
Chapter 911 Slaughter!

"Master, I am not afraid of myself!"

In a certain corner of Wen Liang's inner world, a beautiful woman with a firm face said firmly, "At the beginning, I was a disgrace to the Luo family in Xuanhuangzhou, and I was ridiculed and ridiculed by everyone in the world. Only you will never leave, and I can be with you It's worth it to keep it for a lifetime. Hehe, these beasts have insulted my concubine, I believe the Luo family will not let them go, they will definitely suffer retribution!"


The eight Saint Immortals from the Northern Immortal Realm in mid-air landed slowly, "You actually said that we will suffer retribution? Hahaha, are you and your wife out of your mind? Even if it is the owner of the Fuyou Palace, the Fuyou Immortal came here in person , It is not qualified to say such a thing!"

"Little lady, we will have a good time with you later, and we will strip you naked and throw you by the banks of the Liuguang Xinghe River, so that everyone in the northern and southern fairylands will open their eyes!"

"You bastards!"

In a gentle manner, he spat out another mouthful of blood, his face twitched and twisted uncontrollably, looking like a madman.

But in the face of the huge gap in strength, he is gentle and knows that he is powerless.The other party's soul-locking clock has locked all the souls and consciousnesses of him and his wife, and even self-destruction is an extravagant hope.


At this time, one of the holy immortals stepped forward, opened his mouth and spat at Wen Liang, and with a flash of his back foot, he stepped on Wen Liang's left leg and crushed Wen Liang's feet.

Wen Liang was sweating profusely, but stared at the saint with resentment, without saying a word.

"Stop! Stop quickly!" the gentle lady kept crying and pleading.

"Lady, don't beg these beasts, they will have retribution!" Wen Liang suddenly laughed.


The saint smiled coldly, and crushed Wen Liang's right leg.

"Retribution? God doesn't accept us, who dares to let us suffer retribution?"


The holy fairy raised his palm, cut off Wen Liang's left arm like a sharp blade, stuck out his tongue and licked the broken arm, his face was full of intoxication, "The blood of the strong man in the Yuzhou Floating Palace in the Southern Immortal Realm, the taste good."

"The bastards of the Northern Immortal Realm are really inferior to animals!"

At this time, a cold voice suddenly came from the entire planet.

"Who? Get out of here!"


In the depths of the distant sky, a ray of blood was approaching its peak, shooting straight down from the sky, and heading directly towards the tormenting mild-mannered holy immortal.

"What can mere blood and light do to me?" The strong man from the Northern Immortal Realm sneered, "I didn't expect there to be a strong leader from the Southern Immortal Realm who is not afraid of death and dares to break into the northern battlefield. He really does not know how to live or die!"


But seeing the strong Saint Immortal from the Northern Immortal Realm opened his mouth and sprayed out a small blood-colored flag, which rose in the air and soared straight up, directly facing the falling blood light.

Oh oh oh!

Unexpectedly, the blood-colored flag sprayed out by the strong saint of the Northern Immortal Realm trembled, as if he was extremely afraid in front of the blood light!

"Xue Ming Ling! He is a descendant of Xue Ming Xianjun!"

"You Wanshan Bazaar dared to take part in the war between the two worlds!"

"Wanshan Bazaar is a neutral force, could it be that they want to start a war!"

"Grass your mother!"

A blood-colored light and shadow quickly appeared in the void, kicking the face of the strong saint in the Northern Immortal Realm, "I have already left the Chen family in Wanshan Bazaar, what the hell do you care about?"

"Very good! Very good!" The strong man from the Northern Immortal Realm was kicked by Chen Lin, but he laughed sinisterly, "Since you have left the Chen family, don't blame me for taking the initiative to kill people. Forgot that it was He Bao from the Giant Spirit State of the Northern Immortal Realm who sent you on the road!"

After finishing speaking, He Bao took a step forward and wanted to kill Chen Lin directly.

"Damn it, you three haven't made a move yet, just watch the excitement!"

To the surprise of everyone in the Northern Immortal Realm, Chen Lin suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared.


