
Chapter 935 Exile, Revenge

Luo Tian's face was full of horror at the moment, and suddenly his heart flashed.



Luo Tian slapped his forehead, forgetting such an important thing!

It turns out that the battles between the two worlds each have ten great figures sitting in the town. Unless the decisive battle comes, the big figures can only sit in the special core space in a regular manner, and are not allowed to cross the core space. If there is any violation, they will directly declare the other side victorious.But on the other hand, all the powerful enemies cannot enter the core space where the Xianjun sits without authorization, and offend the majesty of the Xianjun, otherwise the big shots of the Xianjun can directly kill the offenders in the future.

No one can violate such an iron law!Neither can Xianjun!

But now, Luo Tian has directly stepped into the core space where the great man Xianjun resides.

That voice as majestic as the sky came into Luo Tian's ears, and immediately sent Luo Tian flying, causing the pan to vibrate violently for three nights.


At this moment, Luo Tian only thought of running away, nothing else.

"Since you've come in, all you have to do is die!"

Suddenly, the law of heaven and earth disappeared out of thin air, and an extremely strange and powerful aura descended from the sky, directly suppressing and blocking the void where Luo Tian was.

The great master Xianjun personally took action to suppress and block the void!

Bang bang bang!

No matter how Luo Tian struggled, the void around him was indestructible, as if he was in a space that could not go up or down, he was so humble that he couldn't escape.

"Heaven and Earth Seal!"

The coercion became stronger and stronger, and Luo Tian even spewed mouthfuls of blood essence continuously. The blood essence stained his whole body, so he could only use the seal of heaven and earth.

To be able to prove the position of the immortal monarch is to have embodied a certain unique law of heaven and earth. The immortal monarch itself is the law, and the law is the immortal monarch!Moreover, all the immortals who can appear in the core space are the best among the immortals!How can Luo Tian resist the attack with anger at this moment?

The heaven and earth seal only shook the space around him endlessly, but it still couldn't break through.

If you don't enter the fairy king, you are all ants!

Luo Tian suddenly remembered this widely spread saying in the fairy world.

"Three Nights Pan, Shake the Three Realms!"

Luo Tian shouted violently, and immediately pushed the Sanxiao plate with all his strength, but saw the blue, white and black three-color light beams shooting up into the sky on the Sanxiao plate, hitting the surrounding space continuously, suffocating the coercion that even the primordial spirit felt suffocated. Pushed back little by little.

"Unfortunately, even if you have a king-grade fairy treasure, you can't escape today." The majestic voice of the fairy came out again, and then the space slowly shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"A small world!"

Luo Tian roared in his heart, and immediately displayed a small world, otherwise, he would really be crushed into powder by this impenetrable space.

咣 咣 咣!

As soon as Luo Tian's small world was used, it directly shattered and shattered the space blocked by the opponent's immortal monarch, and then escaped from the trap.


The expressions of the ten immortals in the core space, and the other nine great figures who had been watching with nothing at first, suddenly changed.

"This is?"

"Xianjun Heaven and Earth!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

"He is definitely not a fairy!"


puff puff!

Luo Tian opened his mouth to spit out blood again, and then flew out of the core space without hesitation. As long as he got out of the core space, these immortals would not dare to attack him even though they had the ability to reach the sky.


The face of the immortal who made the shot turned red and then blue. Unless he came in person, he would not be able to kill Luo Tian at all. But if that happened, the immortals in the Southern Immortal Realm might laugh their heads off. Exiled in the void.

Generally speaking, it is absolutely impossible for Xianjun to be exiled.Unless it breaks the original law given by Xianjun when he was exiled.


Luo Tian, ​​whose complexion changed drastically, didn't even have time to call out to resist, but was directly penetrated into a small world by a powerful force of law, and was sent directly into the depths of the turbulent void.


"Hahaha, King Tianshang, you are finally dead, finally dead! I finally avenged Xiao Huang Huang with my own hands!"

In the idol city.

Zheng Feng roared to the sky with tears all over his face, his face was sad.


Suddenly, Chen Lin frowned slightly, "The little emperor is in big trouble!"

Ling Ruochen sat on the side with Erlang's legs crossed, and the old god said in the tunnel, "How is it possible? Boss Luo is the top figure in the king's command, and with his strength, even if he is besieged by several strong men of the same level, he has the ability to escape. "

"You don't know!" Chen Lin quickly shook his head with an ugly expression, and then took out a jade slip with his backhand, "Look, this is the Yuanshen jade slip that the little emperor once left with me!"

"It's already dim!" Ling Ruochen finally changed his color, "Who did this guy offend? Didn't he offend the important person of Xianjun?"

Zheng Feng and Wen Liang also approached with slightly changed expressions, seeing the nearly annihilated light on the Yuanshen jade slip, their eyelids couldn't help jumping.

"I hope God bless..."

Chen Lin looked to the north of Liuguang Xinghe from a distance, and murmured.


Not long after, the Primordial Spirit Jade Slip in Chen Lin's hand shattered without any light, turning into a cloud of flying ash and flying from Chen Lin's fingertips.

Yuanshen Yujian, ruined!

This means that Luo Tian has fallen!

"This is impossible!" The four of Chen Lin suddenly shouted violently, their faces extremely ugly.

"Northern Immortal Realm!"

Chen Lin yelled angrily, and two lines of blood and tears ran down his cheeks. In an instant, he remembered the scenes of meeting Luo Tian. It was because of such a good brother who shared his heart with each other that Chen Lin could achieve what he is today. , and now, his good brother has fallen!

"Hehehe, Northern Immortal Realm, I want you to be buried with me!" Zheng Feng and Wen Liangqi laughed wildly, "I want you to be buried with me!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Lin and the others were about to leave Idol City, intending to stop and kill the strong men from the Northern Immortal Realm through the Flowing Light Galaxy.

"Wait!" Ling Ruochen frowned and shouted.

"Ling Ruochen! The little emperor has fallen, and he has no clone!" Chen Lin yelled violently, "It's nothing to be a brother if you don't care about your mother's loyalty. Don't stop us from avenging the little emperor!"

"That's right!" Zheng Feng also looked at Ling Ruochen with contempt, "I don't want to think about how Boss Luo treated you back then, you are a wolf!"

Although Wen Liang didn't speak, he said with unfriendly eyes, "Ling Ruochen, although I'm not your opponent now, but one day, I will kill you with my own hands for uncle!"


Ling Ruochen cursed angrily with convulsions on his face, "You treat Boss Luo as a brother, don't you think I'm not? I don't care about loyalty? Damn it! I didn't finish my sentence, and you guys started babbling, and I said no. went?!"

"Then what do you mean?" Chen Lin was the most stable after all, and soon came to his senses.

"Let's kill the bastards from the Northern Immortal Realm who entered the Southern Immortal Realm first, hehe, my map of gods and demons is still a little short of becoming a Dao Grade Immortal Treasure, and I will fight at the front!" Ling Ruochen sneered.

"it is good!"

"I'm not mistaken about you, you are not a wolf-hearted person!"

"I lost my sight too..."

"..." Ling Ruochen laughed loudly, "You bastards are so fucking hypocritical!"


Laughter soon resounded through the sky.

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