
Chapter 917 Gao Yu Clan, Inheritance Crystal Diamond

"Hey, the battle ended pretty quickly, didn't it?"

Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin were both sitting cross-legged in the starry sky with pale complexions, and beside them Zheng Feng and Wen Liang were staring at the surroundings with their magic weapons, extremely vigilant.

"Boss Luo!"


"Why did you end the battle so quickly this time?"

Luo Tian slowly emerged from the void, and said teasingly.

"Quick?" Zheng Feng asked with a strange expression, "Boss Luo, are you talking nonsense?"

Luo Tian hesitated slightly.

Wen Liang also said with a strange expression, "Uncle, have you encountered a strong enemy? It's been three days and three nights!"

Three days and nights?

Luo Tian was taken aback for a moment, how long has it passed?Then I thought about it again, could it be that in the Five Elements Refining Heaven Void Array, even time has been affected?


After a few days.

Luo Tian and his party flew mightily in the void. Among them, they encountered two or three Northern Immortal Realm squads who came to encircle and suppress them. They were all brutally killed by Luo Tian and others who were full of anger.

"These bastards in the Northern Immortal Realm are all as if they had taken aphrodisiacs. That team just now dared to rush up without a king commander? Did you lose your mind and go crazy?" Ling Ruochen curled his lips and cried out in displeasure.

Chen Lin pondered for a while, and said softly, "I'm afraid the matter is not that simple. It is very likely that we have been targeted. Maybe the North Immortal Realm has issued some exciting rewards to us."

"Very likely." Luo Tian had a faint smile on his face, "Being able to make these guys from the Northern Immortal Realm attack us regardless of life and death must be driven by profit, otherwise there is absolutely no other explanation. Will be so unafraid of death just for the sake of fellowship."

Both Zheng Feng and Wen Liang nodded together.

After a long silence.

Ling Ruochen suddenly said in surprise, "Boss Luo, where are you taking us? This has almost deviated from the main battlefield of the war between the two worlds. Could it be that you want to take us to hide for thousands of years?"

"Hiding away." Luo Tian laughed and cursed immediately, "Of course I have important things to do. If you are too busy to panic, you can go out to find some exciting and exciting things by yourself. I think those guys in the Northern Immortal Realm will never let you down. .”

"Forget it." Ling Ruochen shrank his head, "Of course it doesn't matter if you meet the group of kings and commanders in the Northern Immortal Realm. I am afraid that I will meet the commander-in-chief or even the perverted commander-in-chief, then I will suffer a lot. Follow you old man, at least you will be the main shield, right?"

"Get out!" Luo Tiankuang rolled his eyes.

Seeing this, Chen Lin and the others burst out laughing.

It was half a day later.

Luo Tian and his party came to a region where even the starry sky became illusory. The planets in this region are all extremely vast, each planet has a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and the aura above the entire planet It is extremely abundant, and even more vaguely, there is endless evil spirit coming out.

"Indigenous planet?" Ling Ruochen frowned slightly, "Boss Luo, don't you want to plot against these indigenous people? These guys are quite difficult to mess with."

"Maybe I have to let you take the lead." Luo Tian smiled sinisterly.

"I'm stupid..." Ling Ruochen was speechless, "Aren't you kidding? Fighting these natives is not only hard work, but also has no military achievements. Do you think I'm a fool and an idiot?"


Without hesitation, Luo Tian kicked Ling Ruochen towards the nearest indigenous planet.

A moment after Ling Ruochen fell into the planet, he flew back with a face full of excitement.

"Good news, good news!" Ling Ruochen exclaimed with surprise on his face.

"Oh? What's the good news? Could it be that you had an earth-shattering and epic relationship with an old godly woman just after you landed on this planet?" Chen Lin laughed with a rare sense of humor.

"Vulgar!" Ling Ruochen gave Chen Lin a hard look, "With your wisdom, you can only stay at this level!"

"Fart off!" Luo Tian looked at Ling Ruochen and cursed with a smile.

"It's true that this is an indigenous planet, but it's almost the same as our dressing customs, and almost all of them are human races, but they all seem to be well-regulated, and there should be a powerful force behind them." Ling Ruochen said quickly.

"Go down and have a look." After Luo Tian said, his figure flashed and landed directly on the planet in front of him.

On the huge indigenous planet, after being carefully scanned by Luo Tianyuan's spiritual sense, he discovered that there are cities dotted around here.

Afterwards, Luo Tian moved directly to a city, and after searching for a while, he found the City Lord's Mansion.

"You are…"

In a certain gorgeous government office, a middle-aged man wearing a tall feather crown looked at the boy in white clothes who suddenly appeared in front of him in horror, and was about to exclaim.

"Yuan Shi refines the soul!"

Luo Tian smiled charmingly, black lights shot out from his eyes, and he used the soul refining technique in Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong, and in an instant he controlled the middle-aged man in front of him, The information in his soul was directly plundered.

"What big news did you get?"

Just as Luo Tian flew out of the government office, he saw Ling Ruochen and the others floating quietly in the void.

"Did you feel anything unusual?" Luo Tian asked lightly.

Chen Lin was the first to speak, "The gravity here seems to be twice as strong as that in the fairy world. I'm afraid we can only display [-] to [-]% of our strength here."

Luo Tian nodded, "That's right, the nearby planets are controlled by a group called the Gao Yu Clan, and this group has a half-step immortal king in charge."

The expressions of Ling Ruochen and others changed slightly.

"That is to say, our strength will be suppressed here, and those strong people of the Gaoyu clan will be able to enjoy themselves?" Chen Lin also looked a little dignified, "Little emperor, what are you trying to achieve?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that I came this time for the inheritance crystal diamond of the Gao Yu clan." Luo Tian's expression turned serious, "Besides, I must get this inheritance crystal diamond. How about this, next, in order to prevent In case, all of you will stay in my internal body for a few days, and I will act alone, so that the possibility of exposure will be minimized."


Ling Ruochen and the others changed their expressions, and immediately looked at Luo Tian with some emotion. You must know that letting them enter Luo Tian's inner world is an extremely dangerous thing.If the few of them had unruly intentions, Luo Tian might at least be seriously injured. This is a kind of real trust.

In fact, Luo Tian didn't think that they would be bad for him at all. Taking a step back, even if they were bad for him, the Heaven Swallowing Tower in his inner body and the small world derived from it were enough to turn things around in an instant .

Luo Tian's internal body world is unusual.

Others don't know the power of a small world, but Luo Tian knows it very well. I'm afraid that even a half-step immortal can't win it off from him.

"Next, it's time to race against time. You must not take a wrong step." After Luo Tian opened the world in his body and took Ling Ruochen and others in, he tightly grasped it.

ps: Today the community has a power outage from 10 or 30 in the morning. I called to ask, and I wanted to call after [-]:[-] in the evening. I thought about it in advance. I coded a chapter and ran to my friend’s house while the notebook could last for nearly two hours. Come to update, today there will be an update.

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