.


Luo Tian finally pulled Fu Muhan out of the void, his eyes flashed brightly.

"These four bastards are really good at calculating, and even want to use a trick to hide Chen Cang!" Luo Tian laughed and said, "It really is a clever plan."

Fu Muhan looked at Luo Tian very speechlessly, "It seems that your conspiracy has already taken shape, so I will save myself from spending more time."

"..." Luo Tian immediately despaired, "Ma'am, I'm so bad in your heart that both people and gods are indignant?"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian let go of Fu Muhan's hand, and ran away in a hurry.


Fu Muhan's eyes darkened, he gritted his teeth and said, "Li Yi, you bastard, stop for grandma!"

As the saying goes, there is no man in the world who is not good at fame and wealth, and wants to have strong and invincible strength. Every woman wants to have a youthful and beautiful face that is not old. Even, women are infinitely more crazy than men in insisting on this point.

Fu Muhan was directly defeated by Luo Tian's words, Gu Jing Wubo's state of mind, and he couldn't control it anymore.It's just when a woman can't control herself, that's the beginning of her fall.

"I was wrong! I was wrong!"

Under the stunned expressions of Chen Juxiong and others in the inner world, Luo Tian ran away with his head in his arms, and was extremely embarrassed by Fu Muhan's subtle and fierce attack.

"Uncle, we want to watch a play!"

"Uncle, we want to watch backtracking!"

"Li Daoyou, this seat, that one, also look at it!"

What left Chen Juxiong speechless was that Luo Tian directly cut off the connection between the inner world and the outside world. Chen Juxiong and others hurriedly shouted and protested loudly in the inner world, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"Go ahead! My handsome face is yours today!"

Luo Tian really didn't want to run anymore, so he turned to meet Fu Muhan with his head held high.

Fu Muhan was stunned for a moment, it would be fine if the other party kept running away, but she wouldn't be able to do anything if he sent him directly to her door.


Fu Muhan was almost annoyed, this person is really shameless.

"Sister Fu, since you're not angry anymore, and you don't want to part with my face that makes your heart flutter, then should we discuss some serious matters?" Luo Tian greeted her with a smile, licking his face.

"Go to hell!"


The four of Deng Yu circled around in front of them, without any fixed whereabouts at all, as if they were afraid that someone would follow behind them.

With dark panda eyes, Luo Tian looked at Fu Muhan resentfully, "Fellow Daoist Fu, is there something wrong with you?"

"Get out, what does it have to do with my aunt?" Fu Muhan didn't know why, but when he saw this guy in front of him, he became angry.

Soon, Deng Yu and the others in front of them directly entered a deep and long canyon. This canyon was thousands of feet high, and the mountain walls on both sides were as smooth as a mirror and as straight as a knife.

"Brother Deng, there is actually the aura of a Taiyi Golden Immortal appearing in front of you!" Ji Chun chuckled, and the fiery red beads floating above his head trembled, "How about we..."

"It's better not to make extra troubles." Bai Xinghui frowned upon hearing this because he was very well-known in the city.

"The four of us have the Heavenly Sword Fire Spirit Orb, and we retreat like gods here. We are just a Taiyi Golden Immortal, so we don't have to be afraid." Sikong Hai said sadly, "Introduce him into the puppet formation, the Taiyi Golden Immortal And die of exhaustion!"

Deng Yu nodded, with a gloomy look on his face, "Brother Sikong is right, this group of bastards who can't get enough to eat, even want to get their hands on our treasures, they should be killed!"

Afterwards, the four of them just had a little dispute, and Qi Qi sped forward, speeding so fast that they no longer planned to hide their whereabouts.

Not long after, there was an excited roar in the canyon, and then the precious light shot up into the sky.

"Retreating like a god?"

Luo Tian and Fu Muhan immediately appeared hand in hand, looked at the early stage Taiyi Golden Immortal strongman surrounded by countless puppets, and smiled faintly, "Sister Fu, come, brother let you see what is true." retreat like a god!"

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