
Chapter 927 Was Discovered

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, all feeling a little shocked.

Generally speaking, as long as you reach the Saint Immortal, it is not difficult to build a space channel of millions of miles. Even if you are at the level of a Golden Immortal, you can maintain the normal operation of the space channel for thousands of years.

But in this dense fog filled with countless prohibition circles, it is extremely difficult to construct a space channel of millions of miles, at least it requires Ling Ruochen who is about to break into half-step immortal Only the strong of Jun Xiu can do it.

But Ling Ruochen thought that even if he could build such a space channel, it would not last more than 30 years.


Ling Ruochen couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly in his heart, even if he breaks through to the half-step immortal state, it probably won't last more than 60 years at most.

When he reached the Holy Immortal Realm, he was able to vaguely see his own fuzzy future, and reached the miraculous state of knowing destiny and seeing destiny. The results calculated by Ling Ruochen were almost the same as the actual results.

Luo Tian's methods are already infinitely comparable to the great figures of Xianjun.

"What a pervert!" Chen Lin sighed, and looked at Luo Tian with a strange expression, "I really don't know how shocking it must be for you to break through to the realm of a fairy king!"

Everyone nodded in sympathy. With Luo Tian's background, once he broke through to the realm of immortal monarchs, he might immediately become a tyrannical existence among immortal monarchs.

"Hehe, a hundred years should be enough for us to turn the world upside down in the Demon Race region. If you want to come to the Northern Immortal Realm, the human race and the demon race will not stand on the sidelines, but you will definitely not send a real strong person to help you punch." Luo Tian said faintly. laughed.

For grasping people's hearts, Luo Tian can be said to be at the pinnacle.

"But the difference between us and the demons is too great. I'm afraid we will be discovered just after entering the area of ​​the demons." Chen Lin suddenly had a headache, "We will have to make trouble all the way."

"I'm afraid, I just happen to have a Buddhist sect's ten thousand transformation method here. If you use it, as long as you don't let out your breath rashly, it is extremely difficult for the strong under the command of the king to detect it." Luo Tian chuckled and wanted to say Once the Buddhist meaning of this Buddhist sect is understood, the magical powers in it are really vast, and it is indeed the most magical powers in the three supreme Taoisms.

Next, Luo Tian passed on the Buddhist sect's ten thousand changes method to Ling Ruochen and others.

Luo Tian himself doesn't need it, he has the rare treasure of the ever-changing fairy pocket on his body, once it changes, even the commander-in-chief of the king will not be able to see his true root, which is the supreme fairy treasure for killing people and stealing goods.

"It is estimated that only the great immortals can see the flaws in this ever-changing fairy pocket." Luo Tian muttered to himself.

Everyone, including Luo Tian, ​​had dealt with the demons a lot, and they remembered the appearance of the demons very clearly. When everyone changed, they looked so lifelike. As long as they didn't take the initiative to reveal their breath, Even Luo Tian couldn't identify it easily, unless he used the Yuqing Yuanshi Xuan Gong and the Heaven Swallowing Law to investigate carefully.

Fozong really has a rich background!

Soon, Luo Tian and the others were full of emotion and galloped forward.

The demons that Luo Tian and the others transformed into were all small tribes under the royal line of the demons, and they were inconspicuous, so even if the other party was suspicious, it was impossible to quickly find out Chou Yinmao.

"It seems that there are several powerful demons coming over." Chen Lin suddenly sent a voice transmission to Luo Tiandao.

"Don't worry, I only need to let out my breath this time, and then I will take them all together." Luo Tian immediately sent a voice transmission to everyone in a calm manner.

"it is good!"

"Who's coming?" Next, the several demon powerhouses who came up to greet him shouted far away.

"You don't have your eyeballs on, do you?"

Luo Tian used the Heaven Swallowing Law in a decent manner to change the aura of the Ziyue royal family who had fought against him before, and shouted with a haughty expression, "I see that you are tired of living, and I want to go to the Demon Pool for a while." !"

The Demon Transformation Pond is the punishment for the demons to punish traitors and repeat offenders. Once thrown into the Demon Transformation Pond, the demonic aura will become stronger, but that kind of demonic aura is enough to make people lose their minds and become puppets who only know how to kill.

"Ah! I have seen the adults of the Purple Moon Royal Family!"

Those who greeted them were only a few high-ranking demons with the cultivation base of Taiyi Golden Immortal. They only slightly felt the breath coming from Luo Tian, ​​and they immediately fell to the ground tremblingly and sincerely, their bodies trembling non-stop.

The demon royal family represents the supremacy and inviolability.Where did a few high-class demons offend them.

"Which military camp are you from?" Luo Tian still pretended to say, there was a sense of majesty in his words.

Ling Ruochen and the others were about to twitch with laughter, their faces twitching faintly, isn't this guy pretending too much?

"My lord, my subordinate is the No.30 Battalion under the command of the No.16 Seventh Legion, the second largest military camp!"

"Lead the way ahead, I'm going to choose a few capable subordinates to go out with me!" Luo Tian waved his big hand and said indifferently.

"As ordered!"

Afterwards, several high-class demons led the way respectfully, and took Luo Tian and others back to the stationed brigade in a short while.

On the way, Luo Tian's primordial spirit carefully inspected the distribution of the demons in the surrounding area, and found that the distances between the various groups of the demons were quite far, so he couldn't help but feel happy.

Surprisingly, on the way, Luo Tian and the others also encountered a few old strong demons. Of course, these strong demons heard that Luo Tian was from the Ziyue royal family and couldn't help but respect Luo Tian. The others welcomed them into the camp.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the camp, the expression of the old and respectful old demon powerhouse suddenly changed, and after several spells were fired, layers of light red light curtains rose all around, covering everyone Inside.

"Who are you guys? How dare you pretend to be a member of the Ziyue royal family?! How courageous!" The old demon strongman shouted sharply.

"What's going on?" The previous few high-ranking demon powerhouses immediately asked with expressions on their faces.

"Joke! I am the genuine Ziyue royal family, and you still have to pretend? It seems that you want to die!" Luo Tian was shocked in his heart, but the mouth of the cooked duck was still hard, and his face and eyes were extremely calm.

Ling Ruochen and the others looked at the pale yellow light curtains around them.

"Hahaha, pretend, keep pretending!" The old demon powerhouse laughed and said with contempt, "The Ziyue royal family has always only appeared at the forefront of the battlefield between the two worlds. This is almost an iron law. Even if you come back to ask for help, you will go directly to those kings and commanders, why would you go to us? Tell me, who are you guys!"

Luo Tian smiled wryly in his heart. It turned out that his mother's mistake was here. If he had known earlier, he would not have pretended to be the Ziyue royal family. There are dozens of demon royal families, so it would be fine to pretend to be any other royal family.

"Hehe, there are contingencies in everything." Luo Tian remained calm, but secretly sent a voice transmission to Ling Ruochen and the others, "Get ready to attack!"

"A mere upper-class race dares to offend the royal family, it should be killed!"

In Luo Tian's eyes, two black lightning burst out immediately.

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