
Chapter 924 While talking and laughing, the powerful enemy was wiped out!

In the distant space, the clouds are steaming and the clouds are blooming.

In mid-air, Chen Lin, who was dressed in green clothes, said helplessly to himself, "This speed is too slow, and it's hard for me to wait."

Ka Ka Ka!

After more than a dozen breaths, the space was broken layer by layer, and a forceful cold air spread from afar, freezing the void and then shattering.

In the depths of the void, a slender figure exuding an endless chill came slowly, and the chill all over his body could even freeze the laws of heaven and earth.

Ice King!

"How beautiful this beauty is!"

Chen Lin stood in the void with his hands behind his hands, and greeted with a smile.

"King of Blood Order, don't block my way, my opponent is not you!"

In a daze, a slender figure appeared in front of Chen Lin, but it was a sweet-looking young woman in blue clothes, but her face was covered with a layer of frost, and her speech was extremely cold. Those with a slightly lower cultivation level might not even be able to see her. If you can't resist the words, you will be out of your wits.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, the opponent of this seat is you, what do you think should I do?" Chen Lin scratched his head, with a simple and honest face, with a naive expression.

"Then you will die!"

The Ice and Snow King snorted coldly, and then waved his cloud sleeves, and a magic weapon flew out of nowhere, but that magic weapon was a pot-shaped magic weapon whose whole body resembled a sky-blue jade, but seeing the pot-shaped magic weapon hovering slightly in the void, It was the mouth of the pot hanging upside down, and then layers of ice and snow phantoms were born, covering Chen Lin in an instant.


The Ice King gave a low cold cry, and endless suction came out from the mouth of the pot, and it was about to suck Chen Lin into it, freezing his body and soul into ashes.

"Wow, it's so cool!"

Chen Lin's pupils shrank slightly, and then a light golden mask appeared on his body. In the cloud above the mask, a wooden fish magic weapon was bobbing up and down.

This magic weapon is the leaking wooden fish that Chen Lin obtained from the small world of the Buddhist sect!

Leujin supernatural power is an extremely high-ranking supernatural power in the Buddhist sect. Translated in the words of the Buddhist sect, it means the complete extinction of all troubles. The most precious treasure in a little Buddha Lord!

"Buddhist Dharma Treasure!"

The Ice and Snow King exclaimed, "Hmph, don't think that owning a Buddha Sect Immortal Treasure with extremely strong defenses can do nothing to you! Anyone who blocks this seat today will surely die!"

"Then come on, I'll wait for you."

Chen Lin still didn't forget to wink at the Ice and Snow King.


Luo Tian's side.

Ling Ruochen, who was beaten like a pig's head, wept with joy, and said with tears all over his face, "Boss Luo, damn it, it's finally my turn! It's finally my turn!..."

"Fuck off!"

Luo Tian really thought that Ling Ruochen was an eyesore, so he kicked him away again. This guy has been nagging him since Chen Lin found the Ice and Snow King. I don't know how many meals.

"The Great Commander of the Northern Immortal Realm, my lord is here!"

Ling Ruochen let out heart-pounding howls of wolves in the void, with a look of crying, which startled Zheng Feng and Wen Liang who were fighting.

What is this guy motivated by?

He was so excited when he met the enemy's commander-in-chief!In a hurry to die?

"It's so lonely!"

Luo Tian sighed softly, sat cross-legged in mid-air, took out a bottle of fine wine, and just glanced at it, a small jade table and a lot of cups quickly condensed in front of him, and he began to drink leisurely.

"You are the Holy Light King?"

A half-century-old man looked at the guy in front of him who could barely see his original appearance, and couldn't help but sneered, "Are you here to send me to my death?"

"I'll see you off!" Ling Ruochen said proudly, "You should feel extremely honored to be able to let such a suave and strong man like Yushu Linfeng send you, a commander who is nearing lifespan, on the road!"

