
Chapter 925 Rapid Rise

"Dao Grade Immortal Treasure!"

"It's the Commander of the King! The other party is the Commander of the King!"

"Quickly ask for support!"


As Luo Tian swung the Ji Lei Mie Divine Spear out, piercing the giant boat in front of it directly, the Ji Lei Mie Shen Gun still did not stop, and endless thunder light balls were derived from it, and they were scattered in the void. It exploded, and the strong men on countless huge boats were reduced to ashes.

Luo Tian took a step forward in the void, and the next moment he landed directly on top of the huge boat. He grabbed the Thunder Extinguishing Spear with his right hand, put it away, and then shot out with both hands one after another.

Heishi Yinlei!

Endless black evil thunder!

Boom boom boom!


Bang bang bang!

The huge boat in front of him was immediately covered by black thunder.

With Luo Tian's current strength, there is almost no need for Heisha Yinlei to come to Yinren, and the flying giant boat used to deal with the opponent is just right.

Under the explosion of Luo Tian's black evil thunder, a giant boat quickly fell apart and fell apart. Even half-way immortal treasures could not withstand so many black evil thunder bombings. In the end, the huge boat in front of Luo Tian escaped. Less than [-]% of the experts from the Northern Immortal Realm came out.

"There is also Heishi Yinlei!"

"Why so many!"


Less than [-]% of the strong men had just escaped not far away, and they were shocked to find that they were still surrounded by black evil thunder, and what greeted them would be endless destruction and despair.

Heisha Yinlei exploded rhythmically again.

A huge ship of war has fallen!

Next, Luo Tian naturally did not intend to let go of the other nine warships, and the black thunders in his hands flew out one after another, falling towards the second warship...

The nine ships of war naturally sensed the big movement before and began to seek support long ago.

It's just that Luo Tian moved too fast.

Nine ships of war have been defeated in no time, and the military merits on their bodies have increased exponentially.

On the last ship of war, almost all the strong men who barely escaped from the black evil thunder were gathered.

All the strong men have performed their cultivation together, and they are all starting to maintain the defense of the last ship of war. Otherwise, none of them can compete with a king and commander.

On the battlefield of the battle between the two worlds, the real peak existence is the Great Commander of the King!

"This King Feng Commander can't even do anything with the Shenguang Cannon!"

"What should we do now?"

"Fight against him! Even if he blew himself up, he wouldn't be able to accumulate military merits!"

All the powerhouses united with the same enemy in an instant, and the battle between the two worlds will be won or lost, depending on the level of military merit!In fact, whichever side kills the opponent with more powerhouses wins.

Self-detonation can only increase the opponent's military achievements by [-]%!

But having said that, to be able to participate in the battle between the two worlds, they are all geniuses and outstanding figures in the northern and southern fairy worlds. If it is not a last resort, who would want to die in such a humiliating way?


Luo Tian took a deep breath, and then took out the Thunder Extinguishing Gun, with a smile on his face.

"Let these guys see and see, 150 times the fighting power!"


There was only a soft sound, and then Luo Tian seemed to quickly engulf the entire world, and there was nothing else in the entire world except for the spear shot out of Luo Tian's hand!

"Damn, the spiritual vein consumption is too harsh!"

Luo Tian yelled to himself in great distress, the 150 times combat power actually consumed two of his royal veins!

One shot through the air!

This moment caused an unimaginable shock to everyone on the tenth ship of war in the Northern Immortal Realm!

They have never seen such a powerful and powerful attack!

After the soft sound, within hundreds of thousands of miles of the void in front of Luo Tian, ​​everything was annihilated, not even the laws of heaven and earth and the power of heaven and earth remained!

The power of a single shot shocked the world!


Luo Tian was more hearty than ever. With a long cry, he lifted his head to the sky and broke through the void, returning to the battlefield of the two realms.

"what is this?"

"Who made the shot just now?"

"This kind of attack..."

Soon, three great commanders from the Northern Immortal Realm rushed over, but when they saw the scene in front of them clearly, their scalps all went numb!

It actually directly destroyed this void!

Luo Tian's blow destroyed that space from the very beginning. From then on, it is impossible for this space to heal and recover again!

"Did the strongest commanders of the Southern Immortal Realm join forces?"

The three great commanders of the Northern Immortal Realm felt bitter, and at the same time secretly rushed to rejoice. Fortunately, the three of them were not there just now. If the three of them were present, I am afraid they would not be able to change the fate of defeat!

"But the Jade Slip for Help says that there is only one king and commander!"

"This is impossible! This level of attack power is already infinitely close to that of Master Xianjun!"


Back to the battlefield of the two worlds.

Zheng Feng hurried over, "Boss Luo, hehe, I'm also the king and commander!"

Wen Liang next to him also looked a little excited, it seemed that he had also become the commander of the king.

King Qingluo, Zheng Feng.

Sharpshooter, gentle.

"Damn it, you still have to be a little short to break through." Not long after, Ling Ruochen, who was a little downcast, rushed back, his face was a little pale, it seems that he won the battle against a half-step immortal leader. , but did not break through to the half-step fairy realm.


In the distance, the blood was shining into the sky, and Chen Lin, whose whole body was surrounded by blood-colored evil energy, came majestically through the air.

"Ruochen, you have to thank me." Chen Lin smiled lightly.

Ling Ruochen raised his head, "Why?"

Chen Lin shrugged, "Because the Ice and Snow King that I beheaded is your deadly enemy."

"I've never heard of such a character." Ling Ruochen waved his hand.

"You fucking killed my husband back then, didn't that happen?" Chen Lin's face twitched, and he wanted to beat Ling Ruochen up.

"I have killed too many people, I don't have time to remember some cats and dogs." Ling Ruochen continued with a melancholy expression, "It's a pity, I still haven't broken through to the half-step fairy realm. I'm so stupid, why didn't I see you for a while, Boss Luo Military merit is so high?"

Luo Tian flicked his sleeves expressionlessly, "It's nothing, just destroyed ten ships of war."

Everyone is devastated.


"Boss Luo, what should we do next?"

In the void, Ling Ruochen smiled flatteringly.

"There are still more than 1000 years, why don't we go to the hinterland of the northern battlefield?" Chen Lin said with awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

Zheng Feng and Wen Liang didn't speak, and directly set their eyes on Luo Tian.

Luotian Gujing had no waves, and he said after a long time, "You guys, why are you so lawless? Don't think you are so proud now that you are all personalities! However, I like Xiao Linzi's suggestion just now!"

"My grass!"

When everyone heard the words, they rushed up and beat Luo Tian violently, and even Wen Liang came up to join in the fun in a symbolic way.

at the same time.

In the depths of the northern battlefield, among the three huge palaces floating in the air, there was a loud shout.

"Trash! You bunch of trash!"

A ferocious King Feng commander sat on the high platform, "I am so disappointed that the Holy King has you subordinates! Next, you need at least a pair of commanders to go out to check the information for me, Hmph, Sacred King Swallowing Heaven is just a newly promoted Grand Commander of the King! It seems that I haven't gone out for a long time, and some people have gradually forgotten the pain!"

ps: The third update!Originally, I had no idea about the gold medal list, but everyone has put me on No.11, so we can't retreat!Just fight!I don't have many readers, but I am absolutely hardcore!Absolutely brutal!Can you give me another five gold medals!For the last glory of Xianji!You are the brilliance of Immortal Pole!Let's fight!Rush to the top five, I broke out to the end!

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