
Chapter 940 Closing

Lord Giant Spirit, get out of here!

On the battlefield of the two worlds, as soon as this arrogant and domineering words came out, it shocked the audience immediately.

Except for the immortals on both sides, no one remained calm. Unexpectedly, someone dared to challenge the majesty of the immortals, and even challenged the extremely powerful giant spirits in the Northern Immortal Realm!

Too long?

Tired of living?

Want to be famous?

All of a sudden, countless people had different thoughts in their minds, guessing who this person was, and how dare they call him by name and scold the Giant Spirit Immortal Lord!


On the side of the Southern Immortal Realm, four people fell from midair.

The four people who fell down were Ling Ruochen, Chen Lin, Zheng Feng and Wen Liang, because the four of them had realized at this moment that the voices that scolded the giant fairy just now came from Luo Tian's mouth.

"What a heaven-swallowing holy king!"

A majestic voice came from the depths of the northern battlefield, and then a figure with a height of hundreds of thousands of feet emerged from the depths of the northern battlefield.

"Now, it's time to call you Tuntian Xianjun!"

The tall figure is naturally the Giant Spirit Immortal Monarch, but with a wave of his hand, he drove back all the strong men from the Northern Immortal Realm on the Flowing Galaxy through the endless void.


At this moment, the complexions of many strong men in the northern and southern fairylands changed drastically, and the Sacred King of Swallowing Heaven has actually achieved the position of a fairy king!

On the battlefield of the two worlds, there has never been a single person who has achieved the status of a fairy king since ancient times, but Luo Tian has become the No. 1 in all ages!

"Stop talking nonsense!" Luo Tian also flew up into the sky without showing any weakness, standing upright with his hands behind his back, and said proudly, "It's thanks to your giant spirit who exiled me back then, otherwise this deity would not be able to penetrate the barrier of the fairy king so quickly! "

"Hehe, it seems that our Southern Immortal Realm won the battle between the two realms."

A clear and clear laugh came, and then the powerhouses of the Southern Immortal Realm on the Streaming Galaxy were driven away one after another, and ten figures slowly appeared not far behind Luo Tian, ​​led by Immortal Destroyer and Immortal Fate.


Nine majestic figures also appeared behind the Giant Spirit Immortal, and they were the Hei Prison Immortals with unattractive complexions.

"Hey, Karma, I didn't expect you to step on the peak again and go one step further?" In the camp of the Southern Immortal Realm, Immortal Fate's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at an old man with white beard and white hair next to Immortal Heiyu.

Karma Immortal!

The top powerhouse who once shocked the two worlds is on par with the Immortal Destroyer.On the Three Thousand Ways of the Heavens, the law of cause and effect ranks second, and it is still above the law of fate, which ranks third.

"Cause, if it weren't for my good disciple, you probably wouldn't be able to step into the realm of the Great Consummation of the Immortal Monarch." The Immortal Destroyer smiled lightly, and his words were quite teasing, "You old boy just made up for my apprentice A few top-level king-grade spiritual veins are too stingy!"

"The deity will make up for it completely, so you don't need to destroy the old man to say more." Karma Immortal said calmly.

"This time I was planted in the Northern Immortal Realm, and your Southern Immortal Realm won." The Heiyu Immortal suddenly sighed, "This deity has a thousand calculations, and I didn't calculate that the Sacred King of Swallowing Heaven has the fate of God. Just now he revealed With the aura of the Immortal Lord, the future calculated by the deity before is gradually clear, and if the time is not with me, it is useless to force it."

"Giant spirit, dare to fight outside the sky?" Luo Tian opened the world in his body, and the Sky Swallowing Pagoda, which had become the core of Luo Tian's original source, flew out of the air, suspended directly above his head, and floated side by side with the Sanxiao Pan.

"Why don't you dare?!" Giant Immortal Lord smiled heartily, "You have the King Grade Immortal Treasure, and the deity also has it. I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

After finishing speaking, the Giant Spirit Immortal stretched out his hand to grab the void, and the void instantly created a space channel, and then the Giant Spirit Immortal stepped directly into it.

