
Chapter 879 Whereabouts, why do you regret the first battle?

In the end, Luo Tian finally lived in the City Lord's Mansion for two days after being repeatedly persuaded by the Holy Immortal Jue Guang.

During these two days, apart from exchanging a few hands with Luo Tian, ​​Shengxian Jueguang has always looked like a wild crane, drinking and having fun all day long.

Really great!

There was a sense of fear and admiration deep in the eyes of the Holy Immortal Jueguang. He is indeed a rising star that Lord Huoluo is very optimistic about. Di Shengsheng held back his name, who was only half a step away from stepping into the rank seven Golden Immortal, that is, the attack of a strong man in the late stage of the Holy Immortal.

Peerless genius, evildoer!

Luo Tian also had a very high opinion of the Holy Immortal of Jueguang in his heart. Although he did not reveal his full strength, he still displayed [-]% of his strength, and he was almost unable to withstand the three moves of the Holy Immortal of Jueguang.In the final analysis, the speed of the Supreme Immortal Absolute Light is too fast and the attack is too strong!

Moreover, Luo Tian could vaguely feel that there was a trace of a powerful primordial spirit on the body of Jueguang Shengxian, which should be the primordial spirit's defense fairy treasure, and its rank was at least the late stage of the holy rank.

"If I fight with all my strength, I am afraid that the Absolute Light Saint Immortal can use that fairy treasure to resist my two or three strikes from the Quansheng Yuanshen!"

Luo Tian didn't dare to underestimate the Holy Immortal of Absolute Light at all, and he knew in his heart that this Immortal of Absolute Light is probably an extremely difficult existence among the holy immortals, and no one under half-step immortals can easily kill him he.

Of course, it is undeniable that Jueguang Shengxian is powerful, but it is almost impossible for him to kill Luo Tian.

"I am not yet the opponent of the Absolute Light Saint Immortal, his background is too strong."

When Luo Tian left Absolute Light City, he thought so, but instead of feeling discouraged, he was full of fighting spirit.

"I can't break through to the Saint Immortal for the time being, but once I break through to the Saint Immortal, I can defeat and kill all but the half-step Immortal Lord!"

Luo Tian is naturally very clear about his own understanding. He has now reached a delicate balance in cultivation base, primordial spirit and immortal treasure, and is still making progress, with unlimited potential. Once promoted to Saint Immortal, it will definitely be Qualitative change, absolutely reborn again!

In fact, what made Luo Tian so confident was his fighting power.

The power of the fairy king!

Thirty times the combat power!

Swallow the sky seal method!

call out!

After leaving Absolute Light City, Luo Tian made a little identification of the direction, and then flew directly into the void.

In the void, Luo Tian stepped on a black lotus flower, which was completely transformed by the law of swallowing the sky. He stood with his hands behind his back and stared into the distance.

"Where the Luojia sect is located, the law fluctuates a bit strangely."

After a long time, Luo Tian withdrew his Sky-Tuning Eye and thought to himself.

In this way, Luo Tian flew cautiously for half a day, and finally entered the area of ​​Luojia Sect, and the law of swallowing the sky lingered around him, adapting to all laws.

"There is no prohibition circle?"

What surprised Luo Tian was that outside the huge Luo Jia sect, there was no prohibition circle, which made people secretly suspicious.


Suddenly, the cloud and mist in front of it separated towards the two sides by itself, and a ray of light flew out from it.

"He is an invincible and powerful Xuanxian."

Luo Tian's primordial spirit swept across his consciousness without any concealment.

"who is it?"

But when he saw the man's complexion changed drastically, he shouted in a low voice, and then boundless darkness suddenly appeared in the void where he was, and countless dark water waves invaded boundlessly, engulfing him in an instant.

"Bold!..." The invincible Xuanxian yelled, and a piece of armor flew out of the Tianling Gai immediately, and put it on his body.

"Yuqing lost the sky!"

An illusory figure appeared in the endless dark black water waves, and then the figure murmured softly, but without seeing him make any gestures, the sacred treasure armor on the body of the invincible mysterious and invincible man was torn apart, and then as if Tofu is generally beaten to pieces by invisible forces.


Then, the eyes of the mysterious and invincible strong man suddenly dimmed, and turned into flying ash after a while, and the space with him opened directly.

All the illusions faded instantly, and Luo Tianlai in white robe appeared.

Luo Tian smiled coldly, and with a wave of his sleeve, he collected everything in the other party's personal space, and transformed into the other party's appearance.

Variety Fairy Pocket!

Luo Tian possesses the ever-changing fairy pocket that can easily change his appearance, and its power is incomparably miraculous. At least it seems that the Holy Immortal Absolute Light has not seen Luo Tian's true appearance.It can be seen how ghosts and gods are changing in the Variety Immortal Dou.

Afterwards, Luo Tian swaggered directly in the void towards the gate of the Luojia Sect.

"something wrong!"

Luo Tian had just landed in the Luojia Sect, and he felt something unusual in the Luojia Sect.

The law fluctuation here is very strange!

Luo Tian used the high-level secret method of Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong to completely refine the opponent just now, and what he obtained was nothing more than all the memory of the opponent. Now, after searching the memory for a long time, there is no record about the fluctuation of Luojia sect law.

According to the other party's memory, Luo Tian soon arrived in a small courtyard, played spells one after another, and entered the small courtyard smoothly.

Along the way, Luo Tian met a few mysterious immortals who were in a hurry. They seemed to turn a blind eye when they saw Luo Tian, ​​and flew past without even saying hello.

"The jade tablet that records the information of the disciples in the sect is in the Yuanxiang Building."

Luo Tian stayed for half a day, and after fully adapting to the fluctuations of the law here, he finally got up and walked towards the Yuanxiang Tower of the Luojia Sect.

"Zhang Lin, why are you here? Didn't you go to the mission?"

The Yuanxiang Building was very empty, only an old man with a stooped figure asked blankly.

"Suddenly remembered that this mission requires the help of other colleagues, so I came here to check the information." Luo Tian said calmly.

"Come here." The old man took out something from behind without doubting him.


The rickety old man's face disappeared in a flash of panic.

Luo Tian waved his hand and said with a faint smile, "I'm tired of playing tricks like you."

What floated in front of Luo Tian was a consumable immortal treasure with a violent aura, so it was naturally not an information jade token. "

"We need to speed up, the Luojia Sect's strongest will probably rush over soon."

Luo Tian hastily diffused his soul consciousness without reservation, directly wrapped the entire Yuanxiang Building, and began to quickly search for the information jade tablet.

Soon, the message jade tablet was found by Luo Tian, ​​and after his spiritual consciousness penetrated into it, he frowned very quickly.

Zhou Qing, has been selected!

There are only these six characters, what do they mean!

Luo Tian's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and he roared angrily. With him as the center, there was a gust of sword energy in all directions, and most of the entire Yuanxiang Tower collapsed directly.

"Luojia Sect, originally thought that if you found out your mother's whereabouts and took it back, the account would be forgotten. Since you have acted so without merit, then don't blame me for killing me!"

"Where do the thieves dare to trespass on our Luojia sect? Since they are here, stay here!"

Holy Immortal Powerhouse!

"Even the Holy Immortal, my young master is not afraid!" Luo Tian's face was ferocious, "For the sake of mother, why would you hesitate to fight!"

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