
Chapter 900 Hidden too deep!

Lingyun Starfield.

On Lingyunxing, the magnificent Mansion of Manshen has also changed its name, and now the plaque of Manshen's Mansion has been removed, and the plaque of Tuntianwang's Mansion has been officially replaced.

In the final analysis, the arrogance and domineering in the original secret realm, and finally succeeded in conferring the king to the holy island, made Luo Tian famous in the Lingyun star field and even the entire Jinzhou. The domain as a whole is also rising with the tide.Among them, the happiest ones are the old fellows of Lingyunzong, and now they are all glad that they married Tang Yan to Luo Tian at the beginning, otherwise those who waited for Lingyunzong would be completely destroyed. Will the strong sycophant of the sky erase Ling Yunzong?

Lingyunzong also has saints sitting in the town, but how does Lingyunzong compare with those evildoers who come from super sects and super families? Those guys are all close to Luo Tian now, and they don't have the demeanor of the proud son of heaven at all.

What's more, there are countless Jinzhou wealthy families who have come to Tuntianwang Mansion to visit Luotian recently, except for a few Luotian who can't shirk to meet in person, the rest are pushed to Lingyunzong.Ling Yunzong suddenly became a sought-after bun, very popular in Jinzhou.

"Tang'er, come here."

At this moment, Luo Tian was lying in the back garden of King Tuntian's mansion with a depressed face, watching that little guy Luo Tang practice cross-legged in the air like a little adult, with sword energy all over his body, as strong as the sun in the sky, treat him After training, Luo Tian beckoned.


Luo Tang trotted up to Luo Tian's side, with a bright smile on his face, "Tang'er has been practicing hard recently. The other day when my uncle came to see my mother, they easily defeated my uncle's entourage!"

"Don't mention those bastard uncles of yours, they are all his mother's white-eyed wolves!" Luo Tian rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Remember what dad said?"

"Yeah." Luo Tang glanced around with a thief on his face, and said in a low voice, "Tang'er naturally remembers what dad said, and uncle will never give anything when he asks for it. Hehe, is Tang'er good?"

"Good son!" Luo Tian laughed loudly, "This is my son, Luo Tian. You can't be subdued if you are mighty, and you can't be promiscuous if you are rich. Those uncles and grandfathers of yours are all snobbish, so don't pay attention to them. If they dare to be disrespectful to you, I will deal with them immediately!"


Soon, Tang Yan, who has become even more dazzling and beautiful as a married woman, appeared behind Luo Tian. She gave Luo Tian a white look, gently stretched out her jade finger, pointed at Luo Tian's forehead, and said angrily, "You man, why are you so embarrassed?" Just pay Tang'er these things? After all, they are also my brothers and cousins, so it's not good to make the relationship so tense."

"What the hell!" Luo Tian reached out and pulled Tang Yan into his arms, gently stroking Tang Yan's silky waist, "This group of guys can't give good looks, besides, how did they do it back then? For you? I have already given them face by not throwing them into the fairy prison in the Southern Immortal Realm. I also want to take advantage of me, Luo Tian, ​​so beautiful! And Yan'er, Ling Yunzong has taken a lot of money recently It’s a generous gift, and our family won’t dig out things anymore, whoever dares to refuse, ask him to come to me to argue!”

"You're the only one who is smart!" Tang Yan spat affectionately, her face blushing, "Tang'er is still here, you bastard!"

"Mother, daddy isn't bad at all!" Seeing this, Luo Tang quickly said thoughtfully, "That day several aunts were bullied by daddy with flushed faces, but daddy didn't even bully them!"

Luo Tian's face froze.

Tang Yan gently pinched Luo Tian's waist with his jade hand, "Stop messing with those rascals!"

"Mother, mother, you haven't slept with Tang'er for a long time, why don't you let those aunts warm up Daddy's bed today, you want to sleep with Tang'er!"

Seeing this, Luo Tian looked up to the sky with a sad face and sighed, "Good son! Daddy didn't love you for nothing! Come on, these little things are rewarded to you!"

Tang Yan's face was flushed, and she sent a voice transmission to Luo Tiandao, "I told you, I will accompany me today! I must squeeze you dry and make you flirt with those rascals!"

"Yeah, let's use the jade flute today." Luo Tian laughed loudly, his eyes fixed on Tang Yan's ecstatic sandalwood mouth.


In fact, Luo Tian is now a saint and a king. I don't know how many women want to be Luo Tian's concubine and Luo Tian's woman.Even if Luo Tian didn't move their bodies after becoming a concubine, at least they would be running rampant in the Lingyun Starfield if they went out.What's more, most of the maids in King Tuntian's mansion were brought over by Tang Yan. They were housewarming girls. It's only natural for them to have thoughts about Luo Tian.

At night, Hong Luan was rolled by the waves, and a moment of Spring Festival is worth a thousand gold.

After the passion was over, Tang Yan leaned on Luo Tian's chest, winking and said, "Sir, how long will you stay at home this time?"

"I can stay for more than ten days at most." Luo Tian smiled wryly, "In the past few years, I wanted to spend time with you mother and son, but it's a pity that Immortal Zixiao got in the way, which is really annoying."

"Immortal Zixiao?" Tang Yan frowned, "Is it too dangerous for a big shot to ask you to take action?"

"It's not dangerous at all." Luo Tian shook his head and said, "It's all human favors, so don't worry. Things that Immortal Zixiao can't solve are not up to me at all. But now even if Immortal wants to kill me , it's not that easy!"


More than ten days later.

Luo Tian waved to Tang Yan's mother and son, and the whole person stepped out into the void and disappeared.

maple star.

Maple Leaf Star is now lucky because Luo Tian was born alone. Not only has he been promoted from the bottom third-order planet to the best among the first-order planets, but he also has countless cultivation resources.Naturally, the cultivation resources were bestowed by the Jinzhou Governor's Mansion.

One person attains the Tao and ascends to heaven.

call out!

Luo Tian flew at full speed, and soon landed on Maple Leaf Star, and then landed directly towards the old village head's residence.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Luo Xiu was playing chess with Luo Yun, while the old village chief was watching with a smile on his face, without saying a word.

"Boy Luo is here!"

The old village head was dressed in gray clothes, he laughed and waved to Luo Tian, ​​"Amazing, King Tun Tian, ​​our Maple Leaf Star has been honored by you!"

Luo Tian was speechless for a while, curled his lips, walked to the side of the three guys, looked at this and then that.

"You are really good, you are really good!"

Luo Tian let out a sigh of relief, and first looked at the old village chief, "I'm so proud of you! Lin Ziqing, Village Chief Lin, do you think I should call you the village chief, or Master Huo Luo Xianjun?"

The old village chief Lin Ziqing chuckled, noncommittal.

"Just call him an old man." Uncle Luo Xiu said with a faint smile.

Luo Yun nodded repeatedly.

"Uncle Luo Xiu, do you think I should call you Uncle Luo, or Master Shura Immortal?"

Luo Tian was about to spurt blood, and yelled fiercely, "You guys, why are you old guys hiding so deeply!"


Luo Yun, Luo Xiu and Lin Ziqing looked at each other and laughed loudly.

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