
Chapter 894 Seal of the Heavens, 6 times combat power!

Seals of the heavens!

With a kind smile on Luo Tian's face, he waved his hand casually and said softly, "The sixth form of the Heaven Swallowing Seal is the seal of the heavens!"

Just after finishing speaking, lawful ripples around Luo Tian's body could not stop flowing out, connecting the starry sky above the sky with the extremely dazzling colorful vortex across a long distance.

The whole colored vortex trembled endlessly, and finally split into countless space-time worlds, each forming a sky domain.

Afterwards, these celestial domains slowly gathered together, forming a colorful square print, which flew out from the starry sky deep in the sky, and rushed down, and in an instant, countless The planets were smashed into pieces, and those annihilated planets turned into surges of heaven and earth energy and poured them into the colored square seals one after another, and different laws merged into one place!

This is the heaven-defying part of the law of swallowing the sky!

Except for a few laws such as the law of fate, Luo Tian is now confident that by using the seal of the heavens, he can absorb all the laws and energy of the opponent, thereby weakening the opponent's attack to the minimum, while he is getting stronger and stronger!

This is changing!

After a while, the invincible Zhutian seal finally hit a huge black hole in the starry sky, and then slowly sank into it and disappeared.

Luo Tian sat back on the spot with a pale complexion, the incomparably tough space around him shattered, and the ground directly sank beneath him, revealing countless terrifying gullies.

After about a meal, the space around Luo Tian returned to its original state.


Luo Tian opened his mouth and spat out a bloody arrow, and his breath quickly withered away.

"Even if the second corpse is about to be beheaded and the cultivation base is greatly increased, the seal of the heavens still empties all the immortal power in his body. The power is great, but the sequelae are also huge! "

Sitting cross-legged in the air, Luo Tian immediately communicated with the world inside his body, burned several first-order spiritual veins, and began to recover his cultivation.

With a wry smile on his face, Luo Tian shook his head, and said to himself, "It should be time to cut off the second corpse. I don't know if I can easily control the seals of the heavens if I completely cut off the good thoughts."

It took Luo Tian a long time to cut off the second corpse, Shannian, and it took a full 200 years to succeed. His cultivation base has greatly increased, and the muscles, bones and blood vessels in his body have reached a level of strength that ordinary people can hardly match.Randomly pulling out a bone from Luo Tian's body can condense into a spiritual vein, which is the effect that the physical body has reached a certain extremely high level.

Next, Luo Tian resolutely attacked the third corpse. Unfortunately, in the confused world, he was constantly connected with himself. If he wanted to kill the third corpse himself, he would have to go a long way. .

"Then let's practice the true understanding of Tianhe."

In the end, Luo Tian gave up the idea of ​​beheading the third corpse. Now that he is not even a saint, it is not easy to behead the three corpses, it is even harder than ascending to heaven.Even a peerless evildoer cannot cross such a huge gap.

Even among the great figures of Xianjun, most of them did not cut off the third corpse.Cutting off the third corpse also represented the qualification to aspire to the realm of the Immortal King.

In comparison, Luo Tian was already considered a super freak.

With the cultivation base of a half-step saint, he had already cut two corpses!There are very few people who can do this in the fairy world throughout the ages.

Of course, Luo Tian also knew in his heart that he was able to cut off the second corpse in his body thanks to his life out of thin air and the magic weapon of the black lotus and its core three-night pan. first corpse.

With a wave of his hand, a misty clear light immediately diffused from Luo Tian's body. The clear light is upright but not evil, vast and magnificent, full of boundless righteousness!

Tianhe true solution!

Immortal Destroyer once said that this Tianhe True Solution is very likely to be a foreign race, that is, the supreme treasure book handed down from a certain area in the fairy world outside the North and South Immortal Realms. Once the Tianhe True Solution is cultivated to the highest level, breath alone can Subdue the opponent.

This is the strongest divine power of Confucianism and Taoism, a person with righteousness, invincible in the world!

But now Luo Tian has reached a small bottleneck in cultivating Tianhe's true solution. He himself started from cultivating Taoist classics. Even if he has comprehended the unique law of swallowing the sky in the fairy world, he usually uses Taoist exercises and supernatural powers against the enemy. The idea has long been ingrained in his mind, and it is still difficult to change it all at once.

"Fortunately, the law of swallowing heaven can swallow everything. Otherwise, if you want to cultivate the true solution of Tianhe, I am afraid that once the Taoist and Confucian breaths in your body conflict violently, your soul will be scattered immediately, and the immortal king will not be able to resurrect!"

Luo Tian's heart skipped a beat, and he remembered the admonition to destroy Xianjun, so he naturally became cautious when practicing.I'm afraid that I will get into bad luck and get into bad luck.


Time flies, and it is nearly 200 years.

Outside the gate of the courtyard where Luo Tian lived, Chen Lin and Ling Ruochen kept walking back and forth, like ants on a hot pot, very anxious.

"What the hell is Xiao Yizi doing? Why has he been in seclusion for so long?" Chen Lin frowned slightly. In the past nearly 500 years, he finally rushed to the half-step holy fairyland by virtue of his own background and family rewards.

Ling Ruochen was even more terrifying, breaking the shackles of heaven and earth and becoming a saint.It is worthy of being the peerless evildoer of Tianwang State.

In terms of his own talent and aptitude alone, Ling Ruochen was even scarier than Luo Tian.

People like Ling Ruochen are truly peerless evildoers, and there are not many to be found in the entire fairy world.

However, in terms of good luck and good fortune, there are few people in the entire fairy world who can match Luo Tian, ​​so that Ling Ruochen can be suppressed.

"This guy!" Ling Ruochen said with a wry smile on his face, "Seeing that there is still half a month until the battle for the kingship of the Holy Island in the Primordial Secret Territory, this guy will miss it if he doesn't leave the customs!"

"I'm so scared!" Chen Lin chuckled, "You are also extremely powerful. This time, the six regions compete for ten holy islands, and there are ten people who will become kings. You have a great chance."

"It's hard to say." Ling Ruochen shook his head and said seriously, "Even if it's the three kings of our sixth area, I don't have the confidence to defeat them. See luck."

Dao Pin Xian Treasure!

Chen Lin's face also changed color, and he muttered, "No way, these perverts actually brought Dao Grade Xianbao..."

"Otherwise, you think that if the other party doesn't have a Dao-grade fairy treasure, I can definitely win a holy island by myself, but if the other party uses the holy-grade fairy treasure, it's hard to say." Ling Ruochen sighed, "That's why I look forward to Han This guy Yi will get out of the customs earlier, if he makes a move, we hope that it may be bigger."

"So what about Dao Grade Immortal Treasure?"

Suddenly, a loud laugh came out, and then Chen Lin and Ling Ruochen were directly moved into the courtyard without even having time to resist.

"You guys are so strong after retreating!" Ling Ruochen was dumbfounded.

Chen Lin laughed straight away, "This guy has a lot of secrets, and he should take a good look at it when he has the opportunity."

Luo Tian dressed in white, and said with a faint smile, "Owning a Dao-grade fairy treasure is only a better chance of winning. After all, a half-step immortal king can only exert [-]% of the power of a Dao-grade fairy treasure. It’s only showing less than [-]% of its power.”

Then, Luo Tian gently added in his mind, Lao Tzu is now sixty times the combat strength of killing two corpses, if he uses the seal of the heavens against those guys...

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