
Chapter 881: Home, Primordial Secret Realm

"Holy Immortal Luojia, get out of here!"

In the darkness of night, Luo Tian volleyed in the air above the Luo Jiazong holding the Thunderbolt Extinguishing Gun and shouted loudly.

The entire Luojia sect was lifeless, there was no vitality at all, no one was there, and no one paid attention to Luo Tian, ​​a crazy guy.

It was already the tenth day of the fierce battle with Luojia Shengxian. Luojia Shengxian couldn't do anything to Luotian, and he couldn't kill him, so he moved the space and hid in the turbulent void.

The Jueguang City, which is not too far away from the Luojia Sect, has already become a sensation. Recently, a peerless genius approached the Luojia Sect, and even the Luojia Saint Immortal couldn't do anything about it. Moreover, this peerless genius was obviously a lunatic, so he started fighting Desperately, means emerge in endlessly.

"As expected of the evildoer that Huo Luo Xianjun lord favors!"

In the Jueguang City, the Jueguang Saint Immortal smiled, shook his head with a chuckle, and sighed, "With the strength he has shown, even if I push the Dao Grade Immortal Treasure, I'm afraid I can't really kill him. Anyone who faces such a freak will have a headache."

Luo Tian has many spiritual veins in his body now, but unfortunately he can't do anything to Luojia Saint Immortal, there is no way, he is a Saint Immortal, the speed of moving space is much faster than Zhitian's wings, the other party wants to leave, and he can't keep it .

And Luo Tian was very angry in his heart. He didn't get any news about his mother who came to ask for this time, but only got a weird message that he had been selected, which really made him very angry.

"Damn it, continue to be a coward, right? Look at the young master who destroyed your Luojia sect!"

The thunder-killing gun in Luo Tian's hand trembled slightly, and countless thunderbolts poured down from the sky like waterfalls and rivers, and fell on the ancient buildings of Luo Jiazong one after another.


Bang bang bang!

In just half a day, the entire Luojia Sect was reduced to ruins.

"Still coming out? Can you bear it so much?" Luo Tian was stunned, "If my orthodoxy is destroyed, I will definitely fight the other party desperately, but the other party still remains silent!"

Luo Tian was speechless, the other party was determined to be a coward, and there was nothing he could do.

Another two days passed.

On this day, countless fiery red clouds and smoke in the void condensed and appeared in the depths of the sky, and after that, a human face that was tens of thousands of feet high appeared in the sky.

"Han Yi, don't delay too much, someone has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Senior is..." Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically, and he suddenly realized that the space around him seemed to have been completely out of his control, and he couldn't even move it.

Suppress one side of time and space!

Xianjun big shot!

"Hehe, don't ask too many questions, just go." After the majestic voice finished speaking, a fiery red beam of light suddenly fell from the sky, directly enveloping Luo Tian, ​​and then directly moved the space.

"Master hasn't agreed yet!" Luo Tian roared angrily in his heart, but all of this was useless in front of a great gentleman.


In just a few breaths, Luo Tian appeared in a courtyard in a daze, fell directly from mid-air, and fell firmly to the ground.

"Immortal Cloud Sword, the person has been delivered."

"The obscene fairy?" Luo Tian lay face down on the ground, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then quickly got up, "No, the 36 plan is the best plan, just out of the tiger's den, don't go into the wolf's den again!"


Luo Tian went straight through the air, and then directly bumped into a soft invisible barrier.

"Forty times the battle..." Luo Tian was shocked and wanted to use his strongest combat power to break through the void.

"Get off, old man!"

At this time, a very familiar voice of laughter and cursing sounded from Luo Tian's ears, and then Luo Tian was knocked out of the air by a voice, and fell to the ground again.

"Old man Luo?" Luo Tiangulu jumped up from the ground and turned around quickly.

Who is the kind old guy with a big smile on his face if not Luo Yun?

"Wait!" Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically, "You have achieved the position of Immortal Monarch?!"

"What? The old man became a fairy, you seem very unhappy and unwilling?" Luo Yun said with a smile.

