
Chapter 902 Dzogchen, dismounting

Although Luo Tian didn't know who saved him that time when he killed in the primitive secret realm without getting the slightest punishment, he was not a fool. Nine times out of ten, his own person is the Destroyer Immortal Monarch.

"Hehe, get up, this is the first time this old man has heard you call me master sincerely."

Destruction Immortal smiled gratifiedly, stretched out his hands, and directly pulled Luo Tian up.For Luo Tian, ​​a closed disciple, Destroyer Xianjun is quite satisfied, and he has never been so satisfied.



"Old Meng!"

Immortal Shura and Immortal Huo Luo shouted indifferently, while old man Luo Yun said with a playful smile.

Immortal Destroyer turned his head to look at the three of them, his eyes finally fell on the old man Luo Yun, and he smiled after a long time, "Boy Luo Yun, the old man told you that even if Tian'er is a member of your Luo family, the old man will not let him go. "

Asura Immortal Lord, named Meng Huang.

Luo Yun smiled and said: "Old Meng, even if you let this kid inherit the mantle, he is probably just a hands-off shopkeeper, and I'm afraid he won't stay in the Luo family safely."


The four immortals looked at each other and laughed loudly.

Luo Tian rubbed his nose and smiled wryly. Xianjun teased him, but he didn't dare to speak back, let alone fight back.Besides, he couldn't beat it either.

Luo Tian came to Shura Mountain for the first time, only to realize that Shura Mountain occupies a very large area, and in the palace complex extending to the distant sky, people come and go from time to time, their cultivation levels vary, and the lowest one is Feixian's cultivation level.

In a daze, Luo Tian followed the four immortals and flew past in the sky without anyone noticing them.

"Young master, please have some tea."

Following Immortal Destruction came to a large hall, Immortal Shura and Immortal Huo Luo sat down in turn on the left.And Luo Tian was sitting first on the right, and Luo Yun was still below him.

"Don't call me young master." Luo Tian said lightly.

"You don't dare!" The maid in white hurriedly panicked.

"Rules cannot be broken." Immortal Destroyer sat at the top and said with a faint smile, "From now on, you will be the next Palace Master of Shura Mountain. Even if you meet those immortals, you only need to follow the etiquette of the same generation."

"Old Meng, are you really arresting people from my Luo family to inherit Shura Mountain?!" Luo Yun just took a sip of tea, and immediately sprayed it when he heard the words, which shows how out of control he is.

"Why not?" Immortal Asura smiled lightly.

"Aren't you going to let girl Xuan inherit Mount Shura?" Luo Yun snorted.

Immortal Shura smiled wryly, "Mount Shura is the top five super power in the Southern Immortal Realm. I didn't expect that in the next generation, girl Xuan doesn't care about fame, and even wants to spread the word to find the heaven in person. It is to tell Tian'er to hand over Shura Mountain to him. What can I do?"

"Boy Luo is also quite unreliable." Luo Yun rolled his eyes.

"Master, twisted melons are not sweet." Luo Tian cried out very depressed, "I don't want to be the Palace Master of Shura Mountain either..."

The maid in white next to her almost dropped the teacup in her hand upon hearing this.

"You kid should know what you will get if you inherit Mount Asura, right?" Immortal Destroyer asked with a chuckle.

"I know." Luo Tian shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's nothing more than in the Southern Immortal Realm, and even in the Northern Immortal Realm, few people dare to provoke me. But this is really meaningless, without fighting, it's not fun at all."

The white-clothed maid next to her trembled and almost peed her pants from Luo Tian's words.Asura Mountain Palace Master, how many people dream of that?Even many immortals are extremely jealous of this seat, but the ordinary-looking boy in white clothes in front of him doesn't seem to care at all.

"That can't be helped." Immortal Asura stretched his waist, "Unless you persuade Miss Xuan to come back and become the Palace Master of Mount Shura, there is no need to talk about it. The next Palace Master of Mount Shura must be chosen between the two of you."

"Why don't we fight together? How about the winner being the next Palace Master of Shura Mountain?" Luo Tian's eyes lit up and he said loudly.

"I surrender."

As soon as Luo Tian finished speaking, a purple cloud fell from the gate of the palace, and then a girl in purple walked slowly into the hall from it.

"I've seen Uncle Meng, Daddy, Uncle Lin and Brother Luo."

Luo Yun had a wry smile on his face, Lao Tzu was downgraded for no reason.

Luo Tian's mouth is wide open. He has seen shameless ones, but this is the first time he has seen such a shameless Xian Junshang. This bastard surrendered without even fighting. Do you still have a bit of integrity as a Xianjun big shot?

Immortal Destroyer was the first to burst out laughing.


"Palace Master Luo, don't look so sluggish."

On a cloud high in the sky, Luo Yun stood proudly in front of him, teasingly laughing.

Behind Luo Yun, Luo Tian lay sprawled on the clouds, looking as if he was about to die, and muttered in his mouth, "You can't be so shameless, you can't be so shameless..."

"According to this speed, I'm afraid we will reach Qingxuan Valley in half a day." Luo Yun said suddenly.

"Qingxuan Valley?"

Luo Tian jumped up from the clouds when he heard the words, "Old man Luo, aren't we going to Xuanhuangzhou? Why is it changed to Qingxuan Valley again?"

"My lord forgets so much. Ever since you became the next Palace Master of Asura Mountain, even I don't care about you anymore." Luo Yun said with a sad face, "You're a fucking white-eyed wolf!"

"Don't mention Shura Mountain!" Luo Tian almost burst into tears, "Don't mention the most hurt place in my heart."

"Qingxuan Valley is the headquarters of the Luo family in Xuanhuang Prefecture. I don't understand this. This trip is worrying." Luo Yun shook his head and sighed.

"I'm afraid of you." Luo Tian's neck twitched, and he rubbed his fists, "As long as it's not the Xianjun who makes a move, I will kill anyone who dares to come and give me their paws!"

Luo Yun trembled immediately, and hurriedly said, "Master, are you a master? You must not kill people in the Luo family! You are also a member of the Luo family, so don't violate the Luo family rules!"

"I'm the Palace Master of Asura Mountain now." Luo Tian looked at Luo Yun provocatively, "Let them touch me?"

Luo Yun immediately said with a wry smile, "Don't blame the old man for not helping, the old man is not an opponent of Immortal Destroyer, of course, he is not an opponent of Immortal Shura either, Immortal Huo Luo can barely fight, but that old guy also has the King Grade Immortal Treasure! "

"Impossible? Master and Uncle Luo Xiu can't beat you without Wangpin Xianbao? You have Wangpin Xianbao!" Luo Tian said dumbfounded.

"What do you know!" Luo Yun rolled his eyes, "Both of them are half-step immortal kings, especially your master, who almost entered the realm of immortal kings. You don’t know the situation, but when your master offered to protect you, the Xuanjin Immortal Monarch disagreed, and was killed by your master on the spot, and he fell forever!”

"... "

After half a day.

Luo Yun and Luo Tian looked at a strange world full of blue light in the distance.

"It's Qingxuangu now." Luo Yun said casually.

Luo Tian gave a faint oh, with an absent-minded expression.

Luo Yun slowly withdrew his consciousness, a smile flashed in the depths of his eyes, it seemed that these little fellows in Qingxuan Valley were going to give Luo Tian a bad blow.

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