
Chapter 888 The old man shakes the mountain!

At this moment, Luo Tian's sinister intentions were finally fully exposed. It wasn't that he couldn't escape Brother Yuan Hui and Yuan Tong, but that the road ahead was too troublesome, so he hired two free bodyguards to protect him.Moreover, these two bodyguards are still the kind of tough characters who must do their best.


Countless clouds and mist separated by themselves towards the two sides, Luo Tian flew in the Lightning Palace extremely fast, as if the space was distorted, and he was more than ten thousand miles away in an instant.


The Liuguang Temple is just an ordinary sacred treasure, otherwise the strong sword-armed demon would not have chased him so aggressively, and then left so easily, he just couldn't swallow his injustice, it wasn't It is because the value of this fairy treasure itself is too high.

Soon, under Luo Tian's reckless urging, some damage began to appear in the Liuguang Temple, and the corners around the Liuguang Temple even began to crack and fall off.

"It seems that at this speed, this fairy treasure can reach the sixth area." Luo Tian silently calculated in his heart, and soon came to a result.

Behind him, there was a light yellow light, on which Yuan Hui stood firmly.Yuantong ran like a barbarian against the black magic pestle in the void, as if going crazy.

"who is it?!"

Luo Tian was so excited that he drove the Liuguang Hall and rushed around, attracting most of the eyes of the group of strong men who didn't know Luo Tian's details in the third area.

Of course, Luo Tian's actions made the powerhouses in the third area quite unhappy, and they all chased after Luo Tian.

Would Luo Tian be afraid of them?

What are the two powerful guards behind him for?

"Not good! It's those two sanctimonious bald heads!"

"Smelly thief bald, last time I almost scared my junior sister to tears, give me my life!"

"Don't run away, I'll come and meet you for a while!"


Soon, many powerhouses in the third area turned their attention to Yuan Hui and Yuan Tong, the two eminent monks, and fiercely attacked them.


The Yuantong Dharma is slightly inferior to Yuanhui, but his cultivation level is much higher. When he saw this, he smiled happily, "That's good, good, brother, so many wisdom roots have come here in one go, and the heart demon has fallen If all of my benefactors are converted, I am afraid that we will be able to rush into the light realm of the little Consummation Bodhisattva in one fell swoop!"

"Junior brother, you have got a picture, but this move is also because of my Buddha's mercy, and it is not vain. Donor, please stay!" That Yuan Hui was in a clear state of mind, and he still had "blue eyes" to Luo Tian, ​​and loudly declared After uttering the Buddha's name, he chased after him fiercely.

That Yuantong was suddenly surrounded by many strong men in the third area, but he laughed loudly.

Yuan Hui still followed behind Luo Tian.

"Isn't this third area too embarrassing? There's no one strong enough to compete with these two monks?"

In the void, Luo Tian flew quickly, and the Liuguang Temple had been destroyed by a full [-]% at this moment.

After flying fast for another half a day, the immortal energy in Luo Tian's body was almost exhausted, so he could only sigh lightly, and immediately burned ten first-order spiritual veins in the world in his body, and the abundant immortal energy immediately poured into Luo Tian's limbs and bones Among the muscles, bones and blood, most of the energy and spirit recovered immediately.

"Benefactor, please stop!"

Monk Yuanhui kept shouting thousands of miles behind Luo Tian, ​​and every time he shouted, Luo Tian felt as if his primordial spirit and consciousness were trapped in a cage, and countless golden giant hammers and golden giant sticks crashed down, shocking mind.

"This Buddhist sect has always been famous in the fairy world for its strong soul and strong defense. Now seeing the strong of the Buddhist sect, it is really extraordinary. But this group of bald heads who came to the original secret place without cultivation, it is really annoying to come to cross."

Luo Tian calculated and rehearsed for a while, then smiled slightly, "We can reach the sixth area in half an hour, if that's the case, then..."

"Burning Immortal Treasure!"

In the fairy world, to be able to burn holy treasures requires at least a saint cultivation, but Luo Tian can also do it relying on his incomparably tyrannical body and the immortal energy in his body.

Immediately, a layer of faint transparent flames appeared on the Liuguang Temple, like the flames of subduing demons.Then, the Liuguang Temple began to melt and dissolve, but the speed increased several times again!

