
Chapter 870 Trap?conspiracy!

With Luotian's caution, he didn't realize that when he drove the jade talisman inherited from the Heavenly Sword Sect to pass through the prohibition circle with the ability to kill ghosts and gods, wisps of bright and weak light slowly spread from the center of the entire prohibition circle. Slowly diffused out, without trace, without warning.

Next, Luo Tian galloped through the void in panic and confusion, being extremely careful.

All this is because there are too many roads ahead.

Sometimes, if there is only one smooth path on the road leading to the shortcut to success, then naturally you can go on it with confidence and boldness.But if there are too many forks on the road to success, then the road ahead will probably not be too peaceful.

"Everything here is so weird and weird."

Luo Tian thought to himself, and then he carefully recalled all the situations since he entered the Heavenly Sword Sect, even small movements such as raising his head and lowering his head, and all the tiny details in his vision, silently deduced it.


Not long after, Luo Tian spat out another mouthful of blood, and his complexion became more serious.

"Everything here has been reversed!"

Luo Tian's face was pale, and his walking speed was slightly stagnant, "There is someone who can steal a sliver of the law of fate to change the secrets of heaven! Who is this person? What exactly does he want to do?"

It turned out that Luo Tian calculated and practiced the Dao of Heaven with the help of the weak Immortal King Law contained in the Three Nights Disk. He had just entered the river of fate, but was hijacked back by an extremely powerful rebounding force, and could no longer continue.

"What a terrifying powerhouse! This person is probably about to see the realm of the fairy king for the first time!" Cold sweat immediately flowed down Luo Tian's face, "Only the powerhouse of the fairy king can barely control a little bit of the law of fate, and the powerhouse of the fairy king can't control it at all." It can't be done! From this point of view, this person must be the mastermind behind the scenes, and this person's realm has at least reached the peak of the half-step Immortal King, and I am afraid that he is only half a step away from being promoted to the Immortal King Realm!"

Of course, all of these are Luo Tian's own calculations and guesses. Whether this is the case remains to be considered.

"Fu Muhan actually followed in? How is this possible!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically. He had suffered from the power of the restraining circle before. Not to mention Fu Muhan, even he almost died here by accident. Although Fu Muhan was strong, his overall strength was not enough. It's worse than him, Wanwan can't enter this place!

The next moment, Luo Tian immediately diffused the primordial consciousness with the help of the Sanxiao plate.

After a while, Luo Tian withdrew his primordial consciousness with an extremely ugly expression, "Sure enough, some changes have occurred, this place is too strange, we must not stay for long!"

call out!

When Luo Tian thought of this, he stretched out his figure. According to the information from the jade talisman inherited from the Heavenly Sword Sect, it was not far from the place where the half-top-level king-grade spiritual veins were stored.

Of course, Luo Tian now thinks that this place is already a complete trap, and it is still a big trap.However, Luo Tian was already on the verge of shooting, and there was no turning back, so he could only bite the bullet and move on.

"Fu Muhan, I can't protect myself now, whether you live or die, just let fate."

Luo Tian sighed with trepidation in his heart, and played out the spells in his hand one after another, and soon it turned into a tiny ray of light and disappeared into the darkness in front of him.

"Not good! That restriction was suddenly broken!"

Soon, the Heavenly Sword Fire Spirit Orbs floating above Deng Yu's four people's heads all trembled together and let out a soft humming sound.

The faces of Deng Yu and the others were ashen, but the cold light in the depths of Deng Yu's eyes was fleeting, and was not noticed by the other three.


"Spiritual energy into water!"

Not long after, Luo Tian was suspended above a place with a face full of shock. This place was extremely magical, with stars, sun and moon above his head, and mountains, rivers, lakes and seas below, as if it was a bustling world condensed countless times.

And in this world, there are eight bronze pillars standing straight, connecting the sky and the earth. The spiritual energy permeating them has turned into liquid water. At this moment, Luo Tian has an illusion, as if he is in the endless seabed, with hundreds of thousands of people around him. Thousands of pores are infiltrated by spiritual energy, and the body becomes refreshed like summer for a while, and warm like winter for a while, extremely comfortable.

"This power is so strange."

"Hurry up and use your sky-swallowing law to expel this aura, this is the power of other people's incense!"

Suddenly, the bandit fairy's roar rang in Luo Tian's mind.

The power of incense!

Luo Tian's eyeballs almost didn't pop out, and immediately activated the Heaven Swallowing Law with all his strength, began to wrap up the power of the incense that had been absorbed in the body, and then began to penetrate into it, and started a fierce battle with the power of the incense.

A small part of the inner world has collapsed and collapsed due to the battle between the power of swallowing the sky and the power of incense, and shattered into pieces of void, wreaking havoc in the inner world.If Luo Tian hadn't driven the Tuntian Pagoda to take the seven people into it, the seven of Chen Juxiong would have been affected by Chi Yu.

After a long time, layers of heaven-swallowing power all over Luo Tian's body were transformed into Wan Dao Yin, which was located inside the mask transformed from the jade talisman inherited from the Heavenly Sword Sect, resisting the attack of the power of incense.

Luo Tian spat out mouthfuls of blood with a pale complexion, and exclaimed, "The power of this incense is so strong, fortunately, senior reminded me in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous if I worked hard for a while."

"That's right, in a few moments, you will be corroded into a puppet by the power of incense." The Robber Immortal said solemnly, "This place is extremely strange, and there is an aura that is not weaker than the deity's. You'd better leave this place as soon as possible."

At this time, Luo Tian's portable space unexpectedly opened in the void, and the Jinghong knife flew out of it uncontrollably.

As soon as Luo Tian's complexion changed, he was about to stop him.

"Don't make a move!" The Robber Immortal yelled, "This Jinghong Sword is an opportunity for you to leave this place, don't lose your life because of a foreign object! Follow up!"

At the same time, a piercing sound came from behind Luo Tian.

Fu Muhan.

"Fellow Daoist Fu, you must not be eroded by the power of incense here!"

Luo Tian didn't even look back, and immediately flew towards Jinghongdao to chase after him.

Fu Muhan's complexion changed slightly, and then she immediately sensed the unusualness of this place, and then the dragon elephant pagoda in her body flew out, exactly in the same direction as Luo Tian disappeared.

Shocking knife!

Dragon Elephant Pagoda!

Both of these are Primordial Primordial Treasures!

Seeing this, Fu Muhan hurriedly followed from behind, but she didn't have Luo Tian's inherited jade talisman body protection, so her flying speed was much slower.

"This is not a trap! This is a great conspiracy!"

During the flight, Luo Tian finally fully understood that the only thought on his mind right now is to leave this place as soon as possible.

The speed of Jinghong Dao in front suddenly became sluggish, and then galloped towards a sky above his head. Luo Tian gritted his teeth when he saw this, and rushed out without hesitation. , but never harmed him, this time he still decided to follow the advice of the robber fairy.

Besides, Luo Tian has no other way to go at the moment.

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