
Chapter 897 1 trick


Luo Tian shot suddenly, even though those kings and masters were upset, they couldn't continue.Face is important, but benefits are even more important. Although the barbarian Han Yi appears to be only a half-step saint, in fact, the scene of him and He Lianmanyue, the descendant of the Slaughtering Immortal, had already been spread by interested people. At this moment, everyone in the six major regions knows that the barbarian Han Yi is so powerful with his bare hands, and no one will believe that he does not have a powerful fairy treasure on him.

Therefore, no one dares to confront Luo Tian head-on now, and if he gets injured, he will suffer too much in the fight for the holy island.

The king masters in the sixth area all sneered in their hearts. At the same time, they were a little disappointed with the powerhouses in the five major areas. With so many powerhouses joining forces, they didn't even dare to challenge Han Yi. It's really a shame.

Of course, they were just gloating secretly in their hearts, and if they were them, they would have chosen the same way.

Ling Ruochen smiled coldly, then flew back to Luo Tian's side, spread his hands and said, "Boss, thank you very much."

"Thank you!" Luo Tian said with a smile, "Don't think that I don't know what you guys are up to. It's nothing more than using myself as a bait to test the strength of this group of guys. Although your strength is very strong, But you will still suffer losses when dealing with so many people teaming up, even if you have the Dao Grade Immortal Treasure Taixuan Scepter on your body, the chances of winning are not too high."


Ling Ruochen's body trembled, and then he looked at Luo Tian with some horror, and said word by word, "Boss, how do you know that I have a Taixuan scepter on me? Moreover, the entire Southern Immortal Realm knows that this Taixuan scepter is half-Dao Fairy treasure."

"That's right, when I first met you, your Taixuan Scepter was a half-Dao grade fairy treasure. But now it's probably a real Dao grade fairy treasure?" Luo Tian smiled faintly, blinked, "You kid must have encountered adventures in these years, otherwise it would be impossible to directly cross the huge gap between Dao Grade Xianbao."

Ling Ruochen sighed dejectedly, rubbed his head, and said with a wry smile, "I'm so impressed with you freak! To be honest, when Xiao Linzi and I first entered the Primordial Secret Realm, we were almost nobodies at the middle and lower levels. A few guys fighting against each other, accidentally strayed into a void vortex, and grabbed some chaotic energy from it to make a big improvement in cultivation, and under the accidental collision, I don't know how to do it, the Taixuan Scepter was promoted to the next level gone."

"It's fate." Luo Tian was also taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud, "Time luck, good luck, and good luck are countless, and it's impossible for a person or a race to fall directly on it."

"Hey." Ling Ruochen smiled, and suddenly pointed to the void, "Ten holy island cards have come!"

Luo Tian looked at the void, but saw ten rays of light slowly falling from the wispy clouds in the void. When they were still in the air, those ten rays of light were countless fine light clusters, corresponding to all the strong lights in the central area. Or, like goose feathers and snowflakes flying down.

"The division has started." Ling Ruochen smiled faintly, stretched out his hand to grab it, and the fine light cluster in front of him immediately turned into a small bamboo and wood signboard with the character '八' engraved on it, and then turned to look at Luo Tian, ​​"Boss, take a look!" Which holy island have you been assigned to? I am the eighth holy island."

Luo Tian nodded, stretched out his hand to press it, and the fine light ball in front of him suddenly changed into a small bamboo and wood sign with the word 'three' written on it.

"The third holy island!"

Ling Ruochen couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "It's okay, it's okay, I don't have to fight in the same room at last. Boss, hurry up and burn your Yuanshen imprint on the small bamboo and wooden card. When you are in a battle, your small bamboo and wooden card just needs to be shaken." , it means that it is your turn to fight."

"Okay." Luo Tian immediately branded his Yuanshen imprint on the small bamboo and wood card, and then let the card float in front of him, and said lightly, "Be careful."


Afterwards, Luo Tian flew directly towards the third holy island, and Ling Ruochen also flew towards the eighth holy island.

"Boss, except for one tricky guy on my side, the rest is nothing to worry about, haha."

Soon, crowds of people gathered in front of the ten holy islands, Ling Ruochen said excitedly through voice transmission.

Luo Tian swept around, and immediately said bitterly, "I have quite a few competitors in the third holy island, and this is a disaster."

"Boss, can you pretend to be a little better? Don't talk about your strength, if it's just about being miserable, take a look at the Fifth Holy Island and the Ninth Holy Island." Ling Ruochen's gloating voice came over again.

Luo Tian raised his eyes and glanced, couldn't help but be amused.

In front of the fifth holy island and the ninth holy island, the weakest cultivation bases are half-step holy immortals, and the holy immortals account for the majority, so it is naturally difficult to compete.Among them, there are many masters of the kings in the six regions, He Yiming is on the Fifth Holy Island, and Shangguan Baoyu is on the Ninth Holy Island.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I didn't expect you and I to be grouped together."

At this time, a chuckle like a silver bell came.

Luo Tian knew who the other party was without looking back or searching with his spiritual sense, Liu Xiangqiu, one of the three kings in the sixth area.

"Hehe, bad luck." Luo Tian suddenly sighed.

Liu Xiangqiu chuckled, his expression neither sad nor happy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

It didn't take long before a bell rang on the ten holy islands. After the bell rang, many strong men who had been assigned were dragged into a void by the holy islands where they were located.

"Battle begins!"

A voice without the slightest emotion resounded in everyone's ears.

"Another fairy."

Luo Tian shrugged. These guys are everywhere, which is really annoying.

Luo Tian was most annoyed by being stared at like a monkey.

Chi Chi!

Just as Luo Tian thought of this, he saw the small bamboo and wooden sign in front of him tremble slightly, then trembled, and flew down towards a platform in the middle of the void.

"It's your turn when you come up, it's a little bit of luck." Luo Tian smiled slightly, and then flew directly to the platform.

"Fourth area, Li Dafa!"

Soon, Luo Tian's opponent also flew down the platform, but it was a strong, green-haired monster man with a big guillotine in his hand.

"The sixth area, Han Yi." Luo Tian smiled lightly, "Let's get started, we don't need to waste time."

"it is good!"

Li Dafa yelled violently, and then his body kept moving in the void, making it difficult to distinguish the direction. Finally, the big guillotine in his hand turned into countless balls of water, and the water balls shattered, turning into a tall white tiger.

"White Tiger Clan?" Luo Tian was taken aback, "It's interesting."

Whoa whoa whoa!

Like flowing water, a dark lotus flower of sword energy immediately condensed under Luo Tian's body, pointing lightly at Li Dafa with a flat complexion.


As if the endless doomsday was coming, Li Dafa somehow flew upside down, sprayed blood and flew out of the platform.

Many powerhouses on the third holy island were stunned. No matter what, this platform has a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and they defeated powerhouses of the same level with just a random move.

It really is a peerless evildoer!

Liu Xiangqiu's eyes shifted, and a chill came from his heart.

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