
Chapter 918

There are not many planets under the Gao Yu clan, but there are also many, tens of thousands of planets.

Luo Tian carefully moved and walked on the boundary of the Gaoyu Clan. Every time he came to a planet, he would use the secret art of Yuanshi Soul Refining to steal the secret information in the opponent's mind. The news that the Gao Yu tribe inherited the crystal diamond made him very depressed.

In fact, it can be considered that Luo Tian is lucky enough. The middle-aged man of the Gao Yu clan who was stolen by him earlier was a dandy relative of the royal family of the Gao Yu clan. , and it will not be his turn to become a high official of the Gao Yu clan.

Among the Gao Yu clan, other than the royal family, the feudal officials, the farther they are from the imperial city, the more lucrative they are.Because the Gao Yu clan is not a kind-hearted race, killing and stealing goods is as easy and natural as eating and drinking.Take recent years as an example, many of the strong men from the northern and southern immortal worlds who participated in the battle between the two worlds have indeed become enlightened.

It was only because that guy was from the background of a quasi-first-class dude of the Gao Yu clan that he knew some information about inheriting crystal diamonds.If it were the rest of the Gao Yu clan, they would never even have heard of it.

in the void.

Luo Tian moved while thinking, seeing that the evil spirit coming towards his face became more and more intense, I am afraid that it is not too far away from the core hinterland of the Gao Yu clan. Could it be that the inheritance crystal diamond is really in the core hinterland of the Gao Yu clan?

"Impossible." Luo Tian thought about it for a second, "Participating in the battle between the two worlds will definitely have a strong man against the sky. It is absolutely impossible for the Gao Yu clan to put treasures such as inheritance crystal diamonds in the core hinterland at this critical moment. If it is attacked by a peerless powerhouse, I am afraid that the inheritance crystal diamond will change hands!"

After thinking about it, Luo Tian still didn't come up with a specific clue. With a movement of his body, he landed directly on the planet in front of him.

Speaking of which, the planet under the command of the Gaoyu Clan in front of you looks colorful from the starry sky, and at first glance it is an excellent planet with beautiful scenery. This planet is slightly deviated from other planets, and the evil spirit on it is not strong. Instead, it was filled with a soft breath.

Luo Tian hurriedly communicated with the incomplete jade crown, and the incomplete jade crown immediately reflected the area map, but the original bright spots on the map disappeared!

"Did you get discovered by the Gao Yu clan? Or was it blocked?"

Luo Tian couldn't help being puzzled, his face was full of confusion, without a map to guide him, could he search the entire Gao Yu clan?

This is no easy task!

Luo Tian suddenly had a headache.

clap clap!

Luo Tian moved directly on the planet in front of him, and transformed himself. Immediately, the Variety Immortal Dou came into play and became an ordinary old man who was over half a century old. The old man knocked out, and then found a secret place to hide it.

The appearance of the old man that Luo Tian transformed into was that farmer. After obtaining a token representing his identity from him, Luo Tian broke through the air and left.

"The Gaoyu tribe is really vigilant, and the identity tokens on each planet are different." Luo Tian couldn't help but admire the ruler of the Gaoyu tribe, that is, he has the ever-changing fairy pocket. It cannot be changed arbitrarily, and no matter how strong the strength is, it will be quickly noticed by the Gao Yu clan.

And Xianjun, it is absolutely impossible to appear in the Gaoyu Clan's territory at this moment.

After entering a small city, Luo Tian swayed for a while, then blatantly walked up to the City Lord's Mansion, and then turned into a breeze and flew in directly.

The faces of Zheng Feng and others in the inner world changed dramatically.

"Damn it, how many secrets does Boss Luo hide? He can change at will!" Zheng Feng was dumbfounded, his face full of displeasure.

Chen Lin and Ling Ruochen shook their heads and smiled. Naturally, they already knew that Luo Tian could change at will, and they had even seen Luo Tian's real appearance.

Wen Liang and his wife were also stunned, "Uncle..."

At this moment, Luo Tian had already floated into the City Lord's Mansion like the air, and went directly to the two people with the highest cultivation level in the City Lord's Mansion, and without hesitation, used the secret art of refining the soul of Yuanshi.

"There is a situation!"

Luo Tian was overjoyed, and here he unexpectedly discovered the whereabouts of the remaining four gemstones, which are the crystal diamonds inherited from the Gaoyu Clan!

After a while.

Luo Tian waved his hands sullenly, and called the two of them back, "I didn't expect that there was a half-step immortal emperor's primordial mark on the inheritance crystal diamond. Once you leave this city, you will definitely be found!"

Then, Luo Tian calculated silently for a while, and finally calculated the most central area of ​​these four cities.

"Go and control them all first, and then join them at the fastest speed. Even if the half-step fairy comes, there will be enough time to escape!"

next moment.

Luo Tian directly moved out of the city and left through the air.

When Luo Tian rushed to the fourth city non-stop, he suddenly frowned slightly, "There is a strong man coming here? It's not a strong man from the Gao Yu clan! Hurry up!"


After a stick of incense, Luo Tian descended directly to the fourth city. This time, the Gaoyu clan powerhouse guarding the city was already a Saint Immortal powerhouse. If Luo Tian hadn't used all his strength to refine the soul at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he might have escaped.

"let's start!"

Immediately, Luo Tian directly dispersed his primordial spirit to communicate with the city lords of the four cities controlled by him, and then rushed to the common middle area of ​​the four cities.

Whoosh whoosh!

The four figures left the city extremely quickly, and then came towards the middle area where Luo Tian had already arrived.

Luo Tian's body swayed slightly, and his eyes darkened. This time, he could control the four powerhouses together. If he hadn't had the support of the three night plate, he might not have been able to do it at all.

at the same time.

In the imperial city of the Gaoyu Clan, a tall and mighty man suddenly roared, and then directly cut through the void and soared upwards. Wherever he passed, the space directly collapsed into a deep ravine.

"Hurry up!"

At this moment, Luo Tian was still waiting impatiently at the same spot. In the perception of the primordial spirit, in the distant void, there was a sturdy aura that looked like a tiger and a dragon rushing towards him, and it was still millions of miles away. It has almost suppressed the entire planet.

"Damn, is the half-step fairy so perverted?" Luo Tian finally changed his color, "If I fight him without reservation, I'm afraid I may not be an opponent, so I can only sacrifice a small world to gain some advantage .”

And the other tyrannical aura on the planet also had a dignified expression, cursing in a low voice, "Grass, why did the patriarch of the Gaoyu clan take action in person? We really can't delay now!"

After finishing speaking, the tyrannical aura flew directly towards one of the cities, thinking that no matter what, he wanted to get an inheritance crystal diamond.


Finally, in Luo Tian's short moment, it seemed like millions of years had passed, and when he was almost exhausted from waiting, four city lord-level figures rushed over one after another.

Luo Tian raised his hand.

The four city lords directly raised their hands, each flying a gem from their hands.

Luo Tian accepted it directly, and then pressed down on the last remaining area of ​​the incomplete jade crown.


"Boy, I didn't expect you to gather together the Sun God's Crown, and now I can't keep you even more!"

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