
Chapter 909 One move kills, treasure name falls to immortal

In fact, the Northern Immortal Brigade that the four of Luo Tian met was composed entirely of demons.

In the northern and southern fairylands, the three peak groups of humans, demons and demons maintain a rather delicate relationship, neither allies nor enemies.In the battle between these two worlds, it seems to be more and more distinct.

Each works his own way.

It is a true portrayal of the battlefield of the war between the two worlds.

For the Mozu, the four of Luo Tian have always been indifferent, especially Chen Lin, who is almost at odds with the Mozu and knows the Mozu best.

At this moment, Zheng Feng was fighting with the three demon squads with red eyes, and a dense precious light above his head turned into an umbrella, lingering around.The demons of the three teams all attacked Zheng Feng, and the precious light above Zheng Feng's head only rippled several times.

Green gourd!

Now the green Luo gourd in Zheng Feng's hands has been personally refined by Yao Xianjun, the attack power has increased a lot, and the defense increase has become even more perverted. The level of Xianbao.

Although there are nearly 30 people in the three teams, the highest cultivation level among them is only the initial cultivation level of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the highest level of immortal treasures in their hands is also the peak of holy grade immortal treasures.


"Hurry up and kill!"


What caused the three demon squads to collapse was that at some point, a young man in white and a young man in green suddenly appeared, as if they were the accomplices of the young man in blue who were fighting, but unexpectedly, the two did not join the battle , but spared no effort to wave the flag and shout beside him.

"The God of Medicine Tianyu!"

Zheng Feng let out a low shout, raised his hands high, and immediately the green Luo gourd floating above his head sprayed out a long river, the long river broke through the air, and a dense rain curtain fell from the midair.

Chi Chi Chi!

The three demon squads were suddenly hard to resist. The scales on their bodies were quickly eroded by the raindrops, and they became potholes, and layers of smoke gushed out.

"Shouldn't Xiao Linzi make a move?" Ling Ruochen suddenly looked up into the distance and said with a faint smile.

Luo Tian nodded, "The battle is over."

"So fast?" Ling Ruochen frowned.

"Xiao Linzi was reincarnated and rebuilt. In terms of talent and aptitude, he is not much worse than the two of us."

Sure enough, after a few breaths, Chen Lin, whose bloody aura had not completely faded, appeared in front of the two of them out of thin air.

"Have you searched for the soul?" Luo Tian glanced at Chen Lin and asked.

"No. 19 Juefeng King." Chen Lin smiled softly, the corners of his mouth parted slowly, with a hint of chill.

Ling Ruochen rubbed the center of his brows, and said helplessly, "Prince of the Juefeng royal family, this guy is a bit tricky, but it's not a big problem."

"It's just a waste ranked No. 19 in the Northern Immortal Realm." Luo Tian said as if no one was present.

The three disintegrated demon squads that had been strangled by Zheng Feng almost lost their wits when they heard the words. The King of Absolute Wind, who has always been aloof, is actually just a little troublesome waste in the eyes of the opponents?

Who is the other party?

"Hey, you, the three of you are really good!"

After a stick of incense, Zheng Feng beheaded all three demon squads, and walked over panting, with a resentful expression on his face.

"No, if you can't even handle this kind of small scene, then we really have to consider kicking you out of the team." Chen Lin teased a smile.

"That's right." Ling Ruochen agreed with a smile.

"Next, the little lunatic's opponent must be a half-step immortal king or above." Luo Tian said after a moment of silence.

Zheng Feng: "..."

Two days later.

Zheng Feng and two half-step Saint Immortals fought fiercely in the air, while Luo Tian and the three below had already wiped out a group of demons with ease.

"Guys from the Southern Immortal Realm, you are so arrogant that you dare to forcefully break into the northern region with a team of four! Your time of death has come!" A strong demon with bone spurs all over his face shouted loudly.

"Haha, the two of us have notified Lord Juefeng that you will die here soon!" Another demon, whose body is no different from that of a human, has dozens of long tails behind him, extending from the top of the long tail. Take out a tail stab like a sword blade, swing it at will, it is the ripples that whip the precious light of the green Luo gourd.

"What? King Absolute Wind is coming?!" Zheng Feng was stunned.

"How is it? Be scared, kneel down and beg for mercy now, I can still leave you as a whole corpse!"

"Hahaha, no, I have to let this human lick my toes first!"

"Two idiots!"

Zheng Feng said expressionlessly, "I'm still afraid that King Juefeng will not come to die!"

After finishing speaking, Zheng Feng reached out and grabbed a huge ice pick in the void. Endless cold air hovered over the ice pick. The cold air evaporated like smoke in the void, transforming into ancient talisman seals. The space is frozen and shattered.

"Half-grade Immortal Treasure!"

The two demons were not surprised but happy when they saw this. They also did not have half-level immortal treasures on them, only holy peak immortal treasures. Seeing Zheng Feng take out a half-level immortal treasure at this moment, the half-step of the two demons Immediately, the Saint Immortal strongman shone with an incomparably fiery light.




The next moment, Zheng Feng and the two strong demons yelled together, and there was only a huge "killing" sound in the air, which exploded and resounded through the sky!

"Who dares to kill my subordinates of King Absolute Wind?"


In the void, a gust of wind swept from the distant sky, the speed was extremely fast, and it was about to come close in the blink of an eye.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, Zheng Feng, who was holding a half-level immortal treasure, the Ice Profound Cone, had already fought with two strong demons.

"However, a captain and a leader of the Southern Immortal Realm dare to act presumptuously on my territory in the Northern Immortal Realm!"

The gust of wind whizzed in, shrinking in an instant, and it was about to take shape.

"King Absolute Wind is here." There was a slight sneer on the corner of Chen Lin's mouth.

Ling Ruochen shrugged helplessly, "It's a doppelgänger, who didn't dare to send himself here, what a coward."

"I'll make a move this time, so as not to delay it for too long and cause a change." Luo Tian smiled lightly.

Luo Tian and Ling Ruochen restrained their aura and didn't let it out at all, and King Juefeng didn't even sense them.Of course, this has something to do with King Juefeng only allowing one clone to come, after all, the strength of the clone is not as good as his own.What's more, all four of Luo Tian came here with their real bodies...

"Haha, Lord Absolute Wind King is here!"

"Human, you four are dead!"


At this time, the strong wind in the distance had already condensed into a tall demon clan. This demon clan was shrouded in clusters of wind whirls, his face could not be seen clearly, and the space around him was faintly entangled.Just taking a step forward has created a great pressure on Zheng Feng.


With a cold snort, Luo Tian dispelled the pressure of Juefeng King in an instant, then took a step forward, and shot directly at Juefeng King without hesitation.

clap clap clap!

King Juefeng's complexion changed drastically, "The Heaven Swallowing King of the Southern Immortal Realm!!!"

Nine forces descended directly from the void, each more powerful than the other, falling down from the void like endless waves, Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin's pupils shrank from the stormy attack.

At this moment, King Juefeng, who had already sensed Luo Tian's identity, was almost so frightened that he turned his head and ran away.

But it's too late.

Luo Tian has always been ruthless and ruthless in his actions, and even many great figures such as Destroyer Xianjun are full of admiration. Such decisive figures will become great weapons!

There was almost no resistance, and the clone of King Absolute Wind was directly annihilated and fell.


After the clone of King Juefeng died, an inconspicuous magic weapon fell from his body.

Luo Tian stretched out his hand and directly took the magic weapon into his hand. The magic weapon was shaped like a hammer, the whole body was jade-colored, and the handle of the hammer was engraved with the two small characters of Luoxian in ancient seal characters.

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