
Chapter 941 The Miserable Heaven Swallowing Immortal Lord

"Grandpa! Well, you're so good!"

In the beautiful and quiet backyard of Tuntian Xianjun's Mansion, Luo Tang was playing alone, when suddenly a middle-aged man in black appeared in front of him, and he took out several Taoist treasures to seduce Luo Tang, and asked the little guy to call him Grandpa.

Luo Tang, this little guy's mouth has always been like honey, and now he is several thousand years old, and has already entered the fairyland of the little saint, but he still looks like a teenager, and he looks beautiful , which makes people feel loved.

"Grandpa, hello, grandpa!" Luo Tang cleverly and deftly put a few Taoist treasures from the middle-aged man in black into his inner world.

"I can't stand it, it's really speechless!"

In the living room, Luo Tian sat at the top, chuckled and shook his head.

And on his left are the holy sword fairy Luo Kongyu and the cloud sword fairy Luo Yun, but seeing the holy sword fairy Luo Kongyu laughing and cursing with a wry smile on his face, he didn't know that he came a few days ago with the black clothes Like a young man, he took out a few Taoist treasures and asked Luo Tang to call him grandpa.

Luo Yun scratched his ears and cheeks next to him, and said, "They are all rich and important people, but the gift I gave Luo Tang is the worst, shame on me."

"Uncle's gift is not bad."

At this time, outside the door, a radiant Tang Yan walked in with a pot of tea, followed by a woman in a black dress.

The tea that Luo Tian just drank almost spit out.

Li Mufu!

How did she come?

Facing Luo Tian's resentful gaze, Tang Yan rolled his eyes and pretended not to see it. Tang Yan, with the supplement of Luo Tian's various elixir and medicine, has also reached the late Taiyi Golden Immortal stage, and in Ling Yunxing Domain is also a strong one.

Not to mention Tang Yan's several pieces of Taoist fairy treasure body protection presented by a group of fairy kings and old monsters, just her status as the wife of the Tuntian fairy king is enough to make ordinary fairy kings respectful.

The fact that Tuntian Xianjun beat Giant Ling Xianjun into a pig's head was spread through some big-mouthed Xianjun in the Northern Immortal Realm, and it is almost known to everyone.

The giant spirit fairy, that is the top powerhouse under the great perfection powerhouse of the fairy king!

When Li Mufu saw Luo Tian, ​​she was also ashamed for a while, ashamed that she didn't dare to raise her head.

"All right, all right, you two nieces and daughter-in-laws don't have to be polite." Luo Yun waved his hand and said carelessly.

The tea that Luo Tian just drank almost spewed out again, and he kept winking at Luo Yun.

"What are you staring at! Do you want to deny it?!" Luo Yun stared, "I tell you boy, although the old man may not be able to beat you now, but the truth still has to be said!"

Luo Tian rolled his eyes and said in his heart, when did you tell the truth, you are always shameless and shameless, I just learned from you.

"Hahaha, anyway, you still have eight daughter-in-laws in the Tianxuan plane, so it's not bad for such a one, right? Especially this little girl is the closed disciple of that guy Wangqing Xianjun, so she's in the right place!"

A person suddenly appeared in the living room, dancing without wind, it was the middle-aged man in black who was teasing Luo Tang in the backyard just now.

Destroy the fairy!

"Master, you old man, don't make any more trouble..." Luo Tian's face remained unchanged, and he sent a voice transmission to Destroying Immortal Jundao with great depression.

"here we go again!"

At this time, Luo Yun patted his forehead weakly, and sighed speechlessly.

"Luo Yun, can you give me some peace of mind?" The Holy Sword Immortal Luo Kongyu shouted directly.

"No, no, Patriarch, look at the backyard..." Luo Yun said weakly.

Luo Kongyu swept his consciousness slightly, but his face also twitched.

"Call Grandpa, come, let Grandpa hug you!" This was the voice of Immortal Shura.

"You haven't called me yet, Luo Xiu! Don't be so shameless!" This was the voice of Immortal Huo Luo.

"Father, I want to pinch his little cheek, so good, call him aunt!" This is the voice of Immortal Zixiao.

"It's against you! You even snatched it from your father!" Immortal Shura was furious, "You won't give birth to yourself! If you don't give it, you just don't give it to me, Huo Luo, get rid of my bad hands!"

"Xiaoxuan, listen to your father, it would be great for you to give birth to yourself, and you can play however you want? I think that kid Luo Tian is pretty good, and it would be nice if you asked him to give birth to one..."

