
Chapter 936 22 meet?

Bang bang bang!

Ling Ruochen suddenly descended from the sky like a demon god, and the map of gods and demons suspended above his head suddenly burst out with boundless brilliance. Looking from a distance, it was like an extremely wide rain curtain covering the sky and the earth.

Down below, a team from the Northern Immortal Realm who reacted suddenly changed their colors. Their magic weapon had just been sacrificed, but it was directly crushed into powder, and then continued to be used as a hood.

"Dao Grade Immortal Treasure!"

"Run away!"

"Holy King of the Holy Light! Feng Wang Da Commander!"

Ling Ruochen stood majestically in the void like a mountain, stretched out his hand and dropped it, and the team below was all turned into ashes. As for the team led by only one King Feng, Ling Ruochen took action himself, so naturally there was no reason for them to escape.


This is the sound of space breaking apart.

Ling Ruochen just made a random move, the other party's portable space dropped a few things into his portable space.

Those who can go deep into the middle and rear areas of the southern battlefield, if they are not extremely powerful, generally would not dare to let the real body come, most of them are clones.

"Another clone team, really boring." Ling Ruochen curled his lips, and then said without looking back, "Xiao Linzi, how is your harvest?"

"Most of them are avatars."

Behind Ling Ruochen, three shadows of nothingness emerged slowly, with a look of disappointment on all faces.

"Damn it, there are more secret places in the southern battlefield than in the northern battlefield this time. I don't believe that those bastards in the Northern Immortal Realm sent their avatars here!" Zheng Feng shouted with a bit of displeasure, "Let's go, let's go to the secret place Searching among them, there must be traces of those bastards from the Northern Immortal Realm!"

"Good way!"

Ling Ruochen, Chen Lin and Wen Liang looked at each other and laughed together.


"Auntie, it has been more than 2000 years, and I still haven't seen my uncle. Could it be that he didn't participate in the battle between the two worlds?"

In the southern battlefield, in the secret place of Yunliu.

A young man with a simple and honest face scratched his head and asked the young woman in a black dress in front of him.

Li Minghua.

Li Minghua from Qingyan Town, Northern Immortal Realm, was a cute little guy who had a relationship with Luo Tian for hundreds of years.

"Yes, Auntie, we have been participating in the Battle of the Two Worlds for so long. We have traveled almost all the southern and northern battlefields, but we haven't heard of Uncle's name." Beside Li Minghua was Natu.

The woman in the black dress was Li Mufu who had met Luo Tian several times, but seeing her frown slightly, she said, "Impossible, for someone as proud as he is, it is absolutely impossible for him to lie ,unless…"

"Unless he's using a fake name!"

At this time, a sword light swept across the void, and soon turned into a tall middle-aged man.

Chen Juxiong.

Chen Juxiong has followed Luo Tian for hundreds of years, and his harvest has surpassed his previous life by several times. Now he is under the protection of Li Mufu, and finally became the leader of the king, the King of Swords 100 years ago.

Li Minghua is King Yuxuan.

Natu is the holy wild king.

Qi Jie was a little worse, still stuck in the half-step Saint Immortal realm and unable to break through.

The most frightening thing is Li Mufu, she has achieved the title of king and commander.

Ruthless Holy King!

"Pseudonym?" Li Mufu's delicate body trembled, and then said a little bit bitterly, "According to his temperament, it is also very possible."

"What should I do?"

Li Minghua and Natu stared wide-eyed, and said speechlessly, "If uncle used a pseudonym earlier, then unless we meet him, we will definitely not be able to recognize him. He is too wretched..."

Li Mufu suppressed a smile, but still said with a straight face, "Don't say that about him."

In terms of age, among the crowd, Chen Juxiong was the oldest, but seeing him chuckle, he didn't say much. He was old and smart, and he had already seen that Miss Li Mufu's mind was already attached to Brother Han Yi, but Brother Han Yi's flamboyant and unrestrained personality should attract the attention of many outstanding women...


