
Chapter 922 No one can leave!

It has to be said that Luo Tian is a peerless evildoer who is rarely seen in millions of years.

At the beginning, he really had no idea, but later he calmed down and realized it. In this way, he really felt the profound Buddha's meaning hidden in the peak.





No results!

No reason!




Many essences of Buddha's meaning were absorbed and digested by Luo Tian's Heaven-swallowing Law like the enlightenment. Soon, Luo Tian felt the inconceivable supreme and highest level of this Buddha's meaning, which is indeed a powerful foundation that has ruled for several eras!It is worthy of being one of the most powerful three great traditions in the fairy world since ancient times along with Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism!

Soon, Luo Tian discovered that after being washed by the essence of Buddha's will, his physical body continued to grow slowly, and the miscellaneous attack power in his body had been dissolved into nothingness, leaving only the two main elements of the law of swallowing the sky and the true solution of Tianhe. force.

"Seventy times the combat power!"

Luo Tian suddenly exclaimed inwardly, "The essence of the Buddha's mind can actually increase the combat power, and it is still rising! My cultivation base is also slowly increasing!"

Of course, what surprised Luo Tian the most was that the Lightning Extinguishing Divine Spear, which had no weapon spirit, began to develop its own consciousness under the influence of the essence of Buddha's will at this moment...

If Ji Lei Mie Shenqiang really regenerates self-consciousness and condenses into a weapon spirit again, then Ji Lei Mie Shen Spear can definitely restore the peak combat power of Jiyuan Xianbao.

As long as the Jiyuan fairy treasures are back to their peak, most of them are dao grade fairy treasures!

Don't look at Luo Tian who had almost no power to fight back in front of the Deprivation of the Holy King. If his overall strength has been greatly improved, the next time he encounters the Deprivation of the Holy King, the situation will probably be reversed.

"Chaotic power, my favorite!" Luo Tian yelled, "This small world can expand again!"


Soon, more than a thousand years passed, and the disappearance of Luo Tian and others did not cause too much impact on the war between the two worlds.Even this time, even the great figures of Xianjun couldn't find the location of Luo Tian and the others. They could clearly sense that they were still alive, but the token information on them had been covered up by heavenly secrets, and even if Xianjun was destroyed, they would have no way of knowing.

More than 1000 years have passed, and Luo Tian's overall strength has been steadily improving. In terms of cultivation alone, he has been promoted to the level of a half-step immortal monarch, and the third floor of the Sanxiao Pan has been repaired by [-]% to [-]%!The Urgent Thunder Extinguisher Gun was reborn as a weapon spirit, becoming a Taoist fairy treasure!

"Almost there."

Luo Tian's body standing upright like a stone statue stood up all of a sudden, and with a flick of his hand, the dust-like Yuanli Laws all over his body flew up like dust.

"150 times the combat power!" Luo Tian looked excited, "Comprehending the essence of the Buddha's meaning really has great benefits, and the Holy King Peng didn't lie to me! A small world has expanded to 90 miles! The primordial spirit and consciousness have even reached the level of a saint Dzogchen realm!"

Luo Tian, ​​whose body was almost expelled of impurities, had already reached an extremely terrifying level of overall strength, and now he was confident that even if he faced the Deprivation Saint King again, it would be more than enough to kill him, but defeat him!

Of course, what gave Luo Tian quite a headache was that he still couldn't open the fifth celestial domain of the black lotus magic weapon, that is, the last celestial domain.

call out!

Luo Tian took a step forward, and the whole person went directly out of Jinshan. When he just left Jinshan, Jinshan behind him suddenly disappeared into nothingness, and it no longer existed.

"Tsk tsk, it really is a peerless evildoer with a deep connection with Buddhism, who has broken through in just over a thousand years. Such aptitude is really enviable!"

The Saint King Peng seemed to have expected Luo Tian to come out a long time ago, he stood in the void and praised Luo Tian without hesitation.

