
Chapter 912 Undead King

In terms of real strength, after these days of tempering, Zheng Feng can barely defeat the ordinary early-stage Saint Immortal powerhouse, and the premise is that the opponent does not have a half-level immortal treasure body protection.

Among the four, Zheng Feng is the weakest.

Chen Lin is next, but Chen Lin is now a mid-stage Saint Immortal strongman, and has probably reached the status of Rank Five Golden Immortal.

Ling Ruochen was a bit stronger than Chen Lin. He had already reached the peak of the mid-sage sage, that is, the peak of the sixth-rank golden immortal, and he was only half a step away from entering the late-sage sage.

The most difficult thing to say is Luo Tian. On the surface, his cultivation level is the same as Ling Ruochen's, but his real strength is still unknown.Since he broke through to the Saint Immortal, he has never fought with all his strength.

But Ling Ruochen himself said that if he shot with all his strength, even if he had the Dao Grade Xianbao Taixuan Scepter, the chance of defeating Luo Tian would not exceed [-]%.

Therefore, the rhythm of the battle in the field was suddenly disrupted by Luo Tian and the others, and it was a massacre without any suspense!

Luo Tian immediately approached Wang Xi with his powerful sense of primordial spirit, the only tyrannical figure among the eight holy immortals in the Northern Immortal Realm who possesses a half-level soul attack immortal treasure.


When Wang Xi saw Luo Tianchao coming by himself, he didn't dare to neglect him in the slightest, after all, the other party was a genuine king and commander!

The soul-locking clock hovered in front of Wang Xi in an instant, and turned into a man named Gao Xu.The whole body of this soul-locking bell is light blue, like a weird gourd from top to bottom, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, with countless breathtaking Dao patterns emerging on it, and with just a slight rotation, there are countless chants coming out of it .

Luo Tian came across the sky, walking like a stroll in the garden, and when he came up, he punched the Soul Locking Bell.

Boom boom boom!

The soul-locking clock was hit by Luo Tian's fist, and immediately spun violently, and layers of light blue light curtains appeared on it, like mercury pouring down the ground, penetrating through every hole.

"Give me death!"

Wang Xi laughed ferociously, "How dare you use your bare hands to deal with this seat's soul-locking clock, this seat will make you my dog, an extremely obedient dog!"

Luo Tian shook his head slowly, letting the light blue light curtain penetrate into his body, and said indifferently, "You really think too much."

The layers of light blue light curtains emitted by the soul-locking clock were naturally collected by Luo Tian directly into the Sanxiao plate. Although these are just a drop in the bucket, it is better than wasting them for no reason.

"Haha! Die for me! Die! Yuanshen seized it!" Wang Xi laughed wildly. He seemed to have seen Luo Tian's tragic ending, and his heart was extremely excited. Military exploits are enough to make him famous on the battlefields of both worlds!

Luo Tian didn't bother to say much, as soon as he moved his body, he was in front of the soul-locking clock in an instant.

"It's a good piece of Primordial Primordial Treasure, but it's a pity."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian stretched out his palm lightly, passed through the blue light on the surface of the soul-locking clock, and slapped it directly on the soul-locking clock.

"Thirty times the combat power!"

"Nine waves against the sky!"

Ka Ka Ka!

The next moment, a scene that made Wang Xi dumbfounded appeared!

However, the dao patterns on the surface of the soul-locking clock were shaken into nothingness one after another, and then a few cracks began to appear on the soul-locking clock, spreading in all directions like cracked eggs.

"Impossible!" Wang Ximu growled, "This is a half-level Hunyuan Immortal Treasure, and you can destroy it with your physical body!"

"The power of the immortal king!" Wang Xi finally felt a trace of despair, and the flames of the power of the immortal king burned all over his body.

"Jumping Clown."

Luo Tian sighed, and immediately exerted his strength again, smashing the soul-locking clock directly, restoring it to the most original force of heaven and earth, and then took a step forward, reaching in front of Wang Xi, killing Wang Xi with three punches and two kicks.

"No wonder you are so desperate, it turns out that you came here by yourself."

Next to them, Luo Xiaoru and Wen Liang almost collapsed, smashing half-level immortal treasures with their bare hands?Instantly kill a Saint Immortal mid-stage powerhouse?The half-step fairy is definitely not so fierce!

"Lady, your uncle..." Wen Liang swallowed hard and said dryly.

Luo Xiaoru shook her head with a wry smile, "No wonder uncle dared to go to the ancestors of the Luo family to seek justice for my concubine. This level of strength is definitely second to none among the talented Luo family!"

"If all the kings and commanders of my Southern Immortal Realm are so strong, this time the battle between the two worlds will definitely come out on top!" After Wen Liang finished speaking, he turned to Ling Ruochen, the other kings and commanders in the field. look away.

Ling Ruochen was like a child playing house, playing with the opponent's three holy immortals on the palm of his hand, even though the opponent had already exerted the power of the immortal monarch, he was beaten by him at will and retreated steadily.

"What kind of perverted team is this!" Wen Liang suddenly sighed a little desolately.

After a stick of incense has passed.

All eight Saint Immortals from the Northern Immortal Realm were killed.

On the other hand, Luo Tian's side was only slightly injured by Zheng Feng, but he still yelled in great displeasure when he saw this guy, "Damn it, you still want to blow yourself up in front of me again, and be your mother's dream! "

Chen Lin was able to fight against two powerful Saint Immortals alone, and he was able to do so with ease.

Luo Tian was the quickest to solve the battle, but with dozens of breaths, he killed the opponent's two powerful saints.

"There are quite a lot of military achievements." Ling Ruochen flew back with a smile, holding three beams of light in his hand, and threw them to Zheng Feng, "Little lunatic, take them to refine."

Chen Lin and Luo Tian also threw the five beams of light in their hands to Zheng Feng.

Speaking of which, although Zheng Feng was powerful, it was impossible for him to kill a strong Saint Immortal. The strong man he was fighting against was casually picked up by Luo Tian when he blew himself up.

"Hey, you're welcome, brother!" Zheng Feng took over the Badao Guangtuan with a happy smile, "With the background of these guys, I can almost attack the Saint Immortal."

"It's not too late. I'll find a planet with plenty of spiritual energy to attack the Saint Immortal quickly, the sooner the better." Luo Tian solemnly urged.

Zheng Feng nodded quickly.

"As for the two of you, come with us." Luo Tian turned to look at Wen Liang and his wife, "With the strength of the two of you, you can barely survive here."

The Wenliang couple naturally agreed.


Three years later.

On a certain large planet with abundant aura, the band of aura that originally enveloped the entire planet quickly dimmed, and the primordial force was violent and chaotic.

in the starry sky.

A big man in black who was walking alone suddenly stopped in the void with a slight frown on his brows, looking at the big planet in the distance, "This breath, it turns out that someone wants to break through to the saint!"

The big man in black hesitated for a moment, then crossed the void and moved directly towards the planet.

"Get out of here quickly!"

When the big man in black was still hundreds of thousands of miles away from the big planet, a powerful wave came over.

"A person from the Southern Immortal Realm?" There was a trace of profound meaning on the dark face of the big man in black, "How dare you speak to me like that? Hehe, whatever, let you sissies from the Southern Immortal Realm show how powerful I am, the Immortal King! "

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