
Chapter 932 Dzogchen!Heaven and earth seal!

"I bother!"

Luo Tian opened his mouth and spat out, and sneered like a rascal, "Four holy immortals and Dzogchen powerhouses joined forces to fight against me, so it's so damn embarrassing! Some people come down one by one to make gestures. I beat you so much!" Don't go north!"

"I have never teamed up with others in my life, but this time I broke the precept for you." The Holy King Yuling smiled disapprovingly, "If it is spread, you are proud of yourself."


The War Ancestor Sage King had suffered a lot in Luo Tian's hands before, so he didn't want to say much at the moment, he just sacrificed the battle statue of the Demon Ancestor, and flew towards Luo Tian's suppression, obviously If you don't die, don't stop!

The Holy Moon Hunting King stepped forward from the void, and with every step he took, countless bright round moons appeared behind him, which directly distorted and changed the laws of heaven and earth, turning day into a boundless night, with only the bright moon in the sky.If you look carefully, in the depths of the endless bright moon, there is an immortal treasure of dust whisk that slowly emerges.

Half King Grade Immortal Treasure!

The violent holy king was more direct than the Zhanzu holy king. He rolled on the spot and transformed into his own body, a black unicorn in charge of fighting, but he saw a black mountain floating above his head, flying towards Luotian. Attack comes.

In the end, the long hair of the Holy King Yuling suddenly fluttered high, and countless ancient giant spirits walked out of the divine form behind him.

The giant spirit, in the ancient times, even in the previous epochs, once ruled an era of the fairy world. It was famous. Wherever the giant spirit passed, it could break the way with its strength and become a sanctified body, making it invincible to those who stood in its way!

"Damn it, this is to force me to work hard!"

With a long roar, Luo Tian held the Thunder Extinguishing Divine Spear in his hand. Nine rounds of Buddha's light appeared behind him, and tens of thousands of arms were derived, and his whole body was burning with the power of immortal monarchs.

"150 times combat power!"


The Sanxiao plate above Luo Tian's head trembled, and a radiant glow suddenly appeared, suppressing the world.At the same time, that small world was also cast by Luo Tian, ​​and the domains of the other four top kings shook violently, and Luo Tian had already found a flaw.

But it's useless to have a loophole. The four top kings on the other side all have half-king rank fairy treasures, and it seems that they have at least two of them. If they have three, unless a miracle happens today, it is really difficult for Luo Tian to escape.

"However, if you have a mere half king-grade fairy treasure, let's see how you can escape."

Zhanzu Shengwang took the lead, and was the closest to Luotian, and the influence of a small world on him was no more than [-] to [-] percent, and he possessed two and a half king-grade immortal treasures, so he was the first to rush forward without fear.

"Get out of here!"

In Luo Tian's hand, the Lightning Extinguishing Spear turned into a lightning dragon and whizzed out, hitting the battle statue of the Demon Ancestor fiercely, making a deafening noise.The two Taoist treasures flew upside down.

Then, the Sanxiao plate on Luo Tian's head abruptly ordered the half king grade fairy treasures of the three top kings of the Moon Hunting Sacred King to attack!

"This seat sees how you can fight against my spirit barrier!" The Holy King Yuling sneered, and suddenly pointed out with his slender hand, countless giant spirits rushed towards Luo Tian with a rampant momentum.

"Group attack? What I am most afraid of is group attack!" Luo Tian laughed loudly, "See how I can break your spirit barrier!"

"Thousand Army Seal!"

"The Seal of the Heavens!"

Luo Tian Yuanshen controlled the Thunder-Exterminating Divine Spear and fought resolutely with the Zhanzu Shengwang, but his hands were empty, and then he used the two-style swallowing sky seal with one left and one right.

"Break it for me!"

Luo Tian roared loudly, and the endless giant spirit lights and shadows that rushed over trembled one after another, and then all collapsed into ashes, and the seals of the heavens bombarded towards the Holy King of Yuling with extraordinary strength.

"Sure enough, the strength is not bad." The Holy King Yuling smiled lightly, and a green light curtain that almost connected the world was formed in front of him, and then a quaint palace slowly emerged from her feet, and countless halos rotated gently. It is to dissolve the seals of the heavens without any effort.

"Giant Spirit Temple!"

