
Chapter 943 Status, Remnant Book

The City Lord's Mansion of Wuliang City.

At this moment, in the small space opened up in the depths of the city lord's mansion, it turned into mustard seeds, which looked like nothing more than the crystal green leaves on the top of the tallest giant tree in the backyard of the city lord's mansion.

The space among the green leaves is tens of millions of miles, and there are billions of strong people living and practicing in it.

"Haha, a friend came from afar, don't you say it?"

Luo Tian's figure flashed, and just after entering this condensed space kingdom, a lifetime of clear and bright laughter passed over.

Immortal Immortal Wuliang, speaking of it, has a good personal relationship with Immortal Huo Luo and Immortal Yunjian Luo Yun, who have a lot of friends, and these two shameless old guys have a lot of friendship with Luo Tian, ​​so they are in Luotian before leaving. At that time, Immortal Huoluo and Immortal Yunjian had already sent voices to Immortal Immortal from hundreds of millions of miles away.


The powerhouses in the entire space kingdom all looked horrified, and there were not many of them who could be called friends by Lord Wuliang Xianjun, even among the immortal kings.

"Haha, Wuliang, you really know how to enjoy it."

Luo Tian smiled slightly, and in just a few breaths, he walked around the space kingdom.

call out!

Luo Tian quickly locked onto the location of Immeasurable Immortal Monarch. This old guy was lying in a palace on a hanging mountain surrounded by endless clouds and mist. Next to him were two female saints who were sinking fish and wild geese, giving him immortal fruit and wine. .

At this time, Wuliang Xianjun waved his hand lightly, and then stood up among the two concubines with faintly shocked eyes, unexpectedly took a few steps forward, and Jishou laughed in the void.

"Recently, the name of Immortal Lord Tuntian really resounds throughout the northern and southern fairylands, hahaha!"

Swallow Heaven Immortal Lord!

The eyeballs of the two concubines immediately widened. Although Wuliang City was deep in the western border, Tuntian Xianjun's name was extremely resounding, and they had naturally heard of it.

"Haha, Wuliang, you are too much, you should be punished."

In front of the palace, Luo Tian, ​​dressed in white, appeared out of nowhere, and immediately returned the salute with a smile.

"Come, try my Wuliang City's special products." Wuliang Xianjun waved his hand, and next to him came up two concubines who came up with a lot of fairy fruit and fairy wine.

Seeing this, Luo Tian was very helpless and half-lyed on the jade bench side by side with Wuliang Xianjun, accepting the service of two concubines, with a slightly unnatural expression on his face.

"Xiaotian, how old is my elder brother, is it not too much to call you?" Wuliang Xianjun smiled gently.

"Of course." Luo Tian quickly replied, thinking to himself, not only is it not too much, but I have taken advantage of you. You are a strong man of the same era as Luo Yun, and you are older than yourself by a few epochs. .

"Brother is still a few years older, so he naturally knows how to enjoy life. The two concubines next to you are all golden immortals, and they are still virgins. If you like it, you can enjoy it, haha." Wuliang Xianjun haha laughed.

Indeed, in the northern and southern fairylands, the higher the cultivation base, the higher the status, and the more concubines, and they don't even need to ask. Many strong women are willing to sacrifice themselves. It is also possible to mix into the Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm, and the lifespan is naturally extremely long.

Therefore, when the two concubines of golden immortals heard this, their eyes were full of fire. This Immortal Swallowing Heaven is a great figure who can turn the giant spirits of the Northern Immortal Realm into pigs. He only has three beautiful wives now, if they become his concubines, the benefits in the future will be known without even thinking about it.

"Forget it, the three in the family can't take it anymore, not to mention the younger brother has eight wives in the lower plane." Luo Tian quickly shook his hands and smiled wryly.

"There are only eleven people in total." Wuliang Xianjun said with a chuckle, "Brother, I heard that you even abducted Shura's precious daughter, Zixiao Xianjun. Among the strong men in the fairy world, there are many great figures in the fairy world, and you have done a lot of honor to the faces of the gentlemen of the Southern Immortal Realm!"

Luo Tian smiled wryly and didn't speak.

"Hahaha..." Wuliang Xianjun, an old pervert who is still in his prime, burst out laughing.


"Huh? Why did that strong man just enter the Nether Sea without paying the spirit stone?"

"Are the few of you guilty of dereliction of duty?!"

At the gate of the Wuliang City leading to the Nether Sea, a strong man at the commanding level shouted with a livid face, "It seems that you have perverted the law again to let your close ones enter the Nether Sea for free, and I will report to the Lord to punish you. felony!"

The complexions of dozens of city gate guards changed slightly, but they still did not argue, and some of them were even gloating.

"Zhang Yong has committed the following crimes, so he hurriedly went to the black prison of Wuliang City to stay for a million years!" Soon, a Taiyi Golden Immortal Commander came from the void and shouted solemnly.

"This is impossible, the third commander, you must know that my brother-in-law usually..."

"You bastard! You offended Lord Wuliang Xianjun's distinguished guest without knowing it, and your brother-in-law has already been demoted by three ranks, so he can't keep you!"

"Ah! How could it be... on weekdays, I always work hard..."


In mid-air, the great commander directly stretched out his hand and shot out countless chains of brilliance, and the commander was locked and went away.


"What an idiot! That strong man in white is holding a VIP order personally issued by Lord Wuliang Xianjun, at least he is also a strong Saint Immortal, and he must be a direct disciple of a certain Xianjun. How can such a person be offended by him? started?"


At this moment, Luo Tian, ​​who had already entered the Nether Sea, didn't know about this little episode. It was just that he had just entered the Nether Sea, and he felt the laws of heaven and earth all over his body being squeezed, which was actually much stronger than the laws of heaven and earth in the north and south fairy worlds.

"It's no wonder that the fighting power can be brought to the extreme in the Nether Sea. The laws of heaven and earth here are too strong!"

Luo Tian sighed secretly in his heart, then turned into a streamer and walked directly towards the depths of the Nether Sea.

The Nether Sea can become one of the two highest forbidden places, which is naturally extremely dangerous, so Luo Tian directly drives the Star Clothes to shuttle in the starry sky, and those fierce hybrid laws around him can't get close at all.

Several times among them, Luo Tian even saw the star sea storm from a distance.

Star sea storms are extremely common in the Nether Sea. Once one is involved, it is extremely difficult to escape.Even some powerful star sea storms will fall even if Xianjun falls into them.

Luo Tian sat cross-legged in the void, and the star clothes all over his body evolved into an endless starry sky, resisting various pressures for him in the void, and flying rapidly.

With a flip of his palm, Luo Tian took out the ancient remnant book that was auctioned off at the Treasure Building on the Tianxuan Plane. Even though Luo Tian traveled all over the northern and southern fairylands, he did not see many people using the method above.

Of course, the original method in the ancient remnant book was to refine talisman seals. After thousands of years of life out of thin air, Luo Tian broke into the position of immortal monarch, so naturally he would not need these low-level methods. Come out and have a good look.

After observing it like this, Luo Tian discovered something extraordinary in it.

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