"Hey, let's go, let's go." Luo Tian smiled shamelessly, and then asked, "Where are my brothers?"

"Those little fellows are not as good as you, but they are rare monsters. You can see for yourself." After speaking, Shengwang Peng waved his sleeves and led Luo Tian to walk in the void.

Luo Tian looked from the void and saw Chen Lin and the others cultivating at a certain distance. What surprised him was that Ling Ruochen was about to break through the half-step fairy barrier, and Wen Liang and Zheng Feng also had their cultivation bases soared. , I believe that if they return to the battlefield of the two worlds, they will definitely be able to win the title of king and commander!

"There's quite a lot of chaotic energy here." Luo Tian rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"Don't try to take out the chaotic energy here, it's impossible. After you leave, this little Buddha world will be completely annihilated." Peng Shengwang said with a faint smile, "Of course, the task of this deity has also been completed. From now on, you will be free!"

"Well, may I ask senior, where are you planning to go?" Luo Tian asked after a delay.

"There is no fixed place to live, and the world is home." Peng Shengwang was stunned for a moment, and then said lightly, "Even if the Buddha sect rises again, it is not something that can be achieved by the great ambition of the deity, and besides, the deity does not have that strength. "

"Hey, if senior has nowhere to go for the time being, then go to Shura Mountain in the Southern Immortal Realm, which happens to be the territory of the next." Luo Tian finally expressed his thoughts.

"You can think about it." Shengwang Peng glanced at Luo Tian meaningfully, and said with a faint smile.

"That's good, that's good." Luo Tian was secretly happy. Damn it, there are four great immortals sitting in Shura Mountain now. Shan can definitely become the number one force in the Southern Immortal Realm!

As the next Palace Master of Asura Mountain, Lao Tzu has to bear the responsibility of cheating a fairy king into being a thug!

Luo Tian thought so in his heart.


"Brothers, we are going back!"

After waiting for decades, the four of Chen Lin finally reached a bottleneck that they could not break through, and then Luo Tian yelled loudly.

"Scary! When did you get out of customs?"

"You are fast!"

"As expected of Boss Luo!"

Everyone looked at Luo Tian in surprise.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, hehe, we should go back and deal with those guys from the Northern Immortal Realm." Luo Tian waved his hand and said proudly.

"Fuck! You have broken through to the realm of a half-step fairy, are you still human?"

Soon, when Luo Tian used a small space to move everyone out, Ling Ruochen screamed.


"King of Absolute Wind, King of Divine Power, the two of you should not push yourself too hard!"

In the remote area in the north of the battlefield of the two worlds, a commander of the king of the Southern Immortal Realm was jointly attacked by two commanders of the King of the Northern Immortal Realm, and he seemed to be unable to hold on.

"Regrettably king, let's die here today!"

The Divine Power King stretched out his hand to guide several teammates behind the Immortal Regret King, "Of course, you can barely escape by yourself, but your subordinates..."


Regretfully Wang yelled loudly, and slashed out with the long red knife in his hand.

The subordinates behind him were already surrounded by the subordinates of King Juefeng and King Shenli, and it was too late to escape.

clap clap clap!


There was a tremor in the void, and then five figures fell from the sky in embarrassment.

"Damn it, it landed in this posture again!"

To the astonishment of both sides in the war, a young man in white jumped out of the pothole and yelled curses.

Immediately afterwards, behind Luo Tian, ​​the four of Chen Lin appeared one after another, without any fluctuations in the law.

"Kill them!"

King Juefeng suddenly pointed at Luo Tian and the others, "I didn't expect that there would be guys from the Southern Immortal Realm coming to give military merit!"

"Send it to you, uncle!" Luo Tian scolded in a very unhappy mood, "Little lunatic, Wen Liang, I will leave these two bastards from the Northern Immortal Realm to you."

"No problem!" Zheng Feng jumped into the air with a wicked smile.

Wen Liang said lightly, "Uncle, don't worry, none of these guys can leave!"

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