
Chapter 934 The Wrath of the Immortal Monarch

The Holy King Yuling was very distressed.

Just now, not long ago, the three Saint Kings of Hunting Moon actually did not hesitate to burn their life energy and law energy to move closer to her. The speed is the fastest among the four, but it can't compare with the speed of the other three burning life energy and law energy.

"Three fellow Taoists, I have no grievances with you on weekdays, and I have no enmity with you these days. Why do you three insist on dragging me into the water?" The Holy King of Yuling sighed quietly, and sent a voice transmission to the Moon Hunter with a bitter expression on his face. Wang three people.

"Hehe, anyway, I was dragged into the water by the bastard Zhanzu Shengwang." The violent Shengwang laughed shamelessly.

The Zhanzu Sage King's face was livid, and he said righteously, "At the beginning, I was chasing and killing the Sacred King Tuntian, and you waited for the three of you to come here uninvited, no wonder I am here!"

The Sacred Moon Hunting King has recovered his demeanor at this moment, and said lightly, "Yu Ling, since the four of us came together, then don't be so divided. Anyway, the relationship between the Sacred King Swallowing Heaven and the four of us has already been formed. It is useless to rush to separate the relationship."

"You..." The Holy King Yuling snorted coldly, "You are ruthless enough, let's see who he will deal with first when the Holy King Tuntian catches up!"

After speaking, the Holy King Yuling immediately drove the Giant Spirit Heavenly Palace, galloping forward at a sharply increased speed.

"Very well, the four of you actually got together, which just saved me a lot of effort!"

Luo Tian urged Tian Yuyi to chase after him, while roaring loudly.

Luo Tian made no secret of his voice, the sound spread tens of thousands of miles away. Fortunately, the war between the two worlds had started for more than 1000 years at this time, and the place where Luo Tian and his men fought was in the central region, and there were very few strong people left. Tian's move also had the effect of causing panic in the hearts of the strong men in the Northern Immortal Realm. Anyway, it was impossible for him to waste time killing the other strong men in the Northern Immortal Realm.

There are still some strong people in the central area of ​​the northern battlefield. After hearing Luo Tian's voice, he could feel Luo Tian's identity from afar.

"It's a strong man in the Southern Immortal Realm! Why don't we join forces and kill them!"

"Idiot! That's a great commander!"

"What's wrong with the Commander-in-Chief? We are all at the Commander-in-Chief level. Will we be afraid of him if we join forces?"

"Have you lost your mind? Didn't you see that the Heaven Swallowing Sage King was chasing and killing the four Moon Sacred Kings? No matter how good your mother is, can you chase the four Sacred Moon Sacred Kings like bereaved dogs?"

"Sisi, so cruel!"

"This Heaven Swallowing Saint King, I am afraid that no one can control it except for the Lord Xianjun!"


In the void of the northern battlefield, when countless powerhouses were discussing and sighing, Luo Tian became ruthless again, burned a lot of spiritual veins, and once again played the three-night plate.

The four holy kings of hunting moon accelerated and flew forward.

It wasn't that the speed of the four Moonhunting Sacred Kings surged, but that they were fueled by Luo Tian's ferocious blow...

Puff puff puff!

The four Saint Kings of Hunting Moon spat out a mouthful of blood again, and half of the radiance of the Half King Grade Immortal Treasure on the body had been dimmed. If this continued, it would probably take at least tens of millions of years for their Half King Grade Immortal Treasure to recover.

The higher the rank of the fairy treasure, the longer it will take to warm up once it is damaged.

"Why don't the four of us fight this guy!" Zhan Zusheng, who has always been majestic, has never been so embarrassing.

"I'm going to go to you, just to buy some time for the three of us to escape." Bao Shengwang laughed.

The Saint King Hunting Moon shook his head lightly, "He has the King Grade Immortal Treasure in his hand, and the four of us can't do anything to him even if we try our best."

The Holy King Yuling rolled his eyes and accelerated forward.