"Shut up, you two keep talking!"



Luo Tian felt powerless all over. The three majestic lords of the Immortals had started arguing over their own son at this moment. If it spread, it might scare people to death.

After a while.

A huge Eight Immortals table was placed in the living room, and Luo Tian and others sat around it.

"Ahem, I think we should settle the matter of the Mufu girl before discussing it." Immortal Destroyer coughed a few times and said.

Luo Tian's eyes darkened.

"I think Mufu is a good little girl!" Luo Kongyu nodded repeatedly.

Li Mufu, who sat at the bottom, almost dropped his head to the ground.

"Nonsense, can my apprentice be okay?" A cold snort came from the courtyard, and then a young man in plain clothes stepped into the living room from the courtyard.

"Wangqing, your boy came just in time, this time we should have a good drink!" Luo Yun said with a chuckle.

"You drink better than me?" Immortal Wangqing pouted.

"Immortal Wangqing." Luo Tian quickly gave up a seat.

"Actually, I think so." Huo Luo Xianjun, an old guy, spoke, and Luo Tian trembled when he saw it. This old guy is famous for his lack of good intentions, so it's broken.

"I think Xiaoxuan is also pretty good, she is quite suitable for Luo boy." Immortal Huo Luo spoke, shocking everyone.

"You, you are so old..." Immortal Zixiao, who was sitting next to Immortal Huo Luo, blushed immediately, and twisted fiercely towards Immortal Huo Luo's waist.

"Huo Luo, you old bastard! You always do things as you please..." Immortal Shura's complexion became serious, and he paused, "Actually, I also think Luo boy and Xuan'er are quite a good match..."

"Ahem, ahem, I seem to be a bit unstable in my state, I'll go to consolidate it first and then come back..." When Luo Tian saw that he was about to mess up, he got up immediately and wanted to run away.

"you dare!"

Many male immortals in the seat shouted in unison.


A few days later, Immortal Lord Tuntian got married, and this time he married two beautiful wives who were as beautiful as flowers and jade, which shocked the north and south fairy worlds. Almost all the big figures in the north and south fairy worlds came, and even the northern fairy world came. The gentleman came to congratulate him in person.

Tuntian Xianjun's big wedding, even the waiters are half-step immortals like Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin...

"Eleven, eleven... unreasonable, inhuman..."

Luo Tian lay haggard in the back garden, Tang Yan was alright, the newly married Li Mufu and Luo Xuan both looked like ice cube faces, not Luo Tian's favorite type at all, but they were fiery in bed He was almost melted into ashes, and his body, which was sanctified by his flesh, almost couldn't bear it, and he was almost sucked to death.

Speaking of which, counting the eight from the Profound Sky Plane and the three from the Immortal Realm, Luo Tian already had eleven beautiful wives.But considering his current status, eleven is really not that many, not to mention the countless wives and concubines of great figures, even ordinary saints have dozens or even hundreds of concubines...Compared with them, Luo Tian It's so pure, so pure...


"Sir, I want a child!"

Soon, Li Mufu and Luo Xuan found Luo Tian, ​​and took Luo Tian hostage.

"Unless the two of you agree to be together, we won't talk about it!" Luo Tian said righteously, these two girls are cold on the outside and hot on the inside, but their skins are actually very tender, and they usually wouldn't agree to Luo Tian, ​​who has been sleeping together for a long time. ritual request.

"Okay, Mr. Fu, anyway, Fumei and I have discussed it, we both want children..."

"No way!" Luo Tian said with a wry smile on his face, "Sir, I'm going to the Nether Sea, a foreign land, and now I need to work hard..."

"Cultivation ass, come here!" Luo Xuan's face turned cold.

"Yo, you're amazing!" Luo Tianfu Gang patted Luo Xuan's round buttocks vigorously, "Who shouted on the bed yesterday that my husband didn't want me, huh?"

"You, you actually said it!" Luo Xuan was ashamed and angry. In order to avenge the hundreds of years of torturing him, Luo Tian was so violent in bed.

"Hey, hey, what are you two doing? It's broad daylight, let's talk about it at night, let's talk about it at night... Oh! Mufu, you fairy, why are you taking off my pants..."

In the front hall, Luo Tang asked puzzledly, "Mother, what is Auntie Mufu doing taking off Dad's pants?"

"Children, don't ask these questions!" Tang Yan scolded with a flushed face.

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