
Chapter 926 Diving into the Core

The central and core area of ​​the northern battlefield was shrouded in a hazy belt of dense fog, spreading for hundreds of thousands of miles.This thick fog light belt twists and twists like an irregular curve separating the central area from the core area. This thick fog light belt is all artificially created to prevent the opponent's powerful people from sneaking into the core area to open up. Killing ring, there are countless prohibition circles and various poisonous gases in the dense fog and light belt. If you move it directly, you will bear a huge risk and will be found out by the other party.It is the strong man who is proficient in the laws of space who arranged the dense fog and light belt. Unless he has an extremely rare Taoist hidden fairy treasure, it is extremely difficult to sneak into the core area.

The Southern Immortal Realm battlefield is also arranged in the same way.

The battle between the two worlds has been going on for more than a thousand years, almost almost 500 years. During this period of time, the strong on both sides almost acted long ago.Therefore, it is difficult to see people near the dense fog and light belt that divides the central area and the core area.

The dense fog and light bands are just like before, floating gently, and the distance that the eyes can see is no more than ten feet.


In a hidden space in the east of the dense fog light belt, extremely tiny ripples trembled slightly, and then a young man in white came out of it first.

The boy in white is naturally Luo Tian.

Afterwards, Chen Lin, Ling Ruochen, Zheng Feng and Wen Liang filed out from behind Luo Tian.

After looking around for a while, Ling Ruochen frowned first, "Boss Luo, where did you bring us?"

"Of course it's a good place, your favorite place." Luo Tian chuckled and didn't say much.

Among the crowd, Chen Lin was the calmest, but seeing him strolling around casually, he walked back with a smile on his face, and gave Luo Tian a thumbs up.

"Don't let us guess riddles, okay?" Zheng Feng rolled his eyes speechlessly, "With the familiarity of the few of us, how can we still play the game? What a headache!"

"This is the area of ​​the Demon Race." Luo Tian smiled and said something without thinking.


Except for Chen Lin, the expressions of the others changed slightly.

"The little emperor chose the area of ​​the demons for a reason." Chen Lin stretched out his hand and pointed to the dense fog light belt, "First of all, the defense of this dense fog light belt is much weaker than the defense of the human race area guarded in the center."

The Taoism of the Demon Race is not as good as that of the Human Race.

"But wouldn't it be better to choose the Yaozu region?" Wen Liang frowned slightly and said, "The Taoism of the Yaozu is slightly inferior to that of the Mozu."

"This is the cleverness of the little emperor." Chen Lin snapped his fingers, "The Taoism of the Yaozu is slightly inferior to that of the Demons, but the fighting power of the Yaozu is not only one or two better than that of the Demons, And the human race is the most difficult to deal with. So the decision of the little emperor is very correct."

"But the strong ones of the monster race are less powerful than the demon race." Zheng Feng was still scratching his head, extremely puzzled.

"Don't you forget that we have gained a lot in the small world of Buddha Sect." Luo Tian said with a flat face.

A word to wake up the dreamer.

Everyone's complexion changed, and their eyes brightened. Yes, they have more or less harvested some Buddha Sect Immortal Treasures in the Buddhist Sect Small World, and the Buddha Sect Immortal Treasures have a great restraining and oppressive effect on the demons!

Since ancient times, there is still some truth in the fact that evil cannot prevail against good.The saying that the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is one foot tall just means that when the devil is powerful, righteous people are hard to resist.But to be fair, when the strength of the two sides is not much different, Zhengdao will still have the upper hand.

The demons only rose in the last era, why?It is because most of the orthodoxy that dominated the demons before were the three supreme orthodoxys of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. How can the demons get along with these three great orthodoxy?able to rise?Taoism is the weakest of the three supreme orthodox traditions in restraining the demons. If Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism occupy a dominant position, the demons may not have a way to survive.

So from the last era, Taoism has dominated, and the demons have gradually prospered.

Evil heretics, everyone can get it and punish it!

When Confucianism and Buddhism have the upper hand, even if the demons are not killed and uprooted, they can only be suppressed and struggle to survive in the most barren areas. How can they have a bright future?

Therefore, the ones who are most willing to watch Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism decline and fall are the demons.

Even many high-level figures in the fairy world have begun to doubt how much the demons contributed to the decline of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism!

Besides, among the crowd, except for Luo Tian, ​​who comprehended the Mahayana Buddha's meaning of the Buddha Sect, the rest of them had harvested the Buddha Sect Immortal Treasure in the small world of the Buddha Sect, possessed the Buddha Sect Immortal Treasure, and were able to deal with the demons. Not to say that he definitely has the upper hand, but at least he can leave safely.

The Buddhist sect's restraint of the demons is simply the law of heaven and earth.

"Then what should we do next?" Ling Ruochen grinned, rubbed his hands together, and took out a Buddha Sect Immortal Treasure, Fu Tian Jiang Demon Pestle, which turned into a pale yellow light the size of a fist and floated between his hands.

"Be careful!" Luo Tian gave Ling Ruochen a helpless look, then stretched out his hand and swung a sky-swallowing law to cover Ling Ruochen, "You guys are not afraid to scare the snake!"

"Don't worry." Ling Ruochen said, "I'm not that stupid."

"Then what should we do next?" Zheng Feng asked aloud.

Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked at each other, and said together, "Wait."

After such a wait, half a year has passed.

Finally, one day, the thick fog light bands trembled one after another, violently fluctuating in mid-air.

Luo Tian and the others immediately looked shocked, and then Luo Tian waved a void, and then everyone stepped into the void.


Like flowing water, the light bands of thick fog parted to the two sides, and then teams of strong demons emerged from it, surrounded by demonic energy, so tyrannical.


Luo Tian immediately built a space channel in the void, and then carefully crossed the void while the demon army passed through the dense fog.

Fortunately, the thick fog light belt is only hundreds of thousands of miles wide, and it is not a problem to construct a temporary space channel with Luo Tian's current strength, because the opponent has completely opened the restraining circle, and this moment happens to be a great opportunity .

For hundreds of thousands of miles, it took Luo Tian and others only about a meal to construct a space channel.Once this space channel is fixed, it will be hidden in the void. At that time, even if the thick fog light belt restarts the prohibition circle, it will not be easily detected.

Chi Chi Chi!

Soon, Luo Tian and the others took advantage of the demon army's complete passage, waited for a while, and finally slowly appeared out of thin air from the space passage. Their location was just under a boulder near a lake.

Luo Tian stretched out his hand to volley in the air, several pieces of jade slips were condensed out of thin air, and then fell into the hands of Ling Ruochen and the others.

"This is the space coordinate of this space channel, don't lose it." Luo Tian exhorted solemnly, in the core area of ​​the northern battlefield, even he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to escape safely.

"Little emperor, how long can this space channel last?" Chen Lin asked.

"At most a hundred years."

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