
Chapter 898 Swallowing the King of Heaven and Accomplishing a Saint Immortal!

I don't know if it was influenced by Luo Tian's domineering and quick-wittedness, the rest of the powerhouses in the third holy island fought with great fanaticism, and the battle proceeded extremely fast.

During this process, Luo Tian watched coldly, and found that besides Liu Xiangqiu, who also belonged to the sixth area, there was also a master king from the monster clan.

Chang Hua!

This guy was almost the same as Luo Tian and Liu Xiangqiu. Most of the strong men who fought against him were unable to sustain even one move and were directly defeated. The flames around him were raging, and the monstrous flames even refracted out of the void.

That is about a day.

The four powerhouses in the third holy island competed.

Luo Tian, ​​Liu Xiangqiu, Chang Hua, Zhao Yuanqing.


The small bamboo and wooden card in front of Luo Tian trembled slightly, and the eyes of the other three fell over. For this vicious guy, no one wants to face him right now. …

Soon, the small bamboo and wood sign in front of Zhao Yuanqing trembled slightly and flew directly to the platform.

Zhao Yuanqing was depressed for a while. He is also a human race. He didn't expect to meet the barbarian Han Yi now, and he was about to kill each other.

"A mid-term strong Saint Immortal."

Luo Tian thought to himself, it seems that his strength is not weak.

"Fellow Daoist, I don't have any chance of winning. If you can take the strongest blow from this seat, I will admit defeat."

Next, Zhao Yuanqing's voice resounded through the void like muffled thunder.


Zhao Yuanqing opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and a dark blue spear flew out of the Tianling Gai. The spear was entwined with lightning, and rippled out circle after circle, with an astonishing momentum.

"Shenxiao Tianlei!"

Zhao Yuanqing let out a low drink, and immediately his whole body turned into a streak of thunder and merged directly into the dark blue lightning spear in front of him, and then the overwhelming thunder and light descended rapidly, and they all converged towards Luotian.

"He's a straight-forward guy."

Luo Tian smiled slightly, and the dark black lotus with sword energy under him turned slowly and appeared directly above Luo Tian's head.


There was a loud bang, and the dark blue lightning spear actually shattered half of the dark black sword energy lotus flower above Luo Tian's head, stabbing down foot by foot.

Liu Xiangqiu and Chang Hua immediately beamed with joy. Judging from this, even if Zhao Yuanqing is not Han Yi's opponent, he can still cause him a lot of trouble.

But when they saw through the void and landed on Luo Tian's face, they couldn't help being shocked!

A strange smile mixed with playfulness, excitement and enthusiasm appeared on Luo Tian's face, as if a child found a toy that interested him!

"return to!"

Luo Tian suddenly let out a low cry, and pushed out the dark blue lightning spear with his palm flat. Immediately, countless overwhelming forces surged out of his body, and the dark blue lightning spear, which was approaching step by step, was slowly forced back.

"Shenxiao Thunder Spear!"

Zhao Yuanqing yelled again, he didn't intend to give up, and the power of the fairy started to burn on his body!

"Thirty times the combat power!"

Luo Tian muttered in his heart, and then his palm protruded out in the void, breaking through the endless thunder light surrounding him, and directly grasping the half-dao celestial treasure, Shenxiao Thunder Spear.

Empty against fairy treasure!

What made Liu Xiangqiu and Chang Hua's dismay changed was that the next thing Luo Tian ruthlessly threw the Thunder Spear away, and then moved, grabbed the Thunder Spear again, and threw it out again...

After a few breaths, Shenxiao Leimao was directly thrown out of the platform.

"I lost."

Zhao Yuanqing bowed with a free and easy face, "The barbarian Han Yi is really powerful, but I will challenge you again!"


Luo Tian smiled lightly, and then gently flew down the platform.

What followed was naturally the battle between Liu Xiangqiu and Chang Hua, the winner of the two would fight Luo Tian for the final battle.

The battle between the two of Liu Xiangqiu was much more exciting, the two fought for a whole day and night, and Liu Xiangqiu, who was superior in skill just now, defeated Chang Hua by virtue of his formidable magic channel method.

The bamboo and wood plaque in front of Luo Tian trembled again.

"It's the last battle, and you're still trembling." Luo Tian smiled, then stepped onto the platform and looked at Liu Xiangqiu, "You can restore your strength to the peak first, and I'll just wait."

Liu Xiangqiu was not hypocritical, nodded, swallowed several elixir, and then burned several spiritual veins, and began to recover his strength.The battle with Chang Hua really cost her most of her cultivation, she would not face Luo Tian with the weakest posture, nor would she dare.

All the defeated people around did not leave, they stared at the two people on the platform without blinking.One of these two is the final victor, not to mention the title of king, and he can practice on the holy island for 100 years!

"Same as Zhao Yuanqing, as long as Fellow Daoist Han receives the strongest blow from this seat, I will be considered a loser." After a long time, Liu Xiangqiu got up and said proudly.