The primordial spirits of the four top kings in the Northern Immortal Realm have been damaged by more than [-]% by Luo Tian at this moment, and if they try their best, they will only explode themselves.It's a pity that what they come here are all themselves. Once they explode, relying on the other avatars, it will be difficult to do anything, and even their status will plummet, and they will become ordinary kings and commanders.

Soon, the four top kings of the Northern Immortal Realm saw the dense fog and light belt in the distance, and they had almost reached the core area of ​​the northern battlefield.

But Luo Tian was still chasing after them, with a look of reluctance.


Luo Tian, ​​who had calculated the distance correctly, played the three-night game again.

The four Moon Hunting Saint Kings accelerated and flew forward again...

"Quickly open the defense!"

The four Moonhunting Saint Kings quickly vibrated the tokens on their bodies to transmit sound to many strong men in the core area.

The dense fog light belt split into two at once, and the four of them passed through the thick fog light belt in a flash.

The Sacred Moon Hunting King did not believe that the Sacred King Tuntian behind him dared to chase them into the core area. After all, there were not many top kings there, but there were still many kings who were not much weaker than them. Even if he has the Wangpin Xianbao, he will return home without a feather.

Bang bang bang!

Luo Tian was like an ancient ferocious beast, with the three-night disk floating above his head, he rushed directly into the thick fog light belt, and the restraining magic circle in the thick fog light belt couldn't trap Wangpin Xianbao for a few breaths, and was directly captured by the three The supper plate broke open.

Luo Tian's speed was only a dozen or so breaths slower than the three Moon Hunters.

The most savage state!

"It's even more impossible to rely on more people to fight against me! The more people there are, the faster you will die!" Luo Tian snorted coldly, flapped his wings from the sky behind him, and chased the four Moonhunter Kings again. go up.

"Moon hunting!"

"Zhan Zu!"

"Yu Ling!"

"Tiger God!"

"Do the four of you dare to fight Lao Tzu together?!"

Immediately, Luo Tian's thunderous voice resounded through the core area of ​​the northern battlefield.

The next moment, all the strong men changed their expressions. The Heaven Swallowing Sacred King was so terrifying that he dared to chase into the core area of ​​the northern battlefield alone, and even named the four top kings of the Northern Immortal Realm without shame!

After an incense stick of kung fu, the entire core area of ​​the Northern Immortal Realm boiled, because many of them had already sensed that the four Saint Kings of Hunting Moon were fleeing crazily...


Among them, many powerhouses in the core area of ​​the northern battlefield took action one after another, but under Luotian's Qianjun Seal and Zhutian Seal, those who did not reach the Commander level cultivation base directly died, and the Commander level also fell a lot. The commander-in-chief even vomited blood and flew backwards and was seriously injured!

Too many people!

Qianjunyin means that the more people there are, the stronger the power will be!

Luo Tian's physical body made a crackling sound, and it had already collapsed by [-]% or [-]%. The Tiantian yuan power was replenished immediately, and it was back to normal again.The physical body like a Taoist fairy treasure was backlashed to such an extent when using the Qianjun Seal, it can be seen that there are so many people attacking Luotian and how powerful the attack is!

"Whoever stops me will die!"

Luo Tian was rampaging like a demon god who dominates the world, still firmly locked on the four Moon Hunting Sacred Kings, chasing and killing them ferociously all the way, and the military achievements on the tokens skyrocketed!

"The former convenience is the core of my North Immortal Realm's core, forgive him for not having the guts to come in!"

"It's safe!"

"Hahahaha, if the Heaven Swallowing Saint King dares to chase in, he will be finished!"

"Being hunted down to such a virtue, what's the point of pride!"


Soon, the four Moon Hunting Saint Kings directly entered the core area of ​​the core area.

"You can't escape!"

Luo Tian came killing all the way, his fighting spirit soared to the limit, and he chased and killed him without hesitation.


Just as Luo Tian chased him in, his heart shook violently. Suddenly he heard an angry voice hitting his heart, and his soul consciousness was torn apart from all directions. If it wasn't for Sanxiaopan's protection, he might have suffered a terrible blow to his soul. An obliterating blow!


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