
Chapter 942 Heading to the Nether Sea

call out!

A few days later, Luo Tian finally broke free from the entanglement of the three beautiful and beautiful wives in his own courtyard, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart, and then went directly across the void.

Luo Tian went to the Nether Sea this time, with three purposes.

First, according to the joint calculation and practice of Heavenly Law by Immortal Karma and Immortal Fate, his mother Zhou Qing is very likely to be somewhere in Nether Sea.Second, he is going to track down the whereabouts of the artifact of fate.Thirdly, the Tianhe Zhenjie on him is a famous book of miraculous skills in foreign lands, so you can't miss it this time.

The Nether Sea is one of the two highest forbidden places in the Immortal Realm and the Hunyuan Realm.The Hunyuan Realm is highly dangerous, but there are many treasures and opportunities, so everyone in the Immortal Realm flocks to it.The Nether Sea is different. It is highly dangerous, has few treasures, and there are strong alien races who are not easy to deal with in the north and south fairy worlds. Generally speaking, even the saints who enter the Nether Sea must be careful as if they are walking on thin ice, lest they fall into it. in danger.Especially in the Nether Sea, without all the constraints of the North and South Immortal Realms, it is possible to display [-]% of its strength, or even [-]% of its strength beyond normal.In the Northern and Southern Immortal Worlds, except for the big figures above the Immortal Monarch, the rest of the powerhouses can only exert at most [-]% of their own strength, which is considered extremely against the sky.

In the northern and southern fairylands, there are many laws of heaven and earth, and their strength will be restrained and reduced.

Fortunately, the Nether Sea is in the extreme west outside the North and South Immortal Realms, and it is not too far from Jinzhou.


Luo Tian directly crossed the void, and in an instant he traveled through countless time spaces and small worlds, and directly reached an area that was only billions of miles away from the Nether Sea. At this time, he did not dare to cross the void.

Because the closer you are to the Nether Sea, the more chaotic and violent the laws of heaven and earth there will be. If an immortal is accidentally involved in the star sea storm in the Nether Sea, it will be extremely difficult to escape, or even fall.

Next to the Nether Sea was Rongzhou in the Southern Immortal Realm. Luo Tian came to a large city in Rongzhou at random, and then went directly to the City Lord's Mansion.

Rongzhou, Liangcheng.

In the city lord's mansion, the city lord of Liangcheng had just issued dozens of orders, but he sighed leisurely, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.


A strange law of heaven and earth descended, and then the space in front of the city lord of Liangcheng danced without wind, and a young man in white walked out of it.

"But the Lord of Liangcheng?"

The young man in white is naturally the Heaven Swallowing Immortal Lord Luotian.

The City Lord of Liangcheng, who had already reached the peak cultivation level of the early stage of the Saint Immortal, was shocked, and then hurriedly got up and saluted respectfully, "I'm the one, what orders does this lord have when he condescends to come here?"

The city lord of Liangcheng was shocked. He had just diffused the primordial spirit consciousness, and he was like a bull in the sea on the other party. He couldn't detect the real cultivation level of the other party. Xianbao, no matter what kind, he can never afford to offend.

"Which space channel is the closest to the Nether Sea?" Luo Tian asked directly without talking nonsense.

The Lord of Liangcheng calmed down a little, and replied respectfully, "My lord, there are three possible space passages in Liangcheng to enter the Nether Sea. Among them, two space passages are about the same distance and are the closest, but they are more troublesome."

"Oh, what's the trouble?" Luo Tian smiled lightly.

"These two space passages are the throats of my Southern Immortal Realm, and they are both guarded by the Lord Xianjun. If you want to enter the Nether Sea, I'm afraid..." The city lord of Liangcheng seemed hesitant to speak, and seemed a bit taboo .

"It's okay, just say it." Luo Tian said with the same expression.

"These two lords have set an unwritten rule that those who want to enter the Nether Sea to search for treasure must pay a lot of spirit stones." The Lord of Liangcheng speculated for a long time before answering.

Luo Tian was taken aback for a moment, then immediately relieved.This Nether Sea is different from the Hunyuan Domain. The Hunyuan Domain has a fixed opening time, but the Nether Sea has no such restriction and can be entered at any time. Therefore, there are also many strong people from the northern and southern fairylands entering it. chance.As a result, the checkpoint leading to the Nether Sea is naturally very popular, and it is reasonable for the two immortals to take the opportunity to collect a large amount of spirit stones.

In the fairy world, as long as the immortal monarchs do not rebel, they almost have any privileges. Naturally, they know about these southern fairyland heavens, and they probably turn a blind eye to them and make peace with them.

After all, Xianjun is the real core figure in the northern and southern fairylands.

"Tell me about the nearest space channel." Luo Tian didn't say much, and asked directly.

After a while, Luo Tian's figure flashed and disappeared from the spot, as if he had never appeared before.

The Lord of Liangcheng sat back on the Grand Master's chair with a wry smile on his face, his face was covered with cold sweat. Just now, this lord obviously didn't have any aura coming out of him, but the meaning of the king's presence in the words was self-evident. Could it be that he was an immortal? grown ups?

"It's an eventful autumn, why do so many strong people enter the Nether Sea recently?" The city lord of Liangcheng has also noticed something unusual in it these days. Just two months ago, a lord from the Southern Immortal Realm came directly to his mansion. At that time, he was so scared that he almost peed his pants, thinking that something had offended this Lord Xianjun.

Infinite City.

This city is one of the cities in the Southern Immortal Realm that is closest to the Nether Sea, and there is an Immortal Monarch personally sitting in the town, so it is an infinite Immortal Monarch.

In the space channel of Wuliang City, many powerful people teleported out of it, and Luo Tian walked out slowly among them.

After looking at Wuliang City for a while, Luo Tian smiled faintly. This Immortal Lord Wuliang has some skills, and he managed to run Wuliang City in an orderly, orderly and stable manner.

In fact, Luo Tian was too worried, just like he sits in Lingyunxing, a great person of the fairy king sits in the town, where anyone dares to act presumptuously on the site of the big shot of the fairy king, even if the rest of the fairy kings come, they have to be more polite. After all, if there is a conflict between the immortals and the big figures, it will be a major event that shakes the fairy world, especially if they belong to the same camp, even the heavens will intervene to mediate the conflict.

Therefore, even if the relationship between the great figures of Xianjun is not good, it will never be too bad.After all, no one wants to offend a powerful enemy. If they cannot survive the catastrophe of the era at the end of the era, then their disciples and grandchildren will be miserable, and they will definitely be suppressed by the opponent so that they cannot even lift their heads.


Luo Tian's complexion moved slightly, and then he suddenly disappeared in the crowded crowd, and no strong person could notice it.

Of course, if someone notices it, they will be too frightened to even speak. After all, in the fairy world, unless it is a distinguished personage, it is not allowed to move without authorization in the city.Especially moving in a city with a great figure sitting in the city, it is disrespectful to that great man, and will be punished by the fairy.

In this case, even the Heavenly Court cannot intervene.

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