"Okay." Luo Tian nodded and said, a strong sense of fighting emerged in his words, Liu Xiangqiu has a Dao Grade Immortal Treasure on him!

Oh oh oh!

Liu Xiangqiu raised his arms far away, and a purple brilliance flew out from between his brows.

"This breath!"

"This is a Dao Grade Immortal Treasure!"

"Go back!"


The other powerhouses in the void retreated one after another, and it was difficult for them to resist the aura of the Dao Grade Immortal Treasure.

"The Immortal Treasure of the Ziyue Royal Family, the Ziyue Sacred Banner!"

Liu Xiangqiu clenched his hands tightly, grasping the Purple Moon Sacred Banner firmly, and then waved it at Luo Tian from afar, his whole body was immediately ablaze with the power of a fairy king.

"So fierce!"

Luo Tian's complexion also changed, and then immediately burned the power of the fairy, and quickly typed out the magic formula in his hand, and at the same time shouted in his heart, "Sixty times the combat power! Star clothes!"

Chi Chi Chi!

Countless stars immediately appeared on Luo Tian's body surface, and he has displayed the strongest combat power now.

The moment the final formula was indistinctly completed, Luo Tian shouted solemnly.

"The Seal of the Heavens!"

The next moment, the entire platform, including the entire void, was immediately suppressed and blocked, and then there was a burst of earthquakes, and the void arranged by the immortal king seemed to tremble violently!

A huge black vortex opened its huge mouth like an ancient ferocious beast, swallowing all the power of laws and the power of heaven and earth in the void. The wind and rain were turbulent, the landslides and the ground cracked, the sun and the moon were dark, the sky was full of stars, and the snow was falling. Phenomena such as Feibingchi immediately appeared.

"Swallowing King..."

"Swallowing King! Swallowing King!"


Suddenly, such a title appeared in many strong men's minds, as if it was tailor-made for Luo Tian.


"My whole body is sore."

Everyone in Luotian was forcibly sent out from the void at once, and then a holy light emerged from the third holy island and fell directly on Luotian.

"The third holy island, Luo Tiansheng!"

Luo Tian? !

Everyone was shocked at once, this guy is not called Han Yi, but Luo Tian?

Luo Tian smiled wryly.

Soon, the strongest among the ten holy islands was determined. To Luo Tian's surprise, the dying Ling Ruochen also managed to get the spot of the eighth holy island!

"Boss, Boss, you, you lied, you lied to us so badly, your real name turns out to be Luo Tian!" Ling Ruochen said out of breath, and suddenly jumped up like a conditioned reflex, "Boss , you are not from the Luo family in Xuanhuang Prefecture, are you?!"

Luo Tian rubbed his nose and said, "No, it's just that I'm familiar with old man Luo Yun."

"I don't believe it!"

"Fuck off!"

Then there is the title of king, which is the supreme honor given to the winner by the defeated strongmen of each holy island.

Luo Tian is naturally the King of Swallowing Heaven, and Ling Ruochen is the King of Holy Light.

Afterwards, Ling Ruochen directly pulled Chen Lin into the eighth holy island to practice with him, while Luo Tian entered the third holy island to practice alone.From Luo Tian's point of view, except for Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin in the original secret realm, no one else was qualified to ask him to help.

Entering the third holy island, Luo Tian felt the pure chaotic energy between heaven and earth. After reaching the deepest part of the third holy island, Luo Tian sat cross-legged in the air, and immediately cast the law of swallowing the sky with all his strength to cover the entire holy island , frantically absorbing the power of chaos!

A century is about to pass.

On this day, Luo Tian let out a long cry, and his physical body fell apart immediately. Countless times of shattering and overlapping, the powerful laws of heaven and earth descended from the sky, but they were far from falling on Luo Tian's head before they were wiped away by a strange force. And go!

"Is this the power of the holy immortal?" Luo Tian felt the unprecedented surging power in his body, his face was full of joy, and then he found that the physical body had completed the ultimate fusion, and after the fusion, it was even more perfect, almost at the level of a Taoist fairy treasure!

"what is this?"

Luo Tian's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he realized that there were four groups of ancient powerful auras in front of him, and then he stretched out his hand, and the four groups of ancient auras were directly fused in one place, and directly penetrated into Luo Tian's body.

Luo Tian immediately felt this sudden force in his body.

"Earth Water Fire Wind! It's Earth Water Fire Wind! Could it be that I can open up a world?!"

Luo Tian immediately had a thought, and the world in his body slowly released, and actually formed a world in his body. In the world, wherever Luo Tian's thoughts passed, everything in the world was formed!

Open up!

After Luo Tian became a Saint Immortal, there was no divine and mysterious form to appear, but it was the creation of the world that could only be achieved by being promoted to an Immortal Monarch!

ps: almost [-] words, the end of this volume!

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