Then, Luo Tian also directly constructed a space channel like the Giant Spirit Immortal Lord, leading to the outer sky and the outer void.

"Destroy, aren't you afraid that your apprentice will suffer at the hands of giant spirits?" A fairy in the Northern Immortal Realm smiled lightly.

"Old man chaotic, you have practiced seclusion for many years, and your brain is broken?" Luo Kongyu, the current Patriarch of the Luo family, the Holy Sword Immortal, laughed, "Didn't you see that the little guy of my Luo family has become a saint in the body? Then The body of a giant spirit can be considered tyrannical, but can Luo Tian be stronger?"

Immortal Shura and Immortal Huo Luo smiled slightly upon seeing this.

"Old Luo, why are you so excited?" Hei Prison Immortal sneered, "Even if Immortal Tuntian is powerful, he does not belong to your Luo family. He is the next Palace Master of Asura Mountain!"

Luo Kongyu was neither angry nor annoyed, and said, "Even if he becomes an immortal king, he is still a member of my Luo family, what's the matter?"

For a while, several immortals even taunted each other indifferently.

"Old Destroyer, did that disciple of yours create Tao out of thin air?" While speaking, Immortal Karma suddenly asked with a slight frown.

"Not bad!" The Destroying Immortal smiled faintly.

Sisi Si!

The nineteen celestial lords present all took a breath. From ancient times to the present, life out of thin air has not never happened. Generating Dao out of nothing, this way out of nothing, has a better chance of advancing to the legendary realm of Immortal King than those who practice other laws!

"This time entering the Hunyuan Realm, how about including me as one of your team?" Karma Immortal Monarch pondered for a while, and said something that made the Immortal Monarchs of the Northern Immortal Realm dumbfounded.

"Are you so sure that my apprentice will enter the Hunyuan Realm?" Immortal Destroyer said noncommittally.

Karma Immortal nodded very seriously, "He will definitely go, because he has already obtained two artifacts of destiny, and the old man calculated the loss of lifespan before, and he just came to this karma in the long river of fate."

Artifact of destiny!

All the immortals changed their colors together.

Three days later, the space channel constructed by Luo Tian flashed with light, and then Luo Tian, ​​dressed in white, appeared with a slightly pale complexion.

"Everyone, let's go." Luo Tian smiled lightly.

"What about the giant spirit?" Many immortals in the Southern Immortal Realm couldn't help being taken aback.

"He, at least right now, doesn't dare to show up." Luo Tian laughed, and then took the lead to leave, "This time I won the Southern Immortal Realm, and you big shots promised me a lot of rewards!"

Many immortals in the Southern Immortal Realm looked at each other, then burst out laughing, and all separated and left.

The bewildered Nine Great Immortals of the Northern Immortal Realm were also puzzled. After several hours, the Giant Spirit Immortal who was beaten into a pig's head by Luo Tian appeared, and everyone suddenly realized.


The Southern Immortal Realm has won!

The Southern Immortal Realm turned the world around because of Lord Tuntian Xianjun alone, and this time it finally overwhelmed the Northern Immortal Realm!

Next, the entire Southern Immortal Realm fell into a sea of ​​joy. Ling Yunxing was directly promoted to the top planet because of the existence of the Luotian Mansion, and then the plaque was changed to Tuntian Xianjun Mansion again!

All of a sudden, Tuntian Immortal Lord Luotian was in the limelight. The saints who squatted in Tuntian Immortal Mansion all day waiting to meet were like crucian carp crossing the river. They all asked to join Tuntian Immortal Mansion as a gatekeeper Guards do too.

Of course, these guys were directly blocked by the gatekeepers of Tuntian Xianjun's mansion. With Luo Tian's promotion to the position of Xianjun, these gatekeepers are also rising, and their hearts are extremely excited. Tuntian Xianjun is famously against I am a generous person, if I am promoted to Xianjun this time, if I perform well, I may be rewarded with a Taoist treasure and some Xianjun's power, which is enough to show off for tens of millions of years.

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