
Chapter 910

Ling Ruochen and Chen Linrao were already numb to Luo Tian's abnormality, but they were still shocked at this moment.

one move!

Although King Absolute Wind only sent his clone to come, but he killed the opponent instantly with suspense in one move, which is too terrifying!

In midair, the two strong demons with a half-step Saint Immortal cultivation almost peed their pants. Just now Luo Tian killed King Juefeng with one move, and they finally sensed the token information on each other.

The most savage and domineering King Tuntian among the top ten kings in the Southern Immortal Realm!Conquer the king!


"Escape quickly!"

The two strong demons who were in the half-step holy fairyland screamed with fear, wanting to move the void and escape.

"Wan Dao Yin!"

Luo Tian said lightly, pointing lightly at the two strong demons, thousands of miles around were immediately suppressed and blocked by Wan Daoyin.

Luo Tian's Wan Dao Seal is even more powerful than some holy immortals' mystic realm and teleportation space, almost comparable to the half-step immortal king's great supernatural power to suppress one side of space.Of course, the great master Xianjun is even more powerful, he is already able to open up a world and suppress a world!

The two strong demons suddenly found that they could not tear through the void and move!

"Two demons, if you can defeat him together, I will let you go!" Luo Tian smiled lightly, "This seat always says what it says!"


"Thirty percent of the physical body has been destroyed, and forty percent of the inner world has collapsed!"

Half a day later, Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin looked at Zheng Feng who was sluggish and sighed, "Those two devils are really willing to work hard to survive!"

"It's okay."

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and then the Tuntian Pagoda, which communicated with the world in his body, directly took out a ball of Tuntian vitality, and directly injected it into Zheng Feng's body.

A quarter of an hour later.

Zheng Feng's injury has almost recovered.

Chen Lin and Ling Ruochen were so shocked that they couldn't speak because of the inconceivable expressions on their faces.

"Damn it!" Zheng Feng stood up and waved his fist fiercely, "If those two guys didn't blow themselves up, how could I be injured so badly?"

"You're going to kill someone, why don't you allow him to blow himself up?" Luo Tian glanced at Zheng Feng, "Similar to this kind of situation, I've seen a lot in the Northern Immortal Realm. Once this group of guys in the Northern Immortal Realm go crazy, it's really scary. Headache."

"Let's go."


On the battlefield in the northern region, huge mushroom-shaped gray clouds suddenly rose from a pale yellow planet. Once the violent and messy atmosphere spread, it immediately formed layers of powerful hurricanes, sweeping everything, The hills were swept up into the sky by the hurricane, and they were as light as a feather.

"My lady, you must persevere! You must persevere!"

Soon, a youth in silver armor with blood on his face flew away from the planet. When the sky turned into a silver streamer, he quickly shuttled through the starry sky, stopping from time to time on the planets he passed along the way to confuse the other party. .

Unfortunately, it was not just one person chasing after him, but a group of people.

The silver-armored young man originally didn't want to participate in the battle between the two worlds. Although he had stepped into the realm of the holy fairy long ago, he and his wife were deeply in love with each other. They usually live happily and happily without showing the mountains or dews. When he came to participate in the Battle of the Two Realms, he heard that the rewards for the Battle of the Two Realms were quite generous, and his wife's lifespan was only tens of thousands of years old before she died. Elixir.

Afterwards, the silver-armored young man rushed forward a little bit aggressively, and even his husband and wife entered the middle of the northern battlefield area, and he also lost contact with his teammates during the chaotic battle, so he had to rely on himself to move around carefully.

Finally, when he discovered a top-level immortal medicine that was only available in the ancient times, he was blocked by a team of leaders from the Northern Immortal Realm who happened to come.

After a hard fight, the silver-armored young man finally escaped narrowly. The inner world was severely injured, and the lady who had been staying in the inner world was implicated and seriously injured.


Several attacks came from behind him from the air, and the silver-armored youth rose into the air again, and was approached by several attacks behind him, and the silver-white spear in his hand swept out without hesitation.


The silver-armored youth opened his mouth and spewed out a bloody arrow. The whole body accelerated and flew forward, and the world in his body collapsed by [-]%.

The silver-armored young man knew in his heart that the team behind him led a total of eight people. It wasn't that they couldn't kill him, but they played a cat-and-mouse game with a joking attitude, and only killed him when he was in the most pain and despair. Kill yourself!

Two hours later.

The silver-armored youth spit out a lot of blood, and the breastplate on his chest was already stained blood red.


Finally, the spirit veins on the silver-armored youth's body had been exhausted. With his own immortal power, he might be able to support his rapid flight for at most half an hour.

The silver-armored young man looked resolute, reached out and took a handful of elixir and swallowed it directly, panting heavily.


The attack from behind struck again.

The silver-armored young man almost gritted his silver teeth, and the silver spear in his hand stabbed out immediately, and statues of ancient gods made of jade appeared behind him, immediately suppressing the void.

"Hey, the background is not young, he is actually a child of the Wen family in the Yuzhou Floating Palace in the Southern Immortal Realm."

"Hahaha, the Wen family in the Fuyou Palace is not small, one of the three major powers in Yuzhou, but I and others are not weaker than him!"

"Play for a while and kill it."

Bang bang bang!

Eight strong saints besiege a strong saint, as long as the opponent is not a half-step fairy, most of them will fall.

This time, the silver-armored youth was seriously injured, and the world inside his body collapsed by [-]%. He directly shattered countless spaces and fell on a huge planet full of sand and stones.

Whoosh whoosh!

Eight figures slowly emerged in the air, looking down at the silver armored youth with mocking smiles all over their faces.

"I'm gentle, even if I die, I won't make it easy for you!"

The silver-armored youth stood up unexpectedly, stabbed the silver spear in his hand directly into the ground, and opened his mouth to spurt blood again.

"Essence of spirit and blood!"

"This guy actually wants to blow himself up!"

"Thinking beautiful!"

The eight saints from the Northern Immortal Realm burst into laughter.

"What's going on? I can't explode myself?"

The next moment, the silver-armored youth's face was full of shock.

"Boy, under the influence of our brother Wang Xi's semi-prime spirit attacking the immortal treasure soul lock clock, if you want to blew yourself up, it depends on whether our brothers Wang Xi agree or not!"

The eight saints laughed morbidly.

"Don't worry, Wen Liang, we will torture you to death, and then play with your woman again. Don't think that we can't detect her hiding in your body! Wahahahaha..."

"You bastards!!!"

Both of Wen Liang's eyes were bleeding, "Even if I, Wen Liang, turn into a ghost, I won't let you go!"

"Please, in front of the soul lock clock, you are not qualified to be a ghost!"

Wen Liang closed his eyes slightly, two lines of blood and tears leaked out of his eyes, and murmured, "Lady, I'm going to die for my husband, I've hurt you."

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