
Chapter 933 Situation Reversal

Heaven and earth seal!

Under the joint suppression of the four top kings, Luo Tian finally exploded with unprecedented potential. Not only did his cultivation reach the perfection of the Holy Immortal, but even his three-night pan was perfectly restored to the peak level-- Wangpin Xianbao.He himself has taken a huge step in understanding the law, comprehending the seventh form of the Heaven Swallowing Seal.

Once the seal of heaven and earth came out, in the world, except for the law of fate, other laws could not escape the invasion and corrosion of the seal of heaven and earth, and they were included one after another.


Between the heaven and the earth, there were bursts of soft sounds, which were the strange resonance brought about by the fusion of the laws of heaven and earth and the fusion of the heaven and earth's energy. Luo Tian didn't even manipulate the three-night pan to attack at this moment, but the sky and the earth had already changed color and the wind and clouds moved together.

"Pick me a seal of heaven and earth!"

Panicked voices came from the sky and the earth, and the four top kings of the Northern Immortal Realm all changed their colors. No matter how hard they searched, they couldn't locate Luo Tian's exact location at this moment, which made them feel a little flustered.

"We'll wait for the four of us to join forces to defend against the enemy!" The Holy Moon Hunter suddenly shouted, and the endless full moon around him burst, forming a huge silver moon halo that kept turning around below him, holding a handle in his hand. The ancient dust whisk swung vigorously at the top of the head, and there was an endless silver light.

Seeing this, the Zhanzu Shengwang, Bao Shengwang and Yuling Shengwang occupied the other three positions one after another, and each displayed the strongest defensive magic power.


The power of heaven and earth and the law of heaven and earth in the void with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles were emptied in an instant, and then a square light and shadow suddenly appeared in the void, directly suppressing and blocking the world of hundreds of thousands of miles.

Hundreds of thousands of miles of Fangyin light and shadow!

In an instant, the strong men of the Northern Immortal Realm within hundreds of thousands of miles turned into flying ashes, died and disappeared.And the four top kings who bear the brunt of the Moon Hunting Sacred King felt an irresistible and powerful force coming, even the half king grade fairy treasure in their hands was barely able to withstand it, but the fairy treasures in their bodies Yuanli will soon be exhausted.


Fang Yin's light and shadow fell again.

The four top kings of the Moonhunting Sacred King who possessed the body protection of half kings and immortal treasures couldn't take it anymore. Their faces paled and burned with the power of the spiritual veins and immortal monarchs in their bodies. For such a peerless magical attack that surpassed the world, it was simply an antelope hanging horns. There is no trace to be found, and with their strength, they can't find a solution in a short time.

Bang bang bang!

Fang Yinguangying did not know how many times it fell, and the four Moonhunting Saint Kings were like ants in the world, struggling to resist Luo Tiantian Diyin's attack.

"The seal of heaven and earth seems to be only able to compete with the half king grade fairy treasure."

In the void, Luo Tian transformed into thousands of Dao laws, and he was also meditating. His spirit veins and the power of the immortal monarch were consumed much faster than the four Moon Hunting Sage Kings. Almost in a blink of an eye, his body The top-level Wangpin spirit veins consume [-] to [-] percent.

"I can't spend it with the four of them!"

Luo Tian suddenly broke the shape of the heaven and earth seal, and appeared directly from the void, and then stretched out his hand to touch the void, and the three-night disk immediately appeared, but seeing the three-color brilliance of green, white and black flowing on the three-night disk in perfect condition, It makes people fall into it at a glance, lose their mind forever, and become a puppet without wisdom.

Chi Chi Chi!

The three-color brilliance turned slightly, and fell directly towards the three men of the Moon Hunting Sacred King.

Luo Tian's pale body swayed, and his heart felt bitter, "Damn it, this three night plate consumes more spiritual veins than the heaven and earth seal! This time it's really a big loss!"


This time, even though the four top kings of the Hunting Moon Sacred King possessed half-king rank immortal treasure body protection, they were directly shattered by Sanxiao's attack, and Qiqi was sent flying hundreds of thousands of miles away, seriously injured.

Speaking of which, even if Wangpin Xianbao is powerful, before Luo Tian was promoted to the position of Xianjun, the power he could display was limited.However, the half king-grade fairy treasure in the hands of the four Moonhunting Saint Kings was secretly absorbed by the Sanxiao Pan before, and the Immortal King Law contained in it was already severely damaged.In this way, one ebbs and another ebbs and flows, and the Moon Hunting Saint King really suffered a big loss.

However, the Sacred King of Hunting Moon was also in the realm of the Great Perfection of the Saint Immortal. Under the blow of Sanxiao Pan, he was only seriously injured and did not fall.


Hundreds of thousands of miles away, the Holy King of Hunting Moon suddenly became imposing, and it seemed that he had used the top-grade elixir on his body, and healed up quickly from his injuries, and then they split up and left.

"The attack range of the three-night pan can only be effective against the powerful Saint Immortal Dzogchen within [-] miles. Once it is out of this distance, it will be difficult for the three-night pan to seriously injure them!" Luo Tian was thinking, and the wings of the sky appeared out of thin air behind him. , with a slight fan, he chased after Zhanzu Shengwang first.

Zhanzu Shengwang's defense can be counted as the top among the strong in the northern and southern immortal worlds, but unfortunately his speed is really worse than Luo Tian's.

It didn't take long for Zhan Zu Sheng Wang to be caught up by Luo Tian from behind, and then San Xiaopan attacked directly.


Zhanzu Shengwang spat out a mouthful of blood, and then roared, "Sage King Swallowing Heaven, why are you chasing me directly?!"

"Damn it, if it weren't for you, a bastard, who kept chasing and killing me, I would be in such a miserable situation!" Luo Tian sneered, "I will be the first one to take the knife today!"


Even though Zhanzu Shengwang had two defensive half-king grade immortal treasures, he still couldn't block the attack of Sanxiaopan.

Soon, the Zhan Zu Sheng Wang was beaten by Luo Tian like a bereaved dog.

"This is what you forced me to do!" Zhanzu Shengwang also made up his mind, and directly cast a certain secret method of the demons, directly burning life essence and laws, and disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

"You can't run!"

Luo Tian sneered, and then directly hit the Sanxiao plate, and immediately locked on the Zhanzu Sage King tens of thousands of miles away, "I will destroy you today even if I try my best to waste all my wealth!"

Tens of millions of miles away.

The violent holy king jumped up and cursed, "Zhan Zusheng king, I'll fuck your grandma! Don't find me if you bring trouble to the east! Get out of here!"

"This seat will depend on you, if you die, everyone will die together!" Zhanzu Shengwang said viciously, "Anyway, you can't do anything to this seat!"

After half an hour.

This time it was the Moon Hunter's turn to almost vomit blood, and he had long since lost his composure and cursed, "Zhan Zu, Violent God, you two bastards, why did you bring the Heaven Swallowing King to me! "

"We're going to die together! Everyone, don't run away!" Bao Sheng Wang rolled his eyes and said, then pointed at Zhan Zu Sheng Wang, "This bastard is shameless first, I can't help it!"


This is great, the three top kings fled crazily together.

As a result, many strong men in the Northern Immortal Realm wondered in astonishment, why the three top king seal commanders in the void fled in such a panic, and when they were so panicked, a domineering and powerful aura that swallowed the world came from afar, and what happened All the powerhouses in the Northern Immortal Realm turned into ashes.

The northern battlefield has changed!

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