"Hehehe." The half-hundred old man laughed lowly, the more he laughed, the more unrestrained he became, and after a long time he sighed softly and said, "It's true that I'm close to longevity, but it's not a problem to send you, a little guy, on the road. I'll kill you The military merits of this seat will increase even more!"


Just as the half-hundred old man finished speaking, a huge picture of gods and demons fell in the void.

"Sure enough, he is an idiot with high self-esteem. No wonder he has never been able to reach the Great Perfection of the Holy Immortal!" Ling Ruochen laughed teasingly, "You are the first great commander who died at the hands of me!"


Although the half-hundred-year-old man was not disturbed, he smiled lightly, and the top of his head was condensed with mysterious lights, like mountains and seas, deep and impossible to pry.

"It turned out to be from Xuanguang Prefecture in the Northern Immortal Realm."

Ling Ruochen stretched out his hand to touch the void, and the map of gods and demons slowly pressed down.Xuanguang Prefecture can't enter the top three in the Northern Immortal Realm, but it is also a large state with upper-middle strength, which should not be underestimated.


"Scholars from the Southern Immortal Realm! No matter how strong you are, can you withstand the attacks of tens of thousands of us?"

In the distant void.

A small army of tens of thousands of people moved from the void, and they all stood on top of ten huge boats, tearing up the void and descending in the blink of an eye.

"I like to bully the less with the more."

Luo Tian sat still, leisurely finished the fine wine in front of him, then waved his sleeves, the small jade table and cups in front of him were reduced to ashes, and then he stood up, stepped out, and It disappeared in place.

In the distance, the regretful king who hadn't left just fell headlong!

I'm stupid!That white-clothed youth is a king and commander!

After cup of tea.

In the endless void, a white light and shadow walked in the void like a stroll in the garden. Every step he took, he crossed an unknown number of space rivers and small worlds.

"It seems that the main target of this group of guys is not us, but Liuguang Xinghe."

The white light and shadow is naturally Luo Tian, ​​but seeing him keep calculating and rehearsing in the void, he finally knows the real purpose of the ten giant boats.

"Since we met, let's solve it smoothly, and make some contributions to the Southern Immortal Realm." Luo Tian said to himself.

After moving hundreds of times in succession, Luo Tian could finally see the ten huge boats approaching from a distance.

"Report to the commander, there are enemies ahead!"

"Oh? How many enemies are there?"

"Just, only one person!"

"Damn it, let's just use the Shenguang cannon to kill one person, and use it to report to this seat!"

On a huge boat at the forefront, such a scene is being performed.

The front of the giant boat.

There were more than a dozen black muzzles, and they finally moved slowly.

"Spiritual pulse replenishment!"

All of a sudden, countless spiritual veins poured into the dozen or so divine light cannons.

"The first three Shenguang cannons aim and lock on the opponent, fire!"

"Huh? The Divine Light Cannon from the Northern Immortal Realm?"

Luo Tian suddenly felt that he was being locked, and then his primordial spirit and consciousness swept away, and then chuckled lightly, a black mask appeared all over his body, "Then let's see how powerful this divine light cannon is!"

In the Northern Immortal Realm, the city is guarded by the Shenguang Cannon.In the Southern Immortal Realm, the defenders are Leiyuan Pao.The power of the two cannons is comparable.

Boom boom boom!

The three divine light cannons burst out directly, blasting down towards Luo Tian.

Puff puff!

But these three cannonballs landed on Luo Tian's body, as if they just squeezed the black mask around Luo Tian's body to less than three feet, and then they were eliminated invisible one after another.

"The power is not bad, and it is extremely difficult for ordinary late-stage Saint Immortals to succeed."

Luo Tian thought about it secretly, then reached out and took out the Taoist treasure of the Thunder Extinguishing God Spear, and threw it away.


The next moment, the Jilei Mie Gun directly penetrated the defense of the huge boat that was already at the level of a half-dao celestial treasure, pierced through countless strong men, and smashed the Shenguang Cannon into the air.

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