In the western sky, a ray of thunder flashed towards He Bao.

Just as He Bao was about to dodge, a cold voice came from the void, "The seal of heaven and earth!"


The body that He Bao moved out was pulled back to the original place again, and then was directly pierced by the thunder light.

"Swallowing King!"

"The king of the Southern Immortal Realm!"

"It turned out to be him!"


Next, He Bao's body immediately shattered into ashes, and the ancient long spear piercing through his body was still thundering and lightning, and it extended directly on the ground. Suddenly, the surrounding tens of miles of space exploded one after another.

Luo Tian, ​​dressed in white, slowly appeared from the void with his hands behind his back, and said indifferently, "The most disgusting thing in my life is the bastards who bully women and children. Today, you just leave your lives behind."

"Haha, even though you Tuntian King is extremely powerful, we have eight holy immortals and eight commanders here. Just because of the two of you, you want to keep us?" Face said, "So, if you don't intervene in this matter, I will let the two of you leave, how about it?"

"The He family in Juling State is nothing more than that, it's really embarrassing to have such a shameless bastard like you." Another dense precious light flashed out of the void, and Zheng Feng Shi Shi suddenly fell from the air.

"Green Luo Gourd!"

"People from Medicine King Valley!"

The expressions of the eight holy immortals in the Northern Immortal Realm changed slightly. Speaking of protecting their weaknesses, this Immortal Medicine Lord is second to none in the Northern and Southern Immortal Realms.The point is that many immortals in the Northern Immortal Realm don't dare to offend Immortal Yao too much. After all, they also need Immortal Yao to provide elixir for their disciples and grandchildren to take.

The medicine fairy and the killing fairy of the Southern Immortal Realm.

The Northern Immortal Realm destroys the Immortal Lord and the Inquisitive Immortal Lord.

These four people are notoriously protecting the weak and the calf, and ordinary immortals are not willing to provoke them.

"Only the three of you are still not qualified!" He Bao snorted coldly.

"Oh, what about me?"

In the void, layers of holy light spread out, forming a long bridge, from which Ling Ruochen flew down.

"Another king named commander!"

"King of Holy Light!"

"Damn it! Why does this four-person team have two kings and commanders! This is impossible!"

With a wave of Luo Tian's hand, Tuntian Yuanli directly penetrated into Wen Liang's body, smiled gently, and then patted his hand, the soul-locking clock inside and outside of Wen Liang's body was wiped out, a beautiful woman in a green dress The beautiful woman flew out of the gentle inner world.

"The ninth generation descendant of the Luo family, Luo Tian!" Luo Tian smiled lightly, regardless of Wen Liang whose expression changed drastically, "I don't know which generation descendant you are?"

"The tenth generation descendant of the Luo family, Luo Xiaoru has met his uncle!" The beautiful woman in green hurriedly bowed and saluted, her face full of surprise.

"The Luo family owes you too much. When I go back, I must ask those old guys for an explanation!" Luo Tian smiled lightly, "You take good care of Wen Liang, and see how uncle vents his anger on you!"

"King Tuntian, don't go too far! We also have several commanders behind us!" He Bao shouted sharply when he saw this.

The two kings and commanders have surpassed their cognition.At least in the Northern Immortal Realm, if not for special circumstances, it is rare for two king commanders to go together all the way.After all, in that case, the military merits are too little.

"Boss Luo, you can do whatever you want. Killing is not killing, it's the same." Ling Ruochen shrugged, "Anyway, I haven't exercised for a long time."

Chen Lin smiled and said nothing, his eyes also fell on Luo Tian.

Luo Tian suddenly grabbed it with a big hand, shortening the distance in an instant, and directly grabbed He Bao, who had regained his physical body, into his hand, and with a light pinch, he pinched him half to death, "Then they will all be slaughtered, just right Improve the cultivation of the little lunatic!"


Ling Ruochen has a picture of gods and demons on his head.

Chen Lin had a blood order on his head.

Zheng Feng has a green gourd on his head.

The slaughter begins!

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