
Chapter 944

The ancient remnant book obtained from the Tianxuan plane first recorded how to refine talisman seals, but as Luo Tian flipped through it faster and faster, he soon finished reading the entire ancient remnant book, and couldn't help but feel a sudden burst of emotion. .

"This ancient remnant book is actually the same as Tianhe's True Explanation. It comes from the same clan and origin, and it seems that it is undoubtedly left by a strong foreign land."

Luo Tian couldn't help but speculate in his mind. It was fine at first, but after comparing it with Tianhe Zhenjie, he realized the meaning of Wanliu's return to the sect.

Now that Luo Tian has been promoted to the position of Immortal Monarch, his own combat power can be exerted 220 times, otherwise it would be impossible to ravage the Giant Immortal Monarch into a pig's head, among which Tianhe Zhenjie played a huge role.

"It seems that this time we must find out the whereabouts of Tianhe's true solution. The complete Tianhe's true solution will be earth-shattering."

Thinking of this, Luo Tian's figure quickly disappeared into the depths of the starry sky.

"Master Swallowing Immortal Lord!"

"Master Xianjun!"

"Ah? Is this Lord Tuntian Xianjun?"

"Master Tuntian Xianjun? Could it be the newly promoted Xianjun?"

"Nonsense, how long has it been since you left the Nether Sea?"

There are a lot of powerhouses from the northern and southern immortal worlds who have had their luck in the Nether Sea. Luo Tian walked all the way, ignoring them, and flew directly through the vast starry sky, but this group of powerhouses were shocked.

"Tuntian! You really came!"

Next, as Luo Tian walked straight forward, he ran into a fairy sitting on a cluster of aurora.

The Aurora Immortal Lord of the Northern Immortal Realm.

But Immortal Aurora stared at Luo Tian's star clothes with fiery eyes, and said with a smile, "You are indeed the darling of fate, a peerless person with great fortune, and this star clothes fell into your hands."

The Artifact of Destiny is just a task promulgated by the law of fate, and there must be two missions in each era.For each mission, three mission items must be assembled in order to get the mission reward, which is the artifact of destiny.

This time the task of the artifact of destiny is the Sun God Crown, Star Clothes and Moon Spirit Boots.

The main reason that drove Luo Tian to the Nether Sea was because his mother was here, and the last of the three quest items, the Moon Spirit Boots, was also in the Nether Sea.But now it seems that there is a trace of clues to Tianhe's true solution.

Luo Tian opened his closed eyes and calculated, and said with a faint smile, "Ji Guang, I didn't expect you to be here too?"

"Haha, the artifact of destiny, Tuntian, don't think that you have a chance to win just because you got a star suit. This time, you have to rely on your own ability for the Moon Spirit Boots." Immortal Aurora smiled lightly, and the aurora light under him The dizziness suddenly became hesitating, and then slowly dissipated.

"Remnants of consciousness." Luo Tian said softly, and then two black lightning bolts burst out from his pupils, directly breaking the law of heaven and earth in front of him, "Aurora, if it really depends on its own ability, this deity may not be afraid of you, but if you If you play tricks, this seat will not be polite!"

Immortal Aurora, one of the most famous immortals in the Northern Immortal Realm, should be slightly weaker than Immortal Giant Spirit, otherwise he wouldn't just let the afterimage of consciousness stay here and wait for Luo Tian, ​​he wouldn't dare to send his real body to come, In case Luo Tian got angry, Luo Tian might really attack with anger.

It is impossible to kill Xianjun until the Great Perfection of Xianjun.Naturally, Luo Tian couldn't do it. Although he had just entered the position of Immortal Monarch, he could barely suppress and seal an Immortal Monarch.

This Aurora Immortal was naturally afraid that Luo Tian would turn his back on the spot and make a move.

Luo Tian snorted coldly, and then continued to sit upright with his eyes closed, calculating and rehearsing the way of heaven. At his current state, his already powerful small world could even spread to hundreds of millions of miles in radius. This small world is not Luo Tian's opponent at all. Once the two meet, the opponent will definitely lose first.

A small world also has strengths and weaknesses. Generally speaking, the stronger the law, the greater the power of a small world.The Aurora Law cultivated by Immortal Aurora ranks more than ten in the Three Thousand Ways.And Luo Tian's Heaven Swallowing Law came out of nowhere, not in the ranking of the Three Thousand Great Dao, but it can definitely be ranked in the top ten.

As a result, Immortal Aurora is naturally apprehensive.

After traveling in the Nether Sea for several more days, Luo Tian finally reached the central area of ​​the Nether Sea.

It is possible that only the Nether Sea and the Hunyuan Domain can do this for an immortal monarch to fly and move for several days before reaching the central region.

In the central region of the Nether Sea, if ordinary saints do not have flying treasures and special means, they may have to fly for decades to arrive.

At this moment, Luo Tian had just entered the central area of ​​the Nether Sea, and he felt that the law around him had increased again!

"Now, with just one blow, it can have dozens of times the fighting power. This Nether Sea is really too wonderful and weird!"

Luo Tian was thinking about this in his mind.

"Swallow the sky!"

A thunderous voice came, it turned out to be the Thunder Punishment Immortal Lord who once had a feud with Luo Tian!

Luo Tian frowned slightly.

This Thunder Punishment Immortal Monarch is also a human being. After showing great power in the battle between the two worlds of Luotian and being promoted to the position of Immortal Monarch, he actually came to Tuntian Immortal Monarch's Mansion to plead guilty, which shocked the entire Southern Immortal Realm at that time.

How much face is it to let the stern and selfless Lei Punisher take the initiative to plead guilty?

Afterwards, Luo Tian's state of mind has also changed. With the mediation of many immortals, he finally turned an enemy into a friend with Immortal Lei Punishment.After all, Xianjun Lei Punishment is also impartial and selfless, and he has no shortcomings.

After Immortal Lei Punishment reconciled with Luo Tian, ​​he even sent hundreds of elites from the Immortal Law Enforcement Team to guard Ling Yunxing. They were quite good at being human, and all the hostility in Luo Tian's heart disappeared.

"Lei Fei, why don't you sit in the Southern Immortal Realm and go to the Nether Sea?" Luo Tian was a little puzzled. After reconciling with Lei Fei Xianjun, Luo Tian and Lei Fei Xianjun became good friends.

"The old guy Fate was afraid that you would make a mistake by yourself, so he sent me to take the lead. If you complete the task of the artifact of destiny, you will definitely be able to suppress the Northern Immortal Realm in the Hunyuan Realm in the future." Lei Fei Xianjun's face was full With a wry smile, I said in my heart that you, Immortal Tuntian, are taking too much face now, and you are the next palace master of Mount Shura who has Immortal Destroyer, Immortal Shura, Immortal Huoluo, Immortal Zixiao and Saint King Peng. Among them, Immortal Destroyer is Immortal Monarch is perfect, Shura Immortal Monarch and others are also the top figures among Immortal Monarchs, who can offend the entire north and south immortal world?

Shura Mountain has now become a hot superpower in the North and South Immortal Realms, even counting the North and South Immortal Realms, they can also be ranked in the top three, but there really is no one who offends the people of Asura Mountain.

"Then why are you guarding here?" Luo Tian frowned again, this is not like the usual style of Lei Fei Xianjun.

"I can't help it. The old guys from the Northern Immortal Realm offended the strong aliens for some reason. They are in a big battle. I will definitely be involved in it in the past." Xianjun Lei Punishment finally expressed his true thoughts.

Alien strong?

Luo Tian raised his brows and said with a faint smile, "It's okay, you and I can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

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