
Chapter 901 Secret, Asura Mountain

The majestic Immortal Huo Luo and Immortal Shura condescended to nest on a small bottom third-order planet. If Immortal Zi Xiao hadn't said it himself, or killed Luo Tian, ​​he couldn't believe it.

Luo Tiankuang rolled his eyes, secretly despised these two old guys a hundred times a hundred times, these two old guys are definitely full and have nothing to do...

and many more!

Luo Tian suddenly had a flash of inspiration, looked at Immortal Shura resentfully, and sighed, "Uncle Luo Xiu, are you and Mr. Lin specially waiting for my old man?"

"Oh, your old man?" Immortal Shura smiled lightly, blinking, "Who is your old man?"

"Stop pretending." Luo Tian was about to burst into tears, "You guys are so cunning and cunning, you can keep me in the dark, it's okay!"

"You lost, old man Luo." At this time, Immortal Shura gently dropped a chess piece in his hand.

Luo Yun frowned, and after a while, he laughed loudly and said, "I've heard for a long time that Immortal Shura is not only extremely powerful, but also skilled in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I was an eye-opener when I was with Miss Xuan, and seeing him today really deserves his reputation!"

"Girl Xuan? Immortal Zixiao?" Luo Tian murmured with eyes straightened, "Isn't it?"

"Hehe, Xiaotian is really smart." Luo Yun clapped his palms and laughed, "That girl Xuan and the old man achieved the status of Immortal Monarch almost at the same time, and she is your uncle Luo Xiu's biological daughter."

"..." Luo Tian was really too lazy to despise these shameless old guys.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Immortal Asura smiled faintly, "Your master, Immortal Destroyer, is my elder brother."

"It's also my elder brother." The old village chief who was smoking dry cigarettes next to him, the honorable Lord Huoluo Immortal Lord Lin Ziqing also hurriedly spit out a few smoke rings.

"You didn't join Mount Asura." Immortal Asura glanced at Immortal Huo Luo with a half-smile.

"Damn it!" Huo Luo Xianjun Lin Ziqing rolled his eyes straightly, "I will go to the primitive secret realm with you to make a big fuss, is this different from joining you in Shura Mountain? It's a pity that my Huo Luo State will probably go to war with the Northern Immortal Realm up!"

"Let's fight!" Luo Yun laughed, "Your Huoluo State's strength should not be underestimated. Those guys in the Northern Immortal Realm will not be so stupid as to push you to the Southern Immortal Realm. At most, it will remain the same as before. Luozhou's neutral status."

"Huoluo State?" Luo Tian frowned, "Old Lin reminded me of this, and there are still a few enemies in the trial star."

"You mean that boy Ji?" Immortal Huo Luo laughed, and glanced at Luo Yun intentionally or unintentionally, "Although with your current strength, it is estimated that you can kill that boy Ji with a wave of your hand, but back then someone The one who kicked you in, you kid can't treat one more favorably than another."

Luo Yun chuckled and didn't speak.

"Forget it." Luo Tian shook his head suddenly, and said with an open-minded smile, "Without that old monster Ji, the boy would not be where he is today. All of this is thanks to him. Besides, Feng Yuanqing and Hui'er are probably also taken care of by Mr. Lin. To be able to live until today is to repay Old Lin’s kindness on behalf of them once.”

"It's not in vain to support you." Immortal Huo Luo nodded, "It's not because of great fortune, great opportunity, or great luck, nor is it because of your peerless talent, but because you have a strong mentality with great wisdom. "

"Nonsense." Immortal Shura laughed, "Without the mentality of a wise and strong person, can you kill the second corpse? Old man Luo and Xuan'er only cut off the third corpse after two epochs of hard work. You, Mr. Lin If the boss hadn't made the move, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to cut off the third corpse in the realm of Xianjun!"


Luo Tian turned pale with fright. Old man Luo and Luo Xuan lived through four eras with the cultivation of a half-step immortal?How can this be?

"That's true." Immortal Huo Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, "Don't be excited, boy Luo. Normally speaking, even an immortal may not be able to live past four epochs. But girl Xuan and old man Luo have peerless fortune. The monster that kills the sky cannot be treated with common sense."

"Mr. Lin, please explain clearly." Luo Tian bowed.

"It's not really a secret. Generally, it is only in the realm of the fairy king that you can completely cut off the third corpse and become the strongest among the fairy kings. But if you cut off the three corpses in the holy fairyland, once you become a fairy king, even if you have just achieved Immortal status, that is also a powerful person among the immortals!" Huo Luo Xianjun said with a faint smile, "Miss Xuan and old man Luo could have broken through the immortals long ago, and the two of them stayed in the half-step immortal realm for two years. The first era is because they have the King Grade Immortal Treasure. Of course, the two of them are still slightly inferior to the elder brother. The elder brother has obtained an almost complete law of an immortal king, otherwise he would not deliberately create false appearances, fall and reincarnate. "

Luo Tiandeng's expression was dull, Wang Pin Xianbao?The law of the fairy king?


"Old man Luo, why are you still following us?"

In the void, Luo Tian leisurely galloped towards Shura Mountain under the protection of the three immortals, and the Huo Luo even made fun of old Luo Yun along the way.

The old man Luo Yun was thick-skinned, and he laughed, "It's not surprising that Destroyer Immortal wants to let boy Luo inherit the orthodoxy of Mount Shura, but this kid is also a member of my Luo family, but someone ordered me to come down and ask the old man to take him back to Luo's house." know the way."

"Old man Luo, when did I become a member of your Luo family?" Luo Tian quickly argued.

"The old man said you are, you are." Luo Yun smiled, "You will know when you go."

The three celestial lords took action in person, even if it was a long distance, they didn't need a teleportation array, and directly cast a heaven and earth shift in the void, rampaging, and the speed was as fast as the limit.

Asura Mountain.

It is located in the northeast of the Tianwang State in the Southern Immortal Realm, with two powerful immortal monarchs sitting in the town, looking down upon the entire Southern Immortal Realm.Even if Destroyer Xianjun fell under the cooperation of many immortals in the Northern Immortal Realm, no one in the Southern Immortal Realm would dare to trouble Shura Mountain, because besides Destroyer Xianjun, Shura Mountain also has a person whose strength is not weaker than Destroyer Xianjun How many Asura Immortal Monarchs!

In the fairy world, it doesn't matter whether you are reasonable or not, the fist is naturally the reason.

Soon, everyone directly broke through a layer of black light curtain and directly entered the Shura Mountain area.

"Tsk tsk, this scenery is really as beautiful as an ancient fairyland." Luo Yun looked around and said, "This time, the old man has the opportunity to enter Shura Mountain only because of the glory of Luo boy, hehehe."

Immortal Shura and Immortal Huo Luo couldn't help but rolled their eyes in silence.

Shura Mountain is a group of palaces suspended in a secret place in the void.

At this moment, a young man in black stood with his hands behind his back, with a smile on his lips.

"These guys are finally here."


In the distance, Luo Tian saw Immortal Destruction, rushed out first, knelt straight in the air, and flew towards Immortal Destruction.

"The Primal Secret Realm was thanks to Master's action."

Luo Tian's knees landed on the ground, making three loud noises.

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