
Chapter 889 Hurt my brother, everyone will die!

"Fuck, don't put gold on your face, okay? Xiao Yizi is my good brother, when did he become your good brother?" Although Chen Lin was seriously injured, his face was flushed with red at the moment, as if his injuries were all over when Luo Tian came. It's all over the place.

"Hey, we don't know each other, we are also good brothers." Ling Ruochen shrugged and smiled.


"He is the No.7 of the sixth battlefield, the barbarian Han Yi!"

"This guy is really ferocious. He is qualified to enter the Primordial Secret Realm, but he has been wandering outside for 600 years. It's too fierce!"


"Hehe, it turns out that you are Han Yi, the famous barbarian god in the sixth area. Today, I will let you see the power of our third battlefield powerhouse!" He didn't take Luo Tian seriously at all.

"If you are at this level, you will fall today."

Three short sentences in Luo Tian's mouth, without saying a single word, the mountains in front of him collapsed by [-]%, and when he finished his last sentence, almost all the mountains in front of him collapsed and turned into nothingness one after another.

"Want to fight me close?" The giant and strong man laughed immediately, and the palm of a hill, with a thick khaki-yellow band of light, slapped down towards Luo Tian.

A blow from the Saint Immortal is no small matter!

The giant is already in the Saint Immortal Realm, if this blow is real, an ordinary half-step Saint Immortal would at least have to dissipate physically if he hadn't been protected by the Heaven-Defying Immortal Treasure.

There is a saying that has been passed down in thousands of lower planes, if you don't become a saint, you are all ants.

"Too weak."

Unexpectedly, such words popped out of Luo Tian's mouth, and then he saw him swipe a few times with one hand, and several peerless sword qi suddenly formed in the void, directly meeting the palm of the giant and strong man.

Chi Chi!

After a soft sound, the palm of the giant's palm was directly smashed into a khaki light band by a peerless sword energy, and then two fingers were cut off by the follow-up peerless sword energy.

"Ah! You can hurt me!"

"Qiankun Seal!"

Luo Tian let out a low drink with no expression on his face, and then directly cast the Qiankun Seal on the powerful giant.

The seal of heaven and earth turns heaven and earth into mustard seeds, and accepts the heaven and earth in Sumeru.

Luo Tian's palm lightly trembled, and the tall and powerful giant who had reached the realm of the Holy Immortal was immediately wrapped in a layer of void and mysterious law power, and was directly compressed into the size of an ordinary human.

"If you dare to hurt my brother, I will kill you with a thousand swords!"

Luo Tian yelled loudly, and countless Yuanli arms sprang out from behind him, each holding a sword light. Luo Tian opened his mouth and sprayed it, and it was a void galaxy containing countless planets.

The extremely high method transformed by the star clothes!

Countless planets immediately suppressed the giants and powerhouses, and even the primordial spirit could not move at all.

And the giant strong man with a horrified expression was swept across his body by countless sharp sword qi in an instant, and countless bones and muscles fell off his body immediately, and pale yellow blood dripped down continuously.

"You dare to kill me! I am the disciple of Immortal Yueshan! If you kill me, you will die!" The giant giant almost fainted from the pain, but he still roared angrily.

Luo Tian was expressionless, and the number of arms that were already densely packed behind him doubled again, and he cut the giant and strong man more quickly.

Will the holy fairy be delayed!

He is still a strong half-step saint!

What kind of background is this?

Not to mention that all the strong people present all changed their colors, even Ling Ruochen, who was already monstrous, smiled wryly and shook his head, "This guy is really against the sky. Master always said that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky, and today I saw it. It seems that in the 600 years in the outside world, this guy has had many adventures!"

"Why didn't you bark? Did you think that your two holy friends next to you would come to help you?" Luo Tian suddenly smiled, stood in the void, and pointed, "The two of them are just like you."

Sure enough, the two holy immortals next to him were also suppressed by Luo Tian Qiqi at some point, and were swiftly lingered by countless sword lights.


This is the only word that popped into the minds of the three saints including the giant and the strong, and nothing else.

"Han Yi, you'd better hide in the original secret realm forever, otherwise as long as you appear in the Southern Immortal Realm, you will definitely be killed!" The three giants and strong men roared in unison, and the primordial spirit almost burst and dissipated.

"I'm so fucking speechless." Luo Tian sighed helplessly, "Don't you think you are the only ones who have immortals behind you? I know that you all have the Yuanshen Jade Card, and you won't really die in the original secret realm, but... ..."

"I can kill you once, and I can kill you a second time!"


Layers of jade-like clear light shot out from between Luo Tian's brows, and these clear lights turned into beams of blurred light, which directly shot into the bodies of the three giants and strong men.

"Our primordial spirit is cultivated!"

"It was knocked down by a layer!"

"This is impossible!"

"Goodbye to the Southern Immortal Realm." Luo Tian smiled faintly, then stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. The three giants and powerhouses were instantly dissipated. trace.

"The rest, are you going to kill them yourself, or do you want me to kill you?" Luo Tian looked down at the remaining [-] strong men from the third area.

"Han Yi, don't bully people too much!"

"If you dare to kill us, you are not afraid of a war between our third region and your sixth region?"

"Kill us, and you will have no place in the Southern Immortal Realm!"


Luo Tian stood in the void, and smiled coldly, "I only give you ten breaths of time to think about it."

Whoosh whoosh!


Seeing this situation, twenty strong men from the third area immediately used their means, and they all split up and broke through the air in all directions.

"Waste of saliva."

Luo Tian shook his head lightly, and then connected his fingers with both hands, dozens of sword qi flashed in the void immediately, and shot away.

"Is Linzi all right?"

Luo Tian fell from mid-air, passed the dumbfounded Ling Ruochen and the others, and walked directly towards Chen Lin.

Chen Lin stood up reluctantly, and said with a pale face, "It doesn't matter, it will take ten and a half months to recover."

"Ruochen, do you know who did it this time?" Luo Tian smiled lightly.

Ling Ruochen immediately came to his senses, and said solemnly, "Although I'm not sure, but nine times out of ten it's that Xuanjin's fault!"

"Xuanjin Xiaoshengxian?" Luo Tian recalled, "It seems that in the sixth battlefield, he didn't teach him a deep enough lesson."

"Han Yi, don't be impulsive. Now that Xuan Jin has found a strong backer, this matter needs to be discussed in the long run." Ling Ruochen quickly persuaded.


At this time, countless sword lights suddenly appeared in the void, and there were many things supported on the sword lights, such as spiritual veins, holy treasures, beast inner pills, elixir and elixir, etc. .

With a wave of Luo Tian's hand, these things were instantly annihilated and restored to the most essential power and law. Then Luo Tian grabbed it with his big hand, filtered these power and laws with the law of swallowing the sky, and directly injected them into Chen Lin's body.

"Let's go, I'll take you to find the place." Luo Tian smiled faintly, murderous intent emerged in the depths of his eyes, "If you hurt my brother, everyone will die!"

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