
Chapter 945 Monstrous Ancient Scrolls, Confucianism and Taoism Divine Kingdom


Seeing this, Immortal Lei Fei quickly shook his head to stop him, "In this sea of ​​darkness, even a strong man from a foreign race who is not much different from us in normal practice is still slightly stronger than us. After all, this is a foreign race. In the perfect world, they can display their peak fighting power, while we will be suppressed. Only the top powerhouses of the Great Perfection of Xianjun such as Ruin Xianjun and Fate Xianjun can truly defeat the foreign powerhouses."

"The foreign race actually sent a strong immortal king?" Luo Tian felt a little unbelievable at this moment. Even though the number of immortal kings of the foreign race is not as large as that of the northern and southern fairy worlds, and the overall strength is not as good, they are definitely not much weaker than the southern fairy world. .

"Sending out five immortals, the foreign land is really big this time. Could it be that they want to fight with the northern and southern fairy worlds?" Lei Fei Xianjun was also puzzled, so he had to understand it this way.

"The five immortals are probably here to take the lead." Luo Tian waved his hand slightly, "Let's go, you and I stay far away, and see what the strong alien wants?"

After finishing speaking, an extremely deep dark lotus flower appeared directly under Luo Tian, ​​which was completely condensed by the law of swallowing the sky.

Seeing this, Immortal Lei Punishment also urged him to get off the Thunder Pond, and followed directly.

The two of Luo Tian moved in the starry sky for a full day and night before they could feel the powerful aura coming from ahead.

Luo Tian stretched out his hand a little.

The three-night disk immediately turned into a faint phantom of the three-color optical disc, which was directly reflected into the empty space, refracting the distant battle to the front, forming a huge colorful light curtain.

"It turned out to be Immortal Ice Snow and Immortal True Dragon leading the team!"

When Luo Tian saw the battle situation in the light curtain clearly, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils violently. Immortal Ice Snow and Immortal Dragon are both famous and powerful immortals in the Northern Immortal Realm, and they also participated in the battle between the two realms, but because Luo Tian Tian Hengkong was born, but he had never seen them make a move.

There are five Immortal Sovereigns on this side of the Northern Immortal Realm, and the other side's alien powerhouses are also five Immortal Sovereigns.

The appearance of the alien celestial beings is extremely good-looking. Although the colors of the clothes are not the same, the overall style is still consistent. Four males and one female. The four male celestials are all high-ranking officials in Confucian robes. Whenever they make a move, they are the ones who suppress the world. The whole body is pure and mysterious, and the alien female fairy is wearing a moon-white elegant dress, which looks very similar to the palace costumes of the northern and southern fairylands. Her long hair is coiled high on her head, and her jade hands are slightly shaken. In the void, there is Countless talismans were born, and each talisman could instantly kill a strong Saint Immortal.

"Righteous Confucianism!"

Luo Tian took a deep breath and murmured, "This foreigner's cultivation is actually righteous Confucianism, it's hard to deal with."

"Indeed." Immortal Lei Punishment sat on top of the thunder pool, admiring all over his face, "Between the heaven and the earth, righteousness exists forever, and it is truly inexhaustible. Falling during the change, I am afraid that our current northern and southern fairy worlds are alien races."

"This orthodox Confucianism is really a creation that surpasses the world. Unless you use the law to break the law or use force to force it, there is no way to win at all. Even the King Grade Immortal Treasure in my hand cannot kill the opponent." Luo Tian sighed, The so-called righteousness and Confucianism in the body of the so-called strong aliens is the orthodox method in the world. Even fate cannot deprive them of the right to live. It is really against the sky.

"If it is as expected, if this alien race does not decay in a few more epochs, I am afraid it will give birth to an immortal king." Immortal Lei Fei smiled bitterly. He is proficient in the laws of thunder, which can restrain many laws, but against This righteous Confucianism, but there is no way.

"If they are allowed to continue to develop, within two eras, there will definitely be an immortal king from the alien race!" Luo Tian said righteously, with a hint of worry on his face, and I am afraid that the northern and southern immortal worlds will be severely suppressed by then. .

"You can retreat later."

Suddenly, the strong alien races who were fighting fiercely in the field suddenly jumped out of the battle circle, because they had received a voice transmission from a certain important person, and then glared fiercely at the five immortals of the Northern Immortal Realm, and then quickly broke through the air leave.

Headed by Immortal Ice Snow and Immortal Dragon, the five experts from the Northern Immortal Realm stared wide-eyed.

Then, a wave of righteousness enough to cover the world came overwhelmingly, and then in a distant time and space, a monstrous ancient scroll appeared from the void, and then directly enveloped all the real alien regions in the distant time and space.

Luo Tian and Lei Fei Xianjun naturally saw through the endless time and space, and saw such a breathtaking and magnificent scene.

"Peak Wangpin Immortal Treasure!"

Luo Tian and Lei Fei Xianjun cried out in unison.

"Hmph! Lei Fei, I didn't expect you and Lei Fei to watch from the sidelines?!"

The void in front of him trembled for a while, and then the five Bingxue Xianjun appeared directly in front of Luo Tian and the two of them.

Lei Fei Xianjun frowned and did not speak.

"Bingxue, what you said is wrong, what do you mean hiding and watching?" Luo Tian said with a thick skin, "The two of us just arrived here, and we didn't have time to make a move."

"Tuntian's eloquent tongue has always been famous in the northern and southern fairylands, ice and snow, why do you need to ask?" The real dragon fairy next to him, who was naked from the upper body, snorted coldly.

"True dragon, you have to be reasonable. Without evidence, you can't talk nonsense." Luo Tian glanced at the real dragon fairy coldly, "If you don't accept it, why don't you just play around? Why do you have to be like a resentful woman? Not forgiving in your mouth."

"Okay, let's fight! I'm afraid you won't be able to swallow the sky!" Zhenlong Xianjun has a bad temper, and he was about to attack immediately when he was provoked by Luo Tian's words.

"True Dragon!"

"Brother Zhenlong, don't get angry!"

"That's right, everyone is on the same boat now!"

Seeing this, Immortal Bingxue and the other three immortals from the Northern Immortal Realm pulled Immortal True Dragon to persuade them.


True Dragon Immortal Monarch has stepped down, so naturally he won't make a move.

Luo Tian looked like an old god, if he could beat the giant fairy into a pig's head, he might not be able to beat the real dragon into a dragon's pig's head!

The True Dragon Immortal Lord is from the lineage of the Heavenly Dragon of the Monster Race.

Lei Fei Xianjun squeezed a cold sweat secretly at the side, Tuntian is really lawless, no wonder he dared to challenge himself with Taiyi Jinxian's cultivation base.

"Since we're here, let's split up and look for the Moon Spirit Boots."

Immortal Bingxue said something to Luo Tian, ​​and then led the crowd to leave.

"I don't need to clean up." Luo Tian stretched expressionlessly, and then pointed to the void in the distance, "Old man Luo Yun is here, Lei Fei, you can go with him."

Lei Fei Xianjun was slightly taken aback, "What about you?"

"Hey, I'm here anyway. I'm going to visit the Confucianism and Taoism kingdom in the hinterland of the alien race. I'll open my eyes and gain insights." Luo Tian smiled, and the dark lotus flower disappeared immediately after being urged to sit down.

"This guy!"

After a while, Yunjian Immortal Luo Yun rushed over along with several Immortal Monarchs from the Southern Immortal Realm, asked Immortal Lei Fei, and then cursed, "This little bastard will not let me worry about it!"

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