Whoosh whoosh!

Ling Ruochen and the others flew out from the cloud and water secret realm in a little embarrassment.

"This Yunshui secret realm is so dangerous, if those bastards from the Northern Immortal Realm enter, they will perish!" Ling Ruochen said angrily, but after he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Lin, "Xiao Linzi, you are in the Yunshui secret realm What treasure you got, it seems to be quite useful to you."

"The blood crystal of the devil god." Chen Lin said with joy, "it just happens to be very beneficial to the exercises I practice. If I can absorb it, it will not be a problem to advance to the half-step fairy realm!"

Zheng Feng and Wen Liang smiled wryly. This guy almost died in order to collect the blood crystal of the demon god. If everyone hadn't retreated in time, he might be drawn into the depths of the cloud water secret realm, the depths of the cloud water secret realm , even if he is the king and commander, he may not be able to retreat unscathed.

"Let's go, the Yunliu Secret Land is far away from the Yunshui Secret Realm, and the danger factor of this secret land is not high." Chen Lin smiled, and waved his hand, and was the first to break through the air.

After half an hour.

Chen Lin and the others had already appeared in Yunliu's secret place, and each of them exerted their full strength to spread out their primordial spirit and consciousness.

Speaking of which, the Yunliu secret land is only considered as an upper-middle secret land in the southern battlefield. For Chen Lin and the others, it is not very dangerous. Traces, had to be careful.

It is hard to guarantee that a super strong man who enters the southern battlefield with his real body will appear, and be careful to sail the boat for thousands of years, which is exactly what Luo Tian has been teaching everyone.

Of course, in addition to being careful, we must decisively kill the enemy so that the enemy will never turn over.

Searched in Yunliu's secret place for several days.

On this day, Ling Ruochen, who had the highest cultivation base, suddenly smiled coldly, "Brothers, the target has appeared, and it's actually a leader who is the leader of the king, the ruthless holy king! Let's go!"

at the same time.

Somewhere in the void, Li Mufu's complexion changed slightly and he said, "Everyone, be careful, the other party has a commander of the king, the Holy King of Light, why is it him?"

"Could it be that the Holy King of Light is the one who brutally slaughtered our strong men from the Northern Immortal Realm in the southern battlefield?" Chen Juxiong's expression changed immediately, "This person is really difficult to deal with, how can we meet him?"

"Hahaha, you bastards of the Northern Immortal Realm, you are doomed today!"

After a while, streaks of light burst through the void, appearing directly in front of Li Mufu and the others.

Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin stood side by side, and glanced at Li Mufu and the others coldly, "It's not bad, there is one king-in-chief and three king-in-chiefs. On the surface, it seems that the strength of our team is not much different."

"Holy King Shengguang, I didn't come here to cause trouble, please let me go!" Li Mufu said with a cold face.

"Let go of you, who the hell will let our little emperor go?" Chen Lin sneered, "The bastards of the Northern Immortal Realm are so shameless, die!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Lin immediately sacrificed the Blood Order, and immediately suppressed it.

"Hmph! To deal with you, I don't need my aunt to do it. I alone is enough!" Li Minghua sneered, and several Buddha lights flew out from the Houtian Linggai.


Ling Ruochen's body trembled slightly, and then he immediately sent a voice transmission to Chen Lin, who also changed his complexion, and said, "Xiao Linzi, do you think the fairy treasure in this guy's hand is the small reincarnation passage in the hands of Boss Luo?"

"Yes!" Chen Lin's complexion changed, the attack in his hand stopped immediately, and he shouted loudly, "Do you know Luo Tian?"

"Luo Tian? I don't know him!" Li Minghua pouted, "How is it? Are you scared?"

"Then where did you get the small reincarnation channel in your hand?!" Chen Lin said with a serious expression.

"My uncle gave it to me!"

"What's your uncle's name?"

"Han Yi!"


"Damn it, this really flooded the Dragon King Temple..."

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