
Chapter 882

The Primordial Secret Realm is a buffer area between Tianwang State and Xuanhuang State in the Southern Immortal Realm. This area is known as one of the few innate secret realms in the entire Immortal Realm under the Hunyuan Domain and the Nether Sea.What is the so-called innate secret realm?The Innate Secret Realm is a magical region where the era changes, the universe is shattered, and the cycle of reincarnation is always unshakable and unaffected. Most of the most precious treasures in the fairy world are born from the Innate Secret Realm.

Needless to say, Hunyuan Domain and Nether Sea, these two areas are extremely dangerous, and there are many supreme treasures in them, but they are extremely difficult to obtain.Especially the Nether Sea, there is no sign to follow at all, there is no guarantee of life after entering, and death will undoubtedly occur in danger.The Hunyuan domain is much better, at least with the body protection of Tianyi Shenshui, it can save life.

Therefore, the Hunyuan Domain is much bigger and louder than the Nether Sea.

Luo Tian set off from Jinzhou, and naturally took the most powerful space-time channel teleportation array.This kind of teleportation array is usually built by the joint efforts of digital immortals, and it needs to be repaired and refurbished every billion years to avoid accidents.

In the event of an accident in the time-space channel teleportation array, it is generally difficult to survive.

Luo Tian had to pay the price of three first-order spiritual veins to travel from Jinzhou Governor's Mansion to Xuanhuangzhou, which is a little closer, which shows how far the teleportation distance is.

one year later.

Luo Tian finally appeared in Xuanhuangzhou Governor's Mansion, and walked out of it refreshed, and stepped into the building outside the building again.First, continue to investigate the situation of the Luojia Sect in Huoluo State through the vast and dense information network outside the building, and then Luo Tian bought a map leading to the original secret place, and started on the road again.

Xuanhuangzhou Governor's Mansion is not too close to the original secret realm. Since the original secret realm is in a relatively remote place, Luo Tian can't directly deviate from the orbit of the star domain space and take shortcuts. Generally, there are shortcuts, but there are no space coordinates. In an unknown area, the possibility of falling is as high as [-] to [-]%.


Primordial mystery.

Whether it’s big or small, it’s a magical space. The aura in this space is so abundant that it can scare people to death. Most of it is innate energy. Chaos power.

The primordial force of chaos is the purest elemental force of heaven and earth in the entire fairy world.It is countless times stronger than the innate energy. It is said that countless epochs ago, when the holy immortals walked all over the place, there were as many immortal kings as dogs, and there were also many immortal kings.It was because the power of chaos was scattered everywhere in the fairy world at that time.It is not easy to absorb the chaotic energy, but it is of great benefit to the growth of the cultivation base. If you have enough chaotic energy, you will have no problem breaking through to the immortal.

In today's fairy world, let alone a fairy king, even if he is a holy fairy, there is enough to become a high-ranking overlord there.

Looking down from the sky, the vast primitive secret realm has a radius of billions of miles, most of which are wilderness forests and high mountain boulders, and the most central area is shrouded in several layers of light. The area here is not large, only a few million Inside, it is divided into six regions by Jingguang Xiacai.In these six regions, there are many ancient buildings, birds, ponds, fish, immortals, grasses and flowers, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.However, these six areas are clearly separated, and there are tens of thousands of layers of prohibition circles blocking them. It is almost impossible to enter the other areas.

The six regions almost present a huge oval shape.

Except for the six major regions, there are fierce beasts and monsters everywhere, all of them are extremely tyrannical, with monstrous arrogance soaring to the sky, coming out of the mountains, from the dense forests, and from the deep sea, as long as anyone who comes out of the six major regions The strong are all their targets.

During the Genius Battle in the Southern Immortal Realm, a total of 600 people entered the original secret realm in the six battlefields.Of course, it is impossible for there to be so few powerhouses in the Primordial Secret Realm.At the beginning, many peerless geniuses and evildoers did not participate in the genius battle precisely because they were recommended by the major forces early in the morning, and they could enter the primitive secret realm to practice without participating in the genius battle. It can be said that most of the peerless geniuses and monstrous freaks in the Southern Immortal Realm are several levels higher than Genius War.

In the original secret realm, it is the battlefield where all the strong show their talents and achieve great fame!

Therefore, there are as many as hundreds of thousands of rising stars in the fairy world who entered the original secret realm this time.Among them, there are powerful characters who have already broken through to the holy immortals and evildoers among the evildoers!

At this moment, at the highest point of the primordial secret realm, a ray of extremely weak black light suddenly appeared, and then that black light came directly from the depths of the sky, and landed on the sky above a wide black ocean.

The black light slowly receded, and a confused white-clothed boy appeared. The white-clothed boy's complexion was extremely ordinary. It was Luo Tian who almost didn't even recognize himself with the ever-changing fairy pocket.

Luo Tian quietly suspended in mid-air, flipping his palm, the original token appeared directly in front of him, and then a three-dimensional picture was immediately constructed on the original token, which was exactly the geographical distribution of the entire original secret realm, among which There are also six regions.

After a long time, Luo Tian took back the original token, frowned slightly and said, "This place is quite close to the first area, and the farthest from the sixth area where I should go. It's really annoying. This original token is too deceitful. How did you send me here?"

According to the original token, if you stay in the area you are in and don't go out, there is no danger.But once they leave the area, they will be attacked by fierce beasts and monsters in the original secret realm, and may even be attacked and killed by the strong in the other five areas.

"This kind of banditry happens to be my favorite." Luo Tian rubbed his nose and said with a smile, "It's good to be unrestrained, so that you don't have to worry about killing people, good thing!"

Soon, Luo Tian was the first to storm out, preparing to go around from the outside of the first area to the sixth area. This is also the most effective way, and the distance will be much longer if you walk from the other side.

Oh oh oh!

Soon, the pitch-black ocean under Luo Tian boiled, and then many strange beasts shot out from the sea, rushing towards Luo Tian with their teeth and claws open.

"court death."

Luo Tian opened his mouth and spouted, a hurricane with a distance of hundreds of miles suddenly formed, among which were the light and shadow of countless wind swords, wind knives, wind guns and other eighteen types of weapons. Because, among them there are also a few big Luo Jinxians with cultivation bases, but with Luo Tian's cultivation base, hundreds of thousands of beasts were crushed in one blow, and even the primordial spirit was swallowed by Luo Tian.

"Where are the blind human beings who dare to kill my six-legged fire fish family!"

There was a shout like thunder, and then the sea area with a radius of thousands of miles suddenly floated up, and then countless white waves burst out, and a strange beast slowly emerged from the bottom of the sea.

Taiyi Jinxian level fierce beast!

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