
Chapter 893 Soaring to the heavens with arrogance, the bullfighting Guanggu shoots!

Barbarian Han Yi!

After this killing, Luo Tian's name became famous all over the world, at least, everyone in this primitive secret realm knew him.Moreover, since the three master masters from the sixth area came to show their favor, Luo Tian's status became even more detached, and almost anyone in the sixth area who dared to provoke Luo Tian could be counted on one hand.

The strong men who can enter the original secret realm are all young strong men with both wisdom and strength. Since childhood, they have been indoctrinated with the truth that there is no absolute enemy in the world. In the face of interests, everyone can become friends .What is interest?Luo Tian openly killed people on the spot in the sixth area of ​​the Primordial Secret Realm, and the Thunder Punishment Immortal Monarch from the Heavenly Court of the Southern Immortal Realm receded with thunder and rain, and it was clearly pointed out that Luo Tian had a great background, and the strong man behind him was almost dead. Can control the situation in the Southern Immortal Realm!This is the long-term benefit brought by Luotian!

Only fools would provoke such characters!

In particular, I heard from a group of ruthless people who had participated in the genius battle in the sixth area that once Han Yi went crazy, he could scare people to death.

No one wants to provoke a lunatic who has no bottom line, and this lunatic is extremely powerful and has a profound background.

"Let's go, we brothers haven't seen each other for a long time, let's go have a drink!"

Luo Tian laughed loudly, the desire for strength in his heart had really reached its peak, he didn't know who helped him this time to escape, but he had already said cruel words, once he was promoted to the side of the immortal king, he would go find him Immortal Lei Punishment settled accounts, and after leaving this primitive secret realm, there is no guarantee that Immortal Lei Punishment will not come to trouble him, even if he does not come to trouble him, some saints who want to please Immortal Lei Punishment will come here one after another.

Increase your strength!

Luo Tian roared madly in his heart, he must strive to achieve the status of Saint Immortal in the original secret territory. At that time, if the real Lord Lei Punishment did not come, he should have no big problem in escaping.

But now, Luo Tian needs to vent, a happy vent!

"Hahaha, it's a pity that Xiao Huang Huang and the little lunatic are not here!"

In an exquisite courtyard, Luo Tian took out dozens of altars of fine wine from his portable space, all of which were extorted from Chen Juxiong, who is good at brewing wine.

"Good wine!"


Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin were also in a wild manner at the moment, surrounded by a group of geniuses who were usually close to them.

The world is such a reality, icing on the cake can certainly win favor, but when it comes to the critical moment, the relationship won by giving charcoal in the snow will be more lasting and stable.

After drinking for three days and three nights in a row, everyone staggered from drinking, but their consciousness was still clear.

Luo Tian drank the most, and this time he would not refuse anyone who came to drink. At this moment, he was looking at the depths of the sky in a drunken state, laughing loudly, with a long sword in his hand at some point, and walked away drinking loudly. "Everyone, I feel something in my heart. I got a poem by chance, but it's vulgar. Would you like to hear me read it?"

"Just think about it!"

Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin laughed wildly, "Anyone who makes me wait is a rough person."

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and countless pictures flashed before his eyes like a horse on a horse, and the emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, joy, separation and reunion couldn't help rushing to his heart, "Listen up!"

As soon as I entered the rivers and lakes, I was ups and downs,

In the future, point to tigers and wolves crying.

I don't see the cloud sleeve thousands of Baidu,

How many pots do you drink while talking and laughing?


The next day.

Luo Tian just closed the door to thank the guests, and directly stayed in a corner near the sea in the sixth area, even Chen Lin and Ling Ruochen refused to see him.


Luo Tian's cultivation of law and soul has almost reached a bottleneck. He has reached a critical moment where he must make a breakthrough. Otherwise, if he misses this great opportunity, he may have to wait tens of millions of years.

Luo Tian knows his own background, it is much more difficult than ordinary people or even peerless geniuses to be promoted to a holy immortal, but once he enters the threshold of a holy immortal, he is very likely to be an extremely heaven-defying existence among the holy immortals!

In this retreat, Luo Tian didn't want to break through to the Saint Immortal in one go. With his profound background, unless he was supported by a lot of chaotic energy, it would be extremely difficult to advance to the Saint Immortal.

As soon as Luo Tian realized something about the aura this time, he mainly made breakthroughs from three aspects.

The Sky Swallowing Sealing Technique, Luo Tian's unique technique, has reached the fifth form, and now the sixth form has a vague outline.

Cut the three corpses!The three corpses are evil thoughts, good thoughts and oneself.Among them, Luo Tian's evil thoughts have been cut off long ago, and now it's time to cut off good thoughts.Cutting off the second corpse Shan Nian, Luo Tian is confident that even if he doesn't break through to the Saint Immortal, he can still fight against ordinary Saint Immortals in the late stage without losing.

In the end, it was the Tianhe True Solution in Luo Tian's hands.From Luo Tian's point of view, this Tianhe True Solution does not enhance combat power, but contains boundless righteousness to suppress luck. It is likely to be a book of orthodoxy that dominated an era before.This way is different from the cultivation methods in the fairy world today. Almost all the people who practice in the fairy world today are Taoist miracles, while Tianhe Zhenjie is a Confucianism and Taoism book!

The law of swallowing the sky accommodates everything in the world, and there is no exception to any rule. Even Luo Tian is confident that if the law of swallowing the sky is practiced to the extreme, it can even compete with the law of fate!

Most of the young and powerful young people in the ordinary fairy world target the fairy king, and few have the ambition to attack the fairy king. After all, the fairy king has not appeared in the fairy world for a long, long time.And Luo Tian's goal is not the Immortal Sovereign, nor the Immortal King, but the law of destiny that is above them!

Even if you can't surpass the law of destiny, you have to keep pace with him!

This is the ambition in Luo Tian's heart, the ambition that has always existed since he stepped into the fairy world!

"Go ahead!"

Luo Tian clenched his hands tightly, took a deep breath, and raised his aura to the peak. His physical body, cultivation base, primordial spirit and consciousness even reached an extremely delicate balance.

Swallow the sky seal method!

Luo Tian's eyes turned suddenly, and the two black vortexes immediately communicated with the fourth realm of the Black Lotus Space. This fourth realm is of great benefit to the primordial spirit and comprehension, otherwise the Destroyer Immortal would not have occupied it for so long in the first place.

What is goodness?

Luo Tian summed up all kinds of Profound Sky Plane and Immortal Realm, and came to a conclusion: goodness is the supreme induction of enlightenment, the head of the sky, the law that heaven, earth and people abide by, and the ultimate universe where all things are constantly thought about. The law of origin!

The sixth form and kind thoughts found something in common in an instant, complementing each other and enhancing each other.

"Finally found!"

A hundred years later, Luo Tian suddenly came to his senses, stood up with his hands behind his back, and looked at the depths of the sky. The starry sky above the sky suddenly became chaotic. It became a huge colorful vortex.

As the vortex slowly rotates, countless rays of light, rosy clouds, clouds, brilliance, smoke, etc. appear together, and sprinkle from the colorful vortex like a torrential rain. Supreme breath.

"The sixth form of the Heaven Swallowing Seal, accompanied by cutting off the corpse of good thoughts! It is called..."

Luo Tianling stood upright, as if his whole body could overturn the world and stir up the universe!

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