
Chapter 931 Joining forces to encircle and suppress, the world changes color

Compared with Ling Ruochen's talent for being a heaven-defying evildoer, Luo Tian is still different.

After all, Luo Tian may be slightly inferior to Ling Ruochen in terms of aptitude and talent, but it is not determined by talent and aptitude to determine a person's final achievement. Achievement.

And Luo Tian is the darling of heaven, the darling of fate!

Ling Ruochen has also broken through to half-step Xianjun now, but no matter how he compares, he is far from Luo Tian's opponent. Even Luo Tian can kill Ling Ruochen in an instant just by using the three-night disk, and even Xianjun can't reverse time and space Bring him back to life!

Because the Three Nights Plate is a real king-grade fairy treasure!

Moreover, it is a top-notch king-grade fairy treasure that has the real primordial spirit defense and attack in one!


There were bursts of strange buzzing sounds, and the three-night plate floating above Luo Tian's head seemed to be extremely cheerful, and it was fiercely attacking the Zhanzu Shengwang without Luo Tian's drive.

"Ruochen, take Xiao Linzi and the others back to the Southern Immortal Realm first, it's not suitable to stay here for long!"

At the same time, Luo Tian hurriedly transmitted the voice to Ling Ruochen and said.

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian expanded a small world to 90 miles, and a royal vein in his body burned out immediately!

"No wonder you are so arrogant, it turns out you also have a half-king rank fairy treasure!"

The Zhanzu Shengwang stood proudly in the void, his tall body went straight into the sky, standing still, "But it's useless to me! Haha, ah!"

Next, the Zhanzu Shengwang let the attack of Sanxiaopan invade into his body. He has two half-king-grade fairy treasures for defense, so he is naturally not afraid of any attack from the opponent. escaped, but then he screamed in horror, and then flew thousands of miles backwards.

It is true that Sanxiao Pan attacked his primordial spirit, but at the same time, he was also absorbing the laws of the Immortal King contained in the two semi-king-level immortal treasures on his body!

"The Seal of the Heavens!"

Now that Luo Tian's physical body has reached the realm of Dao Grade Immortal Treasure, the damage caused to him by using the All Heavens Seal has been reduced to negligible, and letting Luo Tian use the All Heavens Seal under the current situation is nothing more than weakening the Northern Immortal Realm as much as possible The strength of the demon clan, strive to lighten the burden on the strong in the Southern Immortal Realm in the decisive battle between the two realms in the future.

What made Zhanzu Shengwang want to vomit blood even more was that Luo Tian used another supernatural power to attack in the opposite direction...

"I must let you die, I must let you die!"

Seeing that Luo Tian killed thousands of strong demons with one move, the Zhanzu Shengwang couldn't help rushing forward with red eyes.

"San Xiao Pan, give me a hard beat up on his mother!"

Luo Tian stretched out his hand in the air, and the three-night plate was once again full of rays of light, like countless colorful flowers blooming and then withering. The twinkling lights covered tens of thousands of miles, and all of them poured into Zhanzu Shengwang. Inside the body, the King Zhan Zusheng was knocked into the air again.

If you can't beat me to death, I will kill you too!

Luo Tian had such obscene thoughts in his heart. Fortunately, Sanxiao Pan was very upbeat and did not disappoint Luo Tian. While constantly attacking the Zhanzu Shengwang, he also secretly extracted two half-king rank immortals from Zhanzushengwang's body. A trace of the law of the fairy king contained in the treasure is used to repair itself.

Luo Tian's scalp felt a little numb for a while.

This three-night plate is powerful, but it seems to be higher than human intelligence.Luo Tian was secretly worried that one day, this guy would not be under his control at all, and he would be leading a wolf into the house at that time.

"Sage King Swallowing Heaven, you have the guts to fight with me with real swords and guns. What kind of hero are you with a half-king-grade fairy treasure?!" Half of the Demon Race region.

