
Chapter 878

Departing from Qincheng in the Black Prison State, he rushed directly to Huoluo State where three or four large states were gathered. Even if Luo Tian was on the road without interruption, it was impossible to arrive in a short time.


In the Ice and Snow State of the Northern Immortal Realm, which is half a state away from Huoluo State, is Futian City.

Luo Tian, ​​who was dressed in white, walked out of the teleportation array Shi Shiran, and then stopped for a while, then directly entered the teleportation array next to him, and teleported directly to Pucheng at the junction of Ice Snow State and Huo Luo State.

"After driving non-stop for a month, I almost reached Huoluo State just now."

Luo Tian's face remained unchanged, and he sighed secretly in his heart, "It seems that we need to break through to the Holy Immortal Realm as soon as possible, and then we can naturally move the space. If there are enough spiritual veins on the body, it should be faster than taking the teleportation array."

The two major signs of a holy immortal are the birth of a divine appearance and the movement of space.Not every holy immortal has the divine and profound method, but moving the space is the core criterion for judging whether it is a holy immortal.

Even if some Taiyi Golden Immortals are stronger than Saint Immortals and cannot move space, they cannot be called Saint Immortals.In the fairy world, it was once rumored that the talented Taiyi Golden Immortal defeated the Holy Immortal, but the Taiyi Golden Immortal could never kill the Holy Immortal. It is only necessary to suppress and seal one side of time and space.

Luo Tian's combat strength at this moment has reached the point where it is comparable to a saint. Even if he plans carefully and uses the black evil thunder on his body reasonably, the saint may fall if he doesn't notice.

"According to the information in Louwailou, there should be no saints in the Luojia Sect." Luo Tian thought in his mind, "But I can't believe it completely. If you believe it completely, you may need to suffer a big loss when the time comes."

No one will expose all the hole cards to the world.

Seeing that Huoluo State was right in front of him, Luo Tian's heart was extremely calm, and he couldn't stop calculating and rehearsing in his heart. Countless possibilities were in his calculations.

After resting in Pucheng for two days, Luo Tian embarked on the journey again.

Fire Luo State.

After Luo Tian arrived in Huoluo State, he immediately went to the building outside the building.

At this time, there was already information about Han Yi, a major client and VIP, on the information and intelligence network of the building outside the building. It took only a moment, and the senior management of the building outside the building greeted him in person, and then fully presented the information about Luo Jiazong in the secret room. superior.

"This Luo Jia sect hides quite far away."

After Luo Tian read the news, he left the building outside the building, and then stepped into the teleportation array.

"The root of the Luojia Sect is located at the junction of Huo Luo State and Ice Snow State. There is no teleportation array nearby, so we have to rely on ourselves to fly there."

Luo Tian sneered again and again, "It seems that this Luo Jiazong has done too many bad things, or he is too cautious."

Absolute Light City is the border city between Huo Luo State and Ice Snow State in the Northern Immortal Realm. It belongs to Huo Luo State. It is rumored that there is a holy immortal sitting in the city. This holy immortal is not weak, but a rank six golden immortal.

Speaking of which, Huoluo State can serve as an important buffer area connecting the northern and southern fairylands. In the final analysis, it is because there is an ancient Huoluo Immortal Lord sitting in Huoluo State. Staying in the region, the strength of the northern and southern fairylands is not much different, and no one dares to offend this lone fairy. If it becomes lively and joins the hostile camp, it will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, this also caused Huoluo State to have a somewhat detached position.

In Absolute Light City.

Inside a beautiful and huge palace, a bald man suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, and said with a faint smile, "It's finally here, Mr. Huo Luo Xianjun's calculations are really amazing."

At this moment, Luo Tian was pretending to be an ordinary golden fairy and wandering in Jueguang City, when suddenly a clear and clear laughter came from his ear, "Is it such a pleasure to have friends coming from afar?"

"Your Excellency?" Luo Tian frowned. He just stepped into Absolute Light City, and he didn't show any aura at all. How could he be discovered?

"Lord Huoluo Xianjun's Absolute Light Saint Immortal, I also invite fellow Taoists to come and talk about it."

"Location." Luo Tian said without hesitation.

After a while, Luo Tian descended directly on the City Lord's Mansion of Jueguang City like a transparent light, and then saw the Jueguang Shengxian exuding a strong and domineering aura.

The head of the Holy Immortal Absolute Light was as light as if not even a blade of grass grew, and he wore a black and white patterned loose robe, and looked at Luo Tian with a smile on his face, "Fellow Daoist Han, please sit down."

"Hehe, I've seen the Holy Immortal of Absolute Light. I wonder how your Excellency heard about Han?" Luo Tian sat down firmly, looking directly at the Holy Immortal of Absolute Light.

"Fellow Daoist Han deserves to be what Master Huo Luo Xianjun said. He is half a step of the cultivation of a saint, but his strength is comparable to that of a saint." After a while, the saint of Jueguang smiled faintly and praised him sincerely.

"It's really Huo Luo Xianjun who praised you." Luo Tian couldn't help laughing, "Han doesn't deserve such a compliment."

"Forget it, let's not mention this." The Jueguang Shengxian waved his hand and poured Luo Tian a glass of fine wine himself, "The information about Fellow Daoist Han was delivered by Master Huoluo Xianjun, otherwise, with the strength of this seat, there is no such thing. ability."

Ever since Luo Tian entered Absolute Light City, he felt that everything, including himself, seemed to be known in advance, which was incredible.To know that he tried his best to hide his aura, even the great figures of Xianjun had to suppress and block one space-time world in order to find himself out one by one.

"Fellow Daoist, don't be confused. Lord Huoluo Xianjun has no malicious intentions. Of course, this seat obeys the will of Lord Huoluo Xianjun." Jueguang Shengxian said slowly, "It is really Lord Huoluo Xianjun who called for fellow Taoists to come here this time. Entrusted."

"Oh?" Luo Tian was taken aback for a moment, "Han has never met Master Huo Luo Xianjun before."

"It doesn't matter." Absolutely the Holy Immortal didn't want to say anything more, so he flipped his hands over, and a jade slip appeared in his palm, and then handed it to Luo Tian, ​​"Master Huo Luo ordered me to hand over this jade slip to you, It's mission accomplished."

Luo Tian took the jade slip dubiously, but felt an extremely tyrannical aura coming from the jade slip.

Immortal breath!

Luo Tian has spent many years with the robber Xianjun, and he still can't recognize the Xianjun's aura.

After reading the information in the jade slip, the jade slip turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared.

"Then the Luojia sect has a mysterious origin? Even Lord Huo Luo couldn't find out the true origin? Also, why did Lord Huo Luo sell me such a great favor?"

For a moment, countless thoughts swirled in Luo Tian's mind, all of which were clueless and intertwined.

At least, Luo Tian has already lost his composure.If the news is true, then the Luojia sect is likely to be a big fire pit, a big trap.If it is deeply involved, the cause and effect are quite difficult to resolve.

Who cares, for the sake of mother, you must go and see for yourself!

Luo Tian quickly made up his mind.

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