
Chapter 869

Even Luo Tian himself did not expect that the first time the Star Clothes was used, it would be so powerful!

"Only [-]% of the planets in the star clothes have been completely refined by me, and the remaining [-]% have only been refined a little bit, and they have such divine power. If they are all completely refined, under the star clothes, I am afraid that except Taiyi For those who are strong in the late stage of Jinxian, all the rest will be destroyed in body and spirit and have nowhere to escape!"

Luo Tian secretly sighed in his heart, and then, with a big hand, dozens of huge blue light hands appeared in the void, directly grabbing those Wang Pin Lingmai who were suppressed by the Xing Chen Yi and dared not move, and collected them all in Luo Tian In the inner world.

"Oh my god, am I not mistaken? This aura, the abundance of aura, could it be the legendary Wangpin spirit vein?!"

In Luo Tian's inner world, Chen Juxiong hurriedly opened his eyes, his face full of shock.

Immediately afterwards, the six of Li Minghua, Natu and Qi Jie also looked at the dozens of king-grade spirit veins floating in the inner world in astonishment. Although these king-grade spirit veins can only be regarded as ordinary goods, the seven of Chen Juxiong have never seen them before. However, even Li Minghua and other seven juniors have never even heard of it.

"Wang Pin Lingmai!"

"Uncle is simply too fierce. He even snatched Wang Pin's spiritual veins. It's simply too cruel!"

"Uncle is too fierce!"


"Stop flattering you guys. The old man will leave you a king-grade spiritual vein. How much you can absorb depends on your own good fortune. Don't blame the old man for not reminding you, time is running out."

Soon, Luo Tian's voice resounded throughout the world within his body.

Next, Luo Tian turned into a streamer, and carefully circled around the vicinity again, and then quickly flew in the opposite direction to where Deng Yu and the other four were. Some distance and then back again.

"What a strong breath!"

"At least it is the peak cultivation level of Taiyi Jinxian in the late stage!"

"It's very likely that the half-step Saint Immortal came here, otherwise the four strong men whose cultivation base is in the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal would not be able to fight back!"

"It's hard to say, it's not necessarily true that this mysterious strong man may have used some kind of powerful fairy treasure just now."


The four of Deng Yu possessed the Heavenly Sword and Fire Spirit Orb, so they could sense the aura that Luo Tian exposed when he killed the four of them, but it was difficult to sense the others. Weak, and secondly, Luo Tian used secret techniques to cover up his breath, reversed and distorted the laws of heaven and earth.

In the void, Luo Tian was rampaging like a ferocious wild beast. Although his aura was restrained to the extreme, with his strength, some of the restraining magic circles couldn't withstand his three punches and two kicks at all, and they were directly smashed into waste.

"That Fu Muhan is really a headache!"

Luo Tian couldn't help sighing in his heart, he just appeared for a few breaths, Fu Muhan sensed it, and he almost locked on Luo Tian's primordial spirit just now, if Luo Tian was not alert enough, there would be another three It's hard to get rid of her if she shows off her power at night.

"This Immortal King Yuqing is really perverted, and the skills left behind are simply too powerful. If he has cultivated to the realm of a fairy king, I am afraid that no one among the fairy kings can beat him except for those who are half-step fairy kings!"

Luo Tian secretly exclaimed in his heart, and at the same time began to cast doubts constantly. He has now obtained the second part of the Yuqing Yuanshixuan Kungfu that has been cultivated to the level of a fairy king. Even if he cultivated to the extreme, he would still be a little inferior to him.

Not to mention that Luo Tian also has the black lotus magic weapon that includes the three-night plate.

Speaking of which, the magic weapon of the black lotus is the well-deserved number one treasure in Luo Tian's body!During the trial of the stars, Luo Tian burned the life essence and the soul, and almost reached the point where ten deaths and no life existed. Even if he could be resurrected, at least five or more immortal monarchs would be needed to cooperate, but Luo Tian insisted on relying on With the magic weapon of the black lotus, the last source of the primordial spirit is preserved, so as to gain a new life and stand up after breaking through!

Under normal circumstances, if Luo Tian wanted to break through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it would probably take at least one or two thousand years to achieve it, but after breaking through, it only took hundreds of years to cultivate to the half-step Saint Immortal state.

The encounters in life are really fate arrangements, incomparably miraculous and magical.

After four days and five nights of careful planning, Luo Tian finally temporarily led Fu Muhan to another direction, so that she would never notice any abnormalities for at least five or six days.

"Hehehe, Fu Xiaoniang may have taken a fancy to this young master, right?" Luo Tian looked bitter and bitter, shaking his head and said to himself, "I can't accept it, I really can't accept it anymore! It seems that in the future we will Appropriately reduce my unique personality charm, hey..."

The four of Deng Yu were so frightened by Luo Tian that they didn't dare to breathe loudly for several days, lest Luo Tian, ​​the mysterious and powerful man in their hearts, would come to them.How did they know that Luo Tian had come to the door a long time ago, and was eavesdropping on their conversation right now.

"Those outsiders of the half-top king's spirit veins will not find it easily. Even if they find it, they will not be able to pass the Heavenly Sword Sect's prohibition circle that can actually kill even saints, hahaha..."


Luo Tian raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and was horrified in his heart. Damn it, this is too terrifying. If Deng Yu and the others hadn't said it himself, he wouldn't have believed it at all. The prohibition circle!

Even saints can be killed!

Luo Tian was not shocked this time, but was really frightened.

"Fortunately, I have the jade talisman inherited from the Heavenly Sword Sect in my hand."

Cold sweat broke out on Luo Tian's forehead, and then he quickly withdrew and walked away, directly following the general direction Deng Yu and the others had said, and then his soul and spiritual consciousness drove the Jade Talisman of Inheritance, so as to find the right direction more accurately. direction.

Chi Chi!

Luo Tian, ​​who was flying in the void, suddenly had his heart beating wildly, and then stretched out his hand with a changed face, grabbed the Jinghong Knife in his hand, and slashed out fiercely towards the front.


An incomparably fierce counter-shock force descended, enveloping Luo Tian in all directions.

"Forty times the combat power!"

"The power of the immortal king!"

Luo Tian made a decisive decision and immediately went out with all his strength, holding the Jinghong Knife tightly in both hands, and went straight to meet him in all directions.


Luo Tian finally spat blood and smashed into the ground, creating a terrifying deep pit.

"Damn it, I was almost about to fall into this restraining circle. This restraining circle is really powerful. If it wasn't for my rich background, I would have died just now!" Luo Tian was full of fear, "This restraining circle It seems that it can really kill the saints."

Then, Luo Tian clapped the jade talisman engraved with a fiery red long knife in his hand, and the jade talisman immediately turned into a light mask to wrap it inside, and slowly flew forward.

Chi Chi Chi!

With the jade talisman body protection inherited from the Heavenly Sword Sect, Luo Tian's pressure was finally greatly relieved, and he passed the invisible and formless prohibition circle in front of him without any danger.

This time, Luo Tian finally got there first!

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