But there is no other way, the Demon Race only has two top experts who are the Great Perfection of the Saint Immortal, one is the Zhanzu Saint King, and the other is the Biluo Saint King who guards the front line of the Liuguang Galaxy!

The Zhanzu Holy King knew in his heart that he could do nothing to the Holy King Tuntian, and the Holy King Tuntian could not do anything to himself. Unless the Holy King Biluo joined forces with him, he could barely suppress the opponent, otherwise it would be impossible for him alone to stay. No wonder he was so furious when he swallowed the Heavenly Sage King.

For a moment, all the demon powerhouses fell silent. The Sacred King Tuntian of the Southern Immortal Realm was so fierce and tough that even the Sacred King Zhanzu couldn't do anything against him!

Next, I don't know how many times the scene of Luo Tian urging the three-night pan, and then knocking the Zhanzu Shengwang into the air, and Zhanzu Shengwang rushing back again...

"Xiao Linzi and the others have passed through the space channel for two hours. With their cultivation base, they have almost entered the central area of ​​the northern battlefield, so I should leave too."

Then, the celestial power in Luo Tian's body condensed crazily, and directly drove the three-night pan with all his strength, sending the Zhan Zu Sheng Wang flying thousands of miles away.

With a flash of his figure, Luo Tian moved directly towards the space passage he built.

"You don't want to leave!"

Zhan Zusheng Wang was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, and he opened his mouth to spew out several misty lights and shadows. In the lights and shadows, a real war stone statue of the ancient demon clan appeared.

"The Battle Statue of the Demon Ancestor!"

Immediately, all the powerhouses in the Demon Race area felt the coercion from their blood, and prostrated themselves on the ground one after another.

Boom boom boom!

Luo Tian moved in the void, and a misty light and shadow invaded the void behind him overwhelmingly, and the turbulent flow of space exploded layer by layer.

"A high-level Taoist fairy treasure!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and then made two or three extremely strange shifts, and finally entered the space channel directly, and passed through the thick fog light belt in an instant. The space channel instantly collapsed into ashes.

"so close!"

Luo Tian licked his lips excitedly, as if he hadn't had such a hearty fight for a long time.


Luo Tian soared into the sky and moved directly into the distance.

The dense fog and light belt behind him quickly parted, and the Zhanzu Shengwang flew into the sky from it.

"Sacred King Swallowing Heaven, you don't want to escape!"


"not good!"

Luo Tian was moving in the void, but he suddenly discovered that waves of extremely strong laws of heaven and earth descended, unexpectedly blocking his movement. This was blocking him in the future, preventing him from moving.

After breaking through the void.

Luo Tian couldn't help but look ugly.

Whoosh whoosh!

In addition to Zhanzu Shengwang chasing after him, there were also three other powerful saints who came after him, and they soon surrounded Luo Tian.

"One top powerhouse of the monster race, two top powerhouses of the human race!"

With a little sweep of Yuanshen's consciousness, Luo Tian knew the identity of the other party.

The monster clan, violent holy king, red robe overnight, majestic and majestic.

The human race, the Moon Hunter King, was wearing a dragon robe and stood with his hands behind his back.Beside the Holy Moon Hunting King, there is a woman with countless ancient images of giant spirits spinning endlessly around her. She is the youngest and most powerful man in the Giant Spirit State, the Holy King of Yuling.

"Hehe, the Northern Immortal Realm is really giving me face." Luo Tian shrugged, and the top of his head was up and down uncontrollably for three nights, making soft noises.

"Sacred King Swallowing Heaven, you are too presumptuous." Sacred Moon Hunter smiled faintly, "I also have to admire you for daring to enter the depths of the northern battlefield alone. If I don't wait to make a move, what face will there be on the northern battlefield?"

"Today, you will die!" The violent holy king's eyes were stern, and two arcs were shot from his eyes, which directly burst the void.

The Zhanzu Shengwang and Yuling Shengwang did not speak, but walked slowly towards Luotian.

The four top kings want to kill Luo Tian together!

At this moment, the world changes color!

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