
Chapter 946: The Old Man, Moon Spirit Boots Appear!

In an instant, Luo Tian traveled millions of miles.

The starry sky of the Nether Sea is extraordinarily bright and colorful. Looking at it from the void, it is simply a majestic picture of extreme magnificence. When people look at it at a glance, they will feel infinite pride in their hearts.

Luo Tian has seen endless magnificent scenery, but when he saw this magnificent starry sky for the first time, he couldn't help being fascinated.


Luo Tian shuttled quickly in the void, and in the blink of an eye, countless small worlds shuttled past.

The Kingdom of Confucianism and Taoism is the core area of ​​the alien region. It is located in the inner area of ​​the Nether Sea, but it is not the core area of ​​the Nether Sea.In the core area of ​​Nether Sea, even immortals dare not enter rashly, and the chance of death is extremely high.

In the core area of ​​the Nether Sea, many powerful fairy treasures have been unearthed, and there are also many semi-king-rank fairy treasures, and even some king-rank fairy treasures have been unearthed.

After a few more days, Luo Tian finally arrived at the outermost area of ​​the Confucianism and Taoism Kingdom, and then directly turned into a streak of light and rushed into the light curtain outside the Confucianism and Taoism Kingdom.

When rushing through the light curtain, it seemed that there was a strange breath in the light curtain, and it disappeared quickly.

Luo Tian frowned slightly, but did not investigate further.

Soon, Luo Tian landed on the planet in front of him, just glanced at the other party's clothes, Luo Tian transformed into an appearance that was exactly the same as that of the local residents.

The foreign cities are quite different from those in the northern and southern fairylands. The cities here are not made of huge stones and jade, but rather smooth huge square bricks that have been cut one by one. Apart from the clothes, there are also some customs and habits that are not much different. , and the overall difference between the North and South Immortal Worlds is not much.

Luo Tian soon transformed into a middle-aged scribe walking on the street, but seeing most of the alien races on the street who are no different from human races, there is a trace of Confucianism and Taoism in their bodies.

Luo Tian obscenely suppressed his cultivation base in the Great Luo Jin Fairyland, and then urged Tianhe's true solution, which was no different from a strong foreign race.Unless Xianjun personally locks Luo Tianzai and observes it carefully for a while, he can see the difference.

As for the strong men under Xianjun, even with their self-destructed strength, it is impossible to detect Luo Tian's identity.

After casually asking a few people, Luo Tian leisurely stepped onto the local building outside the building.

Not to mention, the three neutral folk forces in the Northern and Southern Immortal Realms are indeed powerful, and they even managed to do business in alien territories, which really shocked Luo Tian.

"My guest, what's your order?"

Soon, a strong man walked towards Luo Tian, ​​who stood out from the crowd, saluted respectfully and smiled.

"Hand over the behind-the-scenes elders who are really in charge of you."

Luo Tian stretched out his hand and turned it over, and he took out a top VIP token that was sent over by Louwailou during the big wedding.

"Senior, this way please!"

The strong man's complexion changed drastically immediately, and then he looked left and right with his head excited, and then carefully led the way ahead.

Soon, Luo Tian, ​​who had the top VIP token, was brought to an extremely beautiful and quiet courtyard, and then Luo Tian sat on the head with a golden knife, and drank tea Shi Shiran.

"Senior, wait a moment, the villain will go and invite Elder Zhou here!"

The strong man with a half-step Golden Immortal cultivation level bowed and retreated.

"You can actually see less than [-] tokens of Xianlou issued by my building outside the building here. If there is any negligence, please senior Haihan!"

After a while, a clear voice appeared in the living room, and then a young elder from Lou Wai Lou wearing brocade clothes stepped in and saluted respectfully.

Possessing the highest standard of the Immortal Tower Token in the Louwailou itself represents the status of the other party. As a person in the Louwailou, the young elder is naturally familiar with this, even if Luo Tian is only showing that he is the Da Luo Jinxian Cultivation base breath, but absolutely dare not neglect.

In addition to having all the privileges in the Louwailou, the Xianlou Token also has another meaning, that is, the core guest elders of the Louwailou.

Luo Tian's palm, which was drinking tea, suddenly moved indistinctly, and then smiled faintly in his heart. It's true that we never meet in life, and we are still old friends.

"Elder Zhou, the worldly name is Zhou Dongfei, right?" Luo Tian smiled faintly.

The young elder in brocade clothes couldn't help but tremble, and his state of mind, which had already advanced to the Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation level, couldn't help but fluctuate, and he said quickly, "Senior, you know me?"

"Hehe, of course I know." Luo Tian laughed softly, "I was born in the second-order plane of the peacock, with the supernatural powers of breaking the sky and stealing the ear, and I gave you a lot of heavenly water and void beast spirit back then. Where's the blood?"

"Ah? Ah! You, you are? This is impossible!" Zhou Dongfei said in shock, "You, you are Brother Luo Tian, ​​no, Senior Luo!"

The rules of the building outside the building are extremely strict, and the hierarchy is extremely strict. Zhou Dongfei immediately changed his words after realizing the language problem.

"It's okay, you and I are old acquaintances, but stick to these red tapes." Luo Tian waved his hand lightly, and asked strangely, "Why were you assigned to a foreign land by Lou Wai Lou?"

"His mother..." Zhou Dongfei called out resentfully, and then changed his words, "Spray him with peach blossom honey! Those direct descendants of the building outside the building, seeing that a collateral line of Lao Tzu was promoted so quickly, sent me here Waiting for the place to come!"

"Hehe, I will send a message to Tianlou Xianjun in the building outside the building later, how about transferring you back to a place full of luxuries?" Luo Tian smiled lightly.

"That's unnecessary, thank you Brother Luo first." Zhou Dongfei said proudly, "I have been here for 1000 years, and I have increased the performance of the building outside the building by [-]%, and the transfer back is just a matter of these few years."

"Wait!" Zhou Dongfei suddenly looked shocked, "Brother Luo, you, what did you just say? You directly sent a message to the old ancestor? What is your status now?"

"I met Tianlou Xianjun once, when I got married a few days ago."

Zhou Dongfei thought hard, and suddenly his soul flew into the sky, and tremblingly said, "The ancestor has not gone out for countless years. A few days ago, only Tun, Tuntian Xianjun made an exception once when he got married...Could it be you, you are..."

Tuntian Immortal Lord is named Luo Tian, ​​and only people who have reached a certain level know it. Zhou Dongfei is only a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he is not qualified to know the name of Tuntian Immortal Lord.

"No matter who I am, you are my friend, aren't you?" Luo Tian smiled lightly, "Not much gossip, this time I came here to ask Brother Zhou to find out the whereabouts of the Moon Spirit Boots for me."

"Okay!" Zhou Dongfei immediately opened his lips slightly, gave the order, and then said with a wry smile, "I didn't expect that the Tianxuan plane will be separated, but Brother Luo has reached such a state in just thousands of years. It’s too much for me to wait.”

Luo Tian was about to speak as soon as he waved his hand.

"Brother Luo, the whereabouts of the Moon Spirit Boots have been found!" Zhou Dongfei suddenly shouted with joy.

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