
Chapter 896

After half a month.

On this day, there is no cloud in the sky, the wind is clear and the air is clear, and the sky is as green as washing, like a huge pure emerald hanging high, without a trace of impurities.

"Xiao Yizi, Xiao Chenchen, I'll send them here." Chen Lin said with a chuckle, then lowered his voice and said to Luo Tian and Ling Ruochen who were speechless, "Even if you can't get the Holy Island quota, don't Preserving strength is the most important thing in taking risks, and it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years."

Luo Tian and Ling Ruochen looked at each other, laughed loudly, and praised in unison, "You're still the worst boy!"

Chen Lin pouted aggrievedly, "His mother's kindness is not rewarded, so get lost!"

Among the three, only Chen Lin did not participate in the competition for the Holy Island, but in Chen Lin's opinion, Luo Tian and Ling Ruochen joined forces, and the chance of getting the Holy Island was almost [-]%.

"Let's go."

Luo Tian gave Chen Lin a reassuring look, and then jumped into the air side by side with Ling Ruochen, a cloud of mist was formed under his feet, and he moved towards the central area of ​​the six areas of the original secret realm very quickly, seemingly slowly.

The six major areas are just located in the northwest of the original secret realm, and there is still a certain distance from the central area.

"Boss Luo, how sure are you?"

The two were flying in the void, and after a moment of silence, Ling Ruochen finally couldn't help asking.

"If the other party doesn't use the Dao Grade Immortal Treasure, there should be [-]% certainty." Luo Tian walked like a leisurely stroll, with a sense of relief all over his body, and said lightly, "If the other party really uses the Dao Grade Immortal Treasure..."

"Then it's only [-]%, or even less?" Ling Ruochen frowned slightly, he and Luo Tian didn't know each other, and he was able to call Luo Tian the boss, he knew Luo Tian very well.

Luo Tian didn't have any Taoist treasures.

Luo Tian shook his head, and suddenly smiled, "No, no, if the opponent uses the Dao Grade Immortal Treasure, I'm [-]% sure that I can defeat him!"

To a certain extent, the seal of heavens has a lot in common with the seal of Qianjun.Among them, Qianjunyin means that the larger the number of opponents, the more astonishing their power, which is the only way to deal with group battles.As for the seal of heavens, the stronger the opponent's power is, the more tyrannical the elemental power of the law is, the greater the power of the seal of the heavens will be. Now it can move around, and finally absorb the opponent's method and turn the power into its own attack.If he cultivates to the extreme, Luo Tian is confident that he will change the world and change the world!

Bringing the entire endless world to attack, who can resist its edge?

This is Luo Tian's confidence in the law of swallowing the sky!

The stronger the enemy, the stronger the seal of the heavens!

Luo Tian was naturally full of confidence in his heart. He thought that even if a half-step immortal monarch made a move with a Taoist treasure, he would be able to escape calmly.

Of course, today's Luo Tian can never be the opponent of the half-step fairy.But it is almost impossible for a half-step immortal monarch to kill Luo Tian.

"I hope that the strong under the half-step fairy will not let me down too much."

The corners of Luo Tian's mouth curled up slightly, forming a charming arc.

Ling Ruochen's face twitched, and he pointed straight at Luo Tian, ​​"Boss, you, aren't you bragging?"


Ling Ruochen was immediately kicked by Luo Tian and flew hundreds of miles away...



"Puff puff!"

Ling Ruochen's old face was flushed, the boss of Xin Dao was too wretched, he probably had calculated in his mind that he was about to rush to the central area of ​​the original secret realm, but he let himself descend in the shape of a dog eating shit in the air.

Luo Tian arrived immediately, and said with a faint smile, "Is there anything more cool than this?"

"What are you laughing laughing!"

Ling Ruochen's face was serious, and he patted his chest arrogantly, "Aren't you convinced, come out and play with me? If you're not satisfied, play with our boss, that is, the god Han Yi? A bunch of idiots!"

Barbarian Han Yi!

As soon as Ling Ruochen's words came out, the strong men who had some ugly complexions immediately turned their eyes on Luo Tian. Seeing the latter's thin and light appearance, their hearts jumped, and they all backed away immediately. go.

Even if they were not afraid of Ling Ruochen, the barbarian Han Yi was enough to keep them away.Who are they?It's a ruthless person who killed people on the spot in the six major areas of the original secret realm and was still alive and kicking after the business was over. Who can provoke him?

In particular, most of the people staying outside the central area at the moment are Taiyi Jinxian-level powerhouses. This place is extremely hierarchical, and the group of evil saints are inside.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Han!"

"Friend Daoist Han is here."


Next, along the way, when Luo Tian and Ling Ruochen walked straight towards the front of the central area, the powerhouses in the surrounding sixth area responded with friendly smiles, even if it was superficial, it was done to the extreme .

"He's a barbarian? He looks like a scholar who has no power to restrain a chicken."

"Hush! Idiot, don't drag me down if you want to die!"

"That's it!"


"Fellow Daoist Han, you're here!" Shangguan Baoyu was standing at the front of the central area, laughing loudly and waving at Luo Tian, ​​"Come over to our human race area."


He Yiming and Liu Xiangqiu in the sixth area slandered together with slightly ugly faces, but there is no way, Han Yi is indeed from the human race.


As soon as Luo Tian arrived, the masters of the kings in the other five regions turned their gazes over one after another, with strange expressions on their faces. What's more, when their eyes swept over, the void formed an extremely powerful coercion.

The old god Luo Tian was there, motionless.

"Huh! A group of ignorant guys, dare to attack the boss?" Ling Ruochen snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and waved towards the void, and a layer of nothingness appeared in the void in a flash, shaking away the pressure one after another .

"Ling Ruochen!"

At this time, two king masters from other regions sneered and came over one after another, "You are finally not a coward!"

"Come here to die?" Ling Ruochen sneered, "When I was in Taiyi Golden Immortal, the two of you couldn't do anything to me. Now that I am promoted to Saint Immortal, you are nothing but chickens and dogs!"

After finishing speaking, a brilliance suddenly appeared from the top of Ling Ruochen's head, and the map of gods and demons suddenly appeared.



"Dare you?"

Next, except for the powerhouse in the sixth area, the masters of the other five major areas shouted in dissatisfaction, and each of them revealed a strong coercion, and they wanted to directly knock down the map of gods and demons, so that Ling Ruochen was injured and withdrew.

Ling Ruochen was not a good guy in Tianwang State, and he offended many people.The same is true when practicing in other big states, so many beams have been formed.


Luo Tian said lightly, with a flick of his fingers, a dark black lotus flower with sword energy immediately appeared above Ling Ruochen's head, and after only a few turns, it directly annihilated the pressure of all the kings and masters.

"Let's put all our energy in fighting for the holy island. If anyone has the idea of ​​fishing in troubled waters, don't blame me for killing people on the spot. This is not the six major regions. I don't have so many restrictions."

As soon as Luo Tian said this, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

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