
Chapter 880 Invincible Defense!

This time, it was rare for Luo Tian to get really angry, and the anger in his heart was so high that he was almost insane.

"Open it for me!"

Afterwards, Luo Tian let out a loud roar, and countless black hands immediately emerged from his body, soaring straight into the sky, shattering most of the roof of the Yuanxiang Tower, and then disappearing into the depths of the sky.

"Looks like the Luojia sect still has saints in charge."

Luo Tian's expression remained unchanged, he flipped his palms over, and immediately held the Thunder Extinguishing Gun in his hands, stomped his feet forcefully, and then unleashed the miraculous teleportation ability that shrunk the ground to inches.


As Luo Tian moved away, the entire Yuanxiang Building seemed to have experienced a volcanic eruption and an earthquake. After a loud noise, the whole body trembled several times, and finally annihilated and crumbled. destroy.

"Destroy my Luojia Sect's Yuanxiang Tower, even if you are extraordinary, I can't keep you!" In the void, an angry voice yelled violently, and immediately wisps of golden light came from the void across time and space, and soon condensed into a building. The shining golden arch bridge, the golden bridge was directly suppressed when it circled slightly, and directly smashed Luo Tian's big black hand.

At this time, several invisible sword qi suddenly appeared in the void, and directly hit the golden bridge, forcing the golden bridge back thousands of feet.

Luo Tian, ​​who was holding the Lightning Extinguishing Gun, slowly appeared in the void, with a fighting spirit.

"This seat is supposed to be a strong holy fairy coming here. It turns out that it is just a little guy with a half-step holy fairy."

A cold snort was heard, the sky rose high, and a pale golden radiance suddenly fell. This pale golden radiance actually contained a space. In the depths of the space, a bone-clothed old man sat firmly , with a cold smile on his face.

"What's wrong with the half-step saint? It's enough to deal with you old man." Luo Tian laughed loudly, and his voice resounded throughout the Luojia sect. The thunder light disappeared in a flash, and landed directly on the buildings in the Luojia Sect.

Even though the buildings in the Luojia Sect were shrouded in strange laws that Luo Tian couldn't figure out, they were too rare to withstand Luo Tian's angry blow. Countless buildings exploded like blooming flowers. Everyone in the Luojia sect has lost their body and spirit.

"court death!"

The old man in sackcloth is the real leader of the Luojia Sect, the Luojia Saint Immortal.However, two rays of light suddenly appeared in the long and narrow eyes of Shengxian Luojia, and then countless chaotic golden lights slowly appeared behind him, intertwined and intertwined, and finally condensed into a phantom of a golden bridge thousands of feet tall.

Mysterious gods!

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, his heart vigilant, and immediately he secretly cast tens of thousands of seals to protect the void around him, with hundreds of layers of defense.Then Luo Tian continued to take out an array flag from the portable space, directly extracted five first-order spiritual veins from the inner world and injected them into the array flag, laying down a shocking array.

Sure enough, as soon as the Divine Profound Appearance appeared, the laws of space around Luo Tian became chaotic, as if he had fallen into a bottomless quagmire, and then huge golden hammers the size of hills fell out of thin air.

Surprised in Luo Tian's heart, he stretched out his hand, and black lotus flowers condensed with sword energy densely covered the sky, unexpectedly broke free from the opponent's Saint Immortal Domain, and met the countless huge golden hammers.

Bang bang bang!

Countless golden hammers and black lotus flowers died together, which turned out to be an evenly divided situation.

"This is impossible!"

Saint Luojia's complexion changed slightly. He had already displayed the divine form and set up the Saint Immortal Realm. In the Saint Immortal Realm, the immortals under the Saint Immortal would be weakened by at least three times regardless of their mana cultivation or Taoism. Forty percent, it is impossible to be his opponent!

"This man's magical power is extremely powerful, he must be a peerless genius!" Shengxian Luojia secretly thought in his heart, but immediately his Dao heart was as stable as a mountain, "What about a peerless genius? Pay the price!"

Thinking of this, the phantom of the golden bridge behind Shengxian Luojia trembled, and it flew out in the air, wanting to directly suppress Luo Tian to death in the air!

"Forty times the combat power!"

"The power of the immortal king!"

"Yin Yang seal!"

"Seal the Immortal Seal!"

Luo Tian's pupils contracted violently. He had already felt the opponent's undisguised killing intent at this moment. He immediately burned countless first-level spiritual veins, and then fired several magic formulas. He almost fought with all his strength. Along with the Seal of Immortal Seal, he attacked from afar at the location of Saint Luo Jia.

clap clap clap!

Waves of pressure like mountains and seas suddenly approached him, and most of Luo Tian's defenses were immediately destroyed, and Luo Tian's figure was knocked back by more than ten thousand feet. It's just that the disorder of qi and blood damaged less than one ten-thousandth of his physical body.

"What! This little guy actually resisted the suppression of my gods and mystics!" Shengxian Luojia's complexion changed. You must know that his cultivation level is not weaker than that of the Holy Immortal Jueguang, but the Holy Immortal Jueguang has fire. I am no match for the Dao Grade Immortal Treasure that combines offense and defense given by Lord Luo Xianjun just now, but this little guy in front of me is only a half-step Saint Immortal!

A half-step saint can actually fight against a mid-level saint like himself!

Speaking out, I'm afraid it can scare people to death.

Soon, Luo Tian was surrounded by light, and the damaged body and soul were quickly repaired under the nourishment of Tuntian spiritual energy.

Fight against the middle-level saints without losing the wind!

Luo Tian was extremely pleasantly surprised. Even though his attack power was not as good as the opponent's, his defense power was much stronger than the opponent's!

Invincible defense!

That's afraid of a ball!

"Death to this seat, die!" Shengxian Luojia was obviously a little crazy, and almost started to attack with all his strength, but every time he shot, he could only repel or even defeat the opponent, but he couldn't kill the opponent at all.

Luo Tian was a little shameful, at first he knew how to carry a few times with Luo Jia Shengxian, and then he flew directly down to the sky, flying around in the low altitude of Luo Jiazong, and when he saw a living person, he killed them easily. Don't hold back.

"Space shift!"

Luojia's holy spirit is that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and they are about to die in nirvana. For such a headache guy who can only be defeated but not killed, he can't consume it, otherwise the Luojia sect will die soon. Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing to be slaughtered by Luo Tian, ​​and he would be the only commander left?


The Luojia Saint Immortal directly carried the space teleportation, and then collected the remaining immortals of the Luojia Sect into his world, and began to chase and kill Luo Tian.


Luo Tian finally dodged inadvertently, and was directly blown away by the Luojia saint, but soon rushed forward alive and well, like an unbeatable xiaoqiang.


Luo Tian yelled in his heart, "Master is not your opponent in terms of attack, but he is far superior to you in defense. As long as you don't have Dao Grade Immortal Treasure, it will be difficult to hurt Master's root at all!"

Invincible defense itself is equal to being invincible.

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