
Chapter 923 It's finally my turn!

The King of Absolute Wind and the King of Divine Power couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then laughed wildly, tears almost flowed from the laughter.

"Scholars from the Southern Immortal Realm, are your heads flooded? In our northern region, there are two king-sealing powerhouses who are far surpassing the two of us and are rushing over. They will arrive in a short while. Are you sure you are not talking in your sleep?"

"Since it's death, let's fulfill them."

The Northern Immortal Realm has always looked down on the Southern Immortal Realm. They all call the strong people in the Southern Immortal Realm scholars, which means that they have no strength to restrain a chicken. This is an insult.

Wen Liang and Zheng Feng were taken aback for a moment, and then said in unison, "They will die if they come!"



The green gourd on Zheng Feng's head emitted clusters of cyan light, like clusters of flowers, enveloping the Divine Power King, and immediately killed him.

On the other hand, Wen Liang is holding a silver gun, and he is walking towards King Juefeng gracefully. He himself was born in the Fuyou Palace in Yuzhou, and the Fuyou Palace is famous for its body skills. In this way, Wen Liang is a latecomer Arriving first, moving in between, the posture is extremely beautiful, the silver spear in the hand is slightly shaken, and countless silver pythons are transformed into countless silver pythons to attack.

After a moment.

Jue Feng Wang and Shen Li Wang were like bereaved dogs, they were beaten by Zheng Feng and Wen Liang so that they could not fight back.

"How can it be so strong!"

"That's impossible! It's obviously only at the commanding level!"

"These two guys are hiding their strength!"

The Regret King of the Southern Immortal Realm was obviously shocked to the extreme. Who are these people?How come two people come out casually, and they have the strength of the king's commander, and it looks like this, among the king's commanders, that is also a top-notch level!

What made Regret Wang even more distraught was that these two were obviously the weakest in the opponent's five-member team, and one could get a glimpse of it from the calmness of the other three, who were still chatting and farting.

What kind of perverted team is this!

"Don't play, let's make a quick decision, the opponent has two more kings and commanders!"

At this time, Chen Lin smiled faintly and shouted.

"Okay!" Zheng Feng laughed loudly, the attack in his hand suddenly changed, and Tankou lightly spat out, "Nine waves against the sky!"

"Nine waves against the sky!"

Wen Liang also launched a powerful attack without hesitation.

The four lights and shadows collided in an instant, making a burst of shocking noise.

Then, the corpses of King Juefeng and King Shenli separated and fell from mid-air, and Yuanshen was strangled to death.

"The next two are also left to you." Luo Tian looked at them for a while, then yawned, "Hurry up, don't waste time here."

Regrettably, the king's expression changed. Sure enough, this young man in white was the leader of the group of five.

Ling Ruochen, on the other hand, squatted on the ground and drew circles in boredom, and shouted angrily, "I won't have any strong opponents, I can't live through this day."

Regrettably, Wang Wenyan's vision almost went dark, and he passed out.

With the strength of the King of Regrets, he has just now sensed that there are two extremely powerful auras coming from the northern region, but just before that, the mysterious powerhouses who were watching the battle with the three old gods on the other side have already noticed that this is a matter of strength. How much higher than yourself can you do?

"Scholars from the Southern Immortal Realm dare to besiege and kill my strong men from the Northern Immortal Realm, take your life!"

After a while, a thunderous sound came out from the void, and then countless waves descended from the depths of the sky, covering the surrounding area tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

Conquer the king!

He is also a very powerful king commander!

Chi Chi Chi!

Immediately afterwards, another sea of ​​fire and waves of fire swept over from the end of the horizon. Wherever they passed, even the hard rocks were melted into water, and the air made bursts of explosions, exploding one after another. Everything burned to pitch black.

Commanders of the two great kings of the Northern Immortal Realm!

King of Breaking Waves!

Burning Fire King!

Zheng Feng stood in midair, twisted his neck, and said with a chuckle, "Nephew Wen Liang, you need to work harder now!"

"Hehe, it's extremely extreme." While Wen Liang was talking and laughing, his whole body was immediately covered by a layer of silver-white battle armor, and layers of real streamer light belts were derived. Gu Pan seemed to be in the presence of the god of war, and there was a sense of innocence that cannot be ignored. majesty.

"Which one do you choose?" Zheng Feng blinked at Wen Liang. In the small world of the Buddhist sect, his strength has grown extremely rapidly. At this moment, he can only be defeated by the top king and commander, but he still cannot be killed. !

Wen Liang scratched his head, "Then I will choose Duan Lang Wang."


The eyeballs of many strong men headed by King Regret in the Southern Immortal Realm are about to pop out. The ones coming from the Northern Immortal Realm are obviously two tyrannical king leaders, and these two are still discussing the choice heartlessly. Which one is the opponent.

Doesn't this take the opponent's strong man seriously?

"Little emperor, Wen Liang and the little lunatic should be fine." Chen Lin frowned and said to Luo Tian via voice transmission.

Luo Tian shook his head and said with a smile, "It's absolutely no problem. You think it's a lie that they absorbed so much chaotic energy? These two guys still collected several Buddhist treasures in the small world of Buddha Sect. When the Grand Commander comes in person, he can only defeat two people at most, and absolutely cannot kill them!"

"It's a pity that there are so many military achievements!" Ling Ruochen looked up to the sky and sighed, weeping.

"Damn it, keep nagging me that I'm throwing you into a bunch of princes and commanders!" Luo Tian suddenly turned his head and scolded with a smile.

"Now I'm going to break through and become the king's commander! I'm not afraid!"


Luo Tian kicked Ling Ruochen away.

Ling Ruochen flew hundreds of miles straight in the void, but he came up to Burning Fire King, but seeing him wave his sleeves in a leisurely manner, the endless sea of ​​fire and fire waves split into two, hehe laughed, "Burning Fire King , Your opponent is not me, but him!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Ruochen directly moved out and quickly returned to Luo Tian's side.

"Wow, mad at me too!"

Burning Fire King roared, "The Holy Light King, roll over and die!"

"I'm sorry, your opponent is me." A cloud of blue light descended from the sky, it was Zheng Feng, but seeing him shrugged, "Don't eat what's in the bowl and look at the pot, it makes people so sad Woolen cloth!"

"I'm going to kill you, Longyang monster!" Burning Fire King stormed away.

"Damn it, you dare to say that I'm a monster of Longyang. Seeing that I beat you until your parents wouldn't recognize you!" Zheng Feng rolled up his sleeves and went on.

High in the sky, Wen Liang held a silver spear and Duan Lang Wang had already started fighting, and the fight was so dark that the sun and the moon were dark.


Chen Lin smiled and looked towards a certain direction, "Now it's finally my turn to play."

Luo Tian raised his eyebrows and remained silent. He had naturally sensed that a leader among the kings and commanders had come to the Northern Immortal Realm this time.

Ice King!

Ling Ruochen stuttered, and lay down on the ground, "Go, go, this kind of stuff is not worth my shot, my goal is the Grand Commander, the Grand Commander..."

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