The expressions of the other three top kings couldn't help but change slightly. They didn't expect that in the battle between the two worlds, the Holy King Yuling brought out this rare treasure. The half king grade fairy treasure is at the peak level, it can be attacked and defended, and one fairy treasure is enough to be used as three half king grade fairy treasures, including attack, physical defense and soul defense in one.

It can be said that the Holy King Yuling is carrying this half-king rank fairy treasure, and there is nothing ordinary fairy kings can do to get her!

Suspended above Luo Tian's head, Sanxiao Pan, who was being oppressed and regressed steadily at the moment, uttered a soft cry when he saw this, very cheerful.

Then, under Luo Tian's dumbfounded expression, Sanxiao Pan took the initiative to attack the Giant Spirit Heavenly Palace...

"I'm stupid, this is trying to kill me!"

Luo Tiandeng's face was filled with bitterness, and he secretly cried out in his heart, Sanxiao Pan is only half the peak of the Wangpin Xianbao, and has not recovered the state of Wangpin Xianbao, so he wants to die prematurely?

Three and a half royal treasures come alive!

The Sanxiao plate burst open immediately, but Luo Tian's shocked expression soon restored the power of swallowing the sky through communication here.

"Self-healing half king grade fairy treasure!"

The eyes of the four top kings of the Northern Immortal Realm who besieged Luotian couldn't help but show fiery expressions.

"This treasure belongs to me!"

Zhanzushengwang and Baoshengwang rushed over at once, and they were going to kill Luo Tian at close range!

The Holy Moon Hunting King and the Holy King Yuling also kept approaching and oppressing Luo Tian.

"Damn, play close to me? You guys can't!"

Luo Tian was secretly happy, and the Zhanzu Shengwang and Baoshenwang who had been waiting to rush to the front rushed over, fighting with the two of them like light and electricity.

After a while.

The faces of Zhanzu Shengwang and Baoshengwang were livid.

"How could his body be so hard!"

"What a strong body! It has already reached the realm of Taoist Immortal Treasure!"


Luo Tian slammed the Ancestor Sage King into the air with a ruthless punch, "Damn boy, even if I can't kill you, it's enough to beat you until you feel good!"


Next, Luo Tian kicked out again, directly on the face of the violent holy king, "And you, what about the Qilin clan? I can beat you!"


During the fight between Luo Tian and the four top kings of the Northern Immortal Realm, the endless Tiantian Yuan power in the Tiantian Pagoda changed, and the endless black vortex rotated rapidly. During the rotation, they replenished into Luotian's body one after another. There is a tendency to become one with Luo Tian.

Under the oppression, the Law of Swallowing Heaven has undergone unprecedented changes!

Chi Chi Chi!

At this moment, Na Sanxiao couldn't help but secretly absorb the Immortal King's law from the opponent's half-king-level fairy treasure, and quickly repaired it, and soon it was only a hair away from being completely restored.

The four top kings of the Northern Immortal Realm looked rather ugly.

"There's something weird about this guy!"

"His Half King Grade Immortal Treasure is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Our Half King Grade Immortal Treasure is getting weaker and weaker!"

"Hurry up and kill him with all your strength!"


"I broke through to the Great Perfection of the Holy Immortal in an instant!"

"The Sanxiao plate will be restored to its original state!"

At this moment, Luo Tian was excited in his heart, and countless pictures in the primordial spirit flowed one after another, and then he felt that the Swallowing Law in his body seemed to want to break out of his body.

"Swallow the sky, swallow the sky, swallow the heaven and the earth!"

The Heaven Swallowing Sealing Technique has finally undergone a qualitative leap!

"This blow is the strongest attack in history. With the body, the sky and the earth are infinite! The sky and the earth are endless! The years flow!"

"Heaven and Earth Seal!"

When Luo Tian created the seventh form of the Heaven and Earth Seal of the Swallowing Seal, San Xiaopan was oppressed by the opponent's half king-grade fairy treasure, and finally reached the state of Dzogchen, completely becoming a king-grade fairy treasure!

"You four, take me a seal of heaven and earth!" As soon as Luo Tian finished speaking, his whole body disappeared, and he seemed to be everywhere in the world when he was not in the world.


The deepest part of the northern battlefield.

The ten immortals of the Northern Immortal Realm.

One of the old immortals suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, his face full of disbelief, "It's so, it's so, could it be that this son is the second Immortal of Yunjian and Immortal Zixiao?"

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