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Luo Tian had already appeared in the sky above the sixth area at this moment, took a deep breath, looked at the Liuguang Temple with less than [-]% left under him, continued to burn, and flew towards the place where a strong fluctuation appeared somewhere ahead go.

About meal time.

Luo Tian slammed down on the soles of his feet, and only the Liuguang Hall on the top floor of the palace was left, which was directly shattered into ashes and scattered in all directions.

call out!

Luo Tian himself even hid directly into the void, but he was shocked!

"The space here is so tough and firm, even the technique of void assassination consumes a hundred times more immortal energy than the outside world. It's really terrifying!" Luo Tian was surprised, but at this moment he couldn't care less After thinking about it, there are two groups of people fighting in front of them. After a little sensing of the breath of the original token, it suddenly dawned on them.

No wonder he couldn't meet such a strong person in the third area, so he went to the sixth area to show off his might.

But seeing a piece of dark yellow land in front, the wind and sand were flying and rolling, carrying the incomparable power of the sky and crashing down, making shocking noises!

To Luo Tian's surprise, there were only five people in the sixth area, and two of them were breathing weakly. It seemed that they had suffered serious injuries, while the third area had more than twenty people. All of them had strong auras, and three of them were Saint Immortals!

"Damn it, the more you bully the less, do you want me to make a move?"

Luo Tian immediately cast the Sky Swallowing Spiritual Eye from the void, and looked directly through the void. Previously, he only sensed it with the original token, and couldn't see the scene at all.

Looking at it this way, Luo Tian couldn't help but look gloomy.

"Hehehe, it seems that I have to make a move this time!" A sneer appeared on Luo Tian's face, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Boom boom boom!

A halo of light swept out, a green figure blasted over, and several huge mountains crashed down in the sky.

"Ling Ruochen, do you want to pay or not?"

Above the void, a tall giant shouted loudly, surrounded by countless dust-like lights, and the phantoms of mountains appeared behind him.

Mysterious gods!

"Bah! A bunch of shameless things!"

Below, a handsome young man with an ancient map floating above his head, although traces of blood ooze from the corner of his mouth, still shouted, "The three saints have gained the upper hand against me, a half-step saint, and his mother is not too shameful." ! There is a kind of one-on-one, I will kill you!"

"Since ancient times, you have been the winner, prince and loser Kou, hehe, Ling Ruochen, I admit that you are strong, but what I want is the result."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Ling Ruochen laughed loudly, "I just want to know who and which bastard gave you the tip, otherwise it would be impossible for you in the third area to seize such a free time to surround us!"

"The outcome is already decided, so what's the use of talking more?" The giant laughed, but avoided it very cunningly. He immediately stretched out his hand and slapped it down hard, "The mountains suppress!"


Countless giant mountains suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then roared towards Ling Ruochen to suppress them.

Ling Ruochen's complexion changed, the space has been blocked and suppressed here, even if there are strong people in the sixth area who want to rush over, it may be too late!

"I'm fighting with you!" Ling Ruochen laughed wildly, "If you want me to die here, you have to be buried with me!"


An arm directly landed on Ling Ruochen's shoulder, and then Ling Ruochen's body was injected with a powerful force, and the injury recovered a little immediately.

"Xiao Chenchen, I'm not here, have you been bullied to such an extent?"

"Han Yi!"

Ling Ruochen's complexion changed, but when he turned his head, he was overjoyed, "I'm stupid! You've finally arrived, you bastard, if you come one step too late, Chen Lin and I will die here!"

"It's just a group of chickens and dogs, how dare they hurt Xiao Linzi?" Luo Tian waved his hand away, and a burst of immortal energy was injected into Chen Lin, who was seriously injured and dying, and said with a faint smile, "Xiao Linzi, they dare to hurt you. Kill them all!"


The next moment, Luo Tian stepped forward with one step, and walked slowly in the void. The countless huge mountains that fell from the sky could not invade the dark black sword energy lotus around him at all, but shattered into pieces one after another. cigarette.

"Boss Ling, who is this person?!"

Several Taiyi Jinxians behind Ling Ruochen asked quickly.

Ling Ruochen smiled excitedly, "He is Han Yi, a good brother of Chen Lin and me."

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