"Then why did you take the name of a lewd fairy, this is really..."


Luo Tian flew out without warning, and fell to the ground.

"Since you didn't hear clearly, the old man has to teach you a lesson." Luo Yun said with a faint smile, hands behind his back.

"Listen clearly!" Luo Tian hastily raised his hand in surrender, the old guy couldn't take jokes more and more, it was boring.

"Grandpa Luo Tian!"

At this time, a petite figure flashed out from the room, and looked towards Luo Tian with surprise on his face. It was the slim Feng Hui who had already emerged.

"Xuanxian mid-stage realm!"

Luo Tian was immediately dumbfounded, and even forgot about the phrase "Grandpa Luo Tian". It's only been a few hundred years since I last saw Feng Hui, and Feng Hui has grown to such an extent!

"I said old man Luo, even if Hui'er is a good seedling, you don't have to push the seedlings to encourage them?" Luo Tian said with a wry smile, "This will really be detrimental to her future growth."

"Who said that the old man is pulling out the seedlings?" Luo Yun said with a smile that was not a smile, "Hui'er has cultivated to this point with her own hard work, and the old man has never helped her improve her cultivation."

"Monster, peerless monster, almost catching up with me!" Luo Tian howled up to the sky.

"Speaking of which, you are better than Huier by a factor or two. It has only been a few thousand years, and you have cultivated to the level of a half-step saint." Luo Yun laughed and said, "This time the battle between the two worlds, some people have seen it." .”

Luo Tian chuckled, but didn't speak.

"Do you want to break through to the Saint Immortal Realm?" Luo Yun suddenly asked with a smile.

"I don't think that's a fool." Luo Tian rolled his eyes. Although Luo Yun has now broken through to the Immortal Monarch, in Luo Tian's heart, he is still the old man who is disrespectful and has never changed.

"Then hurry up and get the old man to the Primordial Secret Realm!"


Lingyun Starfield, Lingyun Star, Manshen Mansion.

Tang Yan's hair was in a high bun at the moment, and she looked like a married woman, but it did not conceal her beautiful appearance, which added a bit of charm to her.

At this moment, Tang Yan was looking at a little boy jumping up and down in the courtyard with a smile on his face, his face was full of tenderness.

"Yanyan, is this little guy our son?"

Suddenly, a slightly trembling voice rang in Tang Yan's ear, Tang Yan's tender body trembled immediately, and then he smiled wryly, "It seems that I miss my husband too much, how could he appear here?"

"Why is it impossible?" Another voice came, and then Tang Yan turned around suddenly, and saw a smiling and handsome young man in white.

"Ah! Husband!"

Tang Yan threw a suckling swallow into the forest and threw it directly into Luo Tian's arms.

"Husband, that is our son. He is very talented, but he has cultivated to the early stage of Xuanxian in only a few hundred years."

"Where did he get the cultivation technique?" Luo Tian couldn't help but asked in amazement.

"A senior named Luo Yun taught it."

"I am grass."

Next, Luo Tian directly gave Tang Yan and their son, Luo Tang, the Five Thunder Hammer and other holy treasures.

The name, of course, was chosen by Luo Tian a long time ago.

Afterwards, Luo Tian saw that Yuqing Yuan Shixuan Gong was passed on to Tang Yan and Luo Tang, and others such as the seven moves of splitting the sky and the true solution of Tianhe were passed on to them without hesitation.Another two top-level Wangpin spirit veins were left behind.

As for the ten golden immortals guarding Manshen's Mansion, Luo Tian also bestowed a holy treasure to each of them.

After all, Luo Tian had indeed harvested a lot of sacred treasures in the ancient cave.

Then, after spending a few days with Tang Yan, Luo Tian left again under Tang Yan's reluctant eyes.

This time, the place Luo Tian was going to was the Primordial Secret Realm.According to the fact that Luo Tian has been outside for almost 600 years, Luo Tian can still stay in the original secret realm for 600 years.

The six hundred peerless geniuses who entered the primordial secret realm first stayed in the primordial secret realm for 200 years.

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