
Chapter 877

Destroy the fairy.

Luo Tian had heard of this legendary big man. He had read many ancient books and secret books, and he had great admiration for this powerful figure who was one of the best in the Southern Immortal Realm.It is said that the reason why the Southern Immortal Realm is weaker than the Northern Immortal Realm is because of the sudden disappearance of the Immortal Destroyer. From this, it can be deduced how tyrannical the Immortal Destroyer has become.Of course, rumors are not necessarily true.However, even if the Immortal Destroyer and Immortal Shura of Shura Mountain in the Southern Immortal Realm look at the entire northern and southern Immortal Realms, they must be overlords. It is not something ordinary people can guess.I'm afraid that only immortals and great figures of the same level can get a glimpse of one or two of them.

"Tell yourself it's not true."

Luo Tian suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped himself hard, then murmured with a wry smile.

"My deity said this is true." The Robber Immortal, no, the Destroyer Immortal said with a faint smile, "You and I have been doomed for a long time as a master and apprentice, and we can't erase it, escape it, or get rid of it."

"I never regarded you as a master." Luo Tian said desperately.

"Your boy still has such a bad temper. In a word, he looks too much like me!" Immortal Destroyer laughed and said, "I just like a little guy with a temper like you to be my apprentice. What can you do to me?"

Luo Tian curled his lips and muttered, "Don't talk about Master, even as a senior, you haven't done me any favors. If you don't admit it, I won't do it!"

"Haven't you kid been coveting those powerful black evil thunders all the time?" Immortal Destroyer bewitched, as if there was a strange magical power in his words, which was irresistible.

"Success!" Luo Tian resolutely said, "Your old man, take a million and 80 black evil thunders as my hard work and errand expenses."

"..." Immortal Destroyer said very speechlessly, "One thousand, not too many."

"At least one hundred thousand!"

"Thirty thousand!"

"At least [-]! I will lose money if I have less!"


In the end, Destroyer Xianjun agreed to give Luo Tian [-] black evil thunders in a funny way, but he has not yet fully merged his soul and body into one, so he can't spend too much effort, but just helped Luo Tian get [-]. Heisha Yinlei, and the remaining [-] for Luo Tian to get.Of course, the premise is that Luo Tian's life must be guaranteed in order to destroy Xianjun.

Heisha Yinlei is an innate treasure unique to Lingtian Secret Realm. It is born by inheriting the aura of heaven and earth, and it takes an unknown number of years to form one.And the gifts given to Luo Tian by the Immortal Destroyer were all high-level black evil thunders. If there were too many of them, they could destroy the holy immortals, which seemed even more precious.

In the coffin, strands of black origin law immediately burst out, and then directly penetrated into Luo Tian's body and distributed everywhere.

"This is the original force of the law of destruction, which can keep you alive for a hundred years."

Afterwards, no matter how Luo Tian yelled, complained, begged and lamented miserably, there was no movement of Destroyer Xianjun.

Next, the hard-working Luo Tian devoted himself to collecting the black evil thunder without hesitation.

After all, Heisha Yinlei is enough to save a life at a critical moment.

Time flies, so it is a hundred years.

A hundred years later, Luo Tian returned to the palace contentedly, looked at the coffin silently for a long time, and said with a smile, "Old man, I have harvested [-] black evil thunders in the past hundred years. Scared!"

After speaking, Luo Tian burst out laughing.

Smiling and laughing, Luo Tian's tears flowed down his cheeks, then he knelt down on the ground, respectfully kowtowed three times towards the coffin.

"Old guy, I'm leaving, take care of yourself! See you in the future!"

Afterwards, Luo Tian resolutely turned around and left, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, from the Tianxuan plane to the present, Destroying the Immortal Lord has helped Luo Tian a lot, this love, Luo Tian will remember it in his heart, and it will never be erased .

"Hahaha, old guy, no wonder you have been occupying the fourth heaven of Lao Tzu's black lotus magic weapon! It turns out that the fourth heaven can be used to nourish and temper the supreme soul! Now it is finally returned to its original owner!..."

"The heartless little bastard!"

There was a flash of black light and shadow outside the huge hall, and a strange-looking old man in black appeared, with a faint gratifying smile on his face, watching Luo Tian's figure getting farther and farther in sight...

Luo Tian naturally didn't dare to stay longer on the third floor of Lingtian Secret Realm, and soon ran to the second floor, and took a leisurely turn around again, using Sap to create a few king-grade spirit veins and directly Run away.

This is in line with Young Master Luo's style of doing things.

In the next few days, Luo Tian walked out of Ling Tian's secret realm, and then took the teleportation array without stopping, and returned to Qin City again.

In the building outside the building.

Luo Tianduan was sitting in a small living room, sitting with a big horse and a golden knife, drinking tea with a calm face, and the breath was lingering around him, the rules of the whole small living room were vaguely reversed.

"This senior."

Soon, three brocade-clothed old men walked into the living room from the outside. Judging by the aura around them, they were also Taiyi Jinxian powerhouses.

"Oh, there is news again?"

Luo Tian raised his eyelids slightly, and asked lightly.

"Senior, I'm sorry, we only got information about the person you're looking for 30 years ago." The old man in the lead was tall, with silver hair and a ruddy complexion, but at the moment he was a little trembling, he had just stepped into the Taiyi Golden Immortal In the mid-term, facing such a big man like Luo Tian who almost stepped into the holy fairyland, he was still a little terrified.

"Oh, since that's the case, bring the news." Luo Tian frowned slightly.

The tall old man respectfully handed over the jade slip.

With a wave of Luo Tian's hand, he directly took the jade slip into his hand, quickly scanned it with his spiritual sense, and then took out three first-order spiritual veins and handed them over.

"Senior, there is a rule in my building outside the building. If the requirements of the guests are not fully fulfilled, the reward will be reduced accordingly. As long as two are enough, please take back the extra." The tall old man hurriedly said respectfully.

Although Lou Wai Lou said that he was not afraid of anyone making troubles, but a strong man of Luo Tian's level was rarely seen on weekdays, so he naturally wanted to treat him as a guest of honor and show his favor.

"No need, since I took it out, there is no reason to take it back." Luo Tian said lightly, "Why don't I use the remaining spiritual vein to exchange for the position of Luo Jiazong."

"That's fine." The tall old man quickly nodded in response, turned around and gave orders, and after a while, someone came with a jade slip.

Luo Tian took the jade slip, and then left in a flash.

"This person's aura is so powerful, it's no less than an ordinary Saint Immortal powerhouse!"

"Perhaps this person is not necessarily the holy son of a superpower."

"List this person as a VIP in the building outside my building, and sell favors to him."


Luo Tian stepped out of the building in a flash, and then took the teleportation array with the longest teleportation distance and left directly.

Mother, if anything goes wrong with you, I will definitely let the entire Luojia sect be buried with you!

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