
Chapter 951 Immortal King, Long-cherished Wish Fulfilled


Endless fierce winds and turbulent currents invaded the entire space world. At every moment, planets with a radius of millions of miles and huge meteorites with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles collided with each other, making bursts of shocking noises, and there were countless The dark storm and black hole are mixed in, even if the immortal king is involved, it may be difficult to escape.

On a piece of huge Huangtu Yinjin, which can be called the top refining material in the fairy world, Luo Tian's face was full of panic.

"For a strong man of the Great Perfection of the foreign race who suffered a thousand swords, did I rape your mother or kill your father? As for treating me so cruelly?"

Luo Tian murmured with tears in his eyes, "You actually exiled me to the core area of ​​the Nether Sea. It's so damn dangerous here. Even the laws will imprison most of them, and those who are messy can be scared to death." Ordinary Xianjun, what should I do?"

"Wait, Artifact of Destiny!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian remembered that the Moon Spirit Boots hadn't been completely refined by him, so he immediately poured out a drop of blood essence into the Moon Spirit Boots, and after two or three breaths, the Moon Spirit Boots were immediately branded by him. The mark of God was completely refined by him.

"Ah? There's no movement at all?" Luo Tian was stunned for a moment, "This task of the Artifact of Destiny is not for deceiving people, is it..."

He checked it carefully again, yes, he had completely refined the Moon Spirit Boots, but there was no response.

Stretch out your hand a little bit in the air, and Yangshenmian and Xingchenyi suddenly appeared, and this time there was finally a weak induction.

"The three Artifacts of Destiny must be linked together to activate the mission?" Luo Tian frowned slightly, and at the same time revealed the consciousness of the primordial spirit, linking the three Artifacts of Destiny together.

After a while.

The Yang God Crown, Star Clothes and Moon Spirit Boots finally moved slowly, and the last three artifacts of destiny were quickly arranged in one place from top to bottom, each emitting a misty light, like a thread They were connected together like a thread, and then, a human-shaped light slowly emerged, condensing into a real human body.

"Has anyone completed the mission of the Artifact of Destiny?"

In Luo Tian's stunned expression, a frivolous-looking young man said in surprise, then turned his head to look at Luo Tian, ​​"Little guy, why did you activate the task of the artifact of destiny in the core area of ​​the Nether Sea, you are so talented, right? This king sincerely admires you, but even this king dare not intrude here, you really have courage!"

Your sister is bold!

Luo Tian really wanted to say such a sentence, but when he thought about the other party's address just now and the supreme aura that suppressed him in an instant, he could only say with a bitter face, "Senior, you, you are in the realm of the fairy king. Strong?"

"Of course." The frivolous young man curled his lips and said, "Could it be that you think anyone other than the Immortal King can come here so easily?"

"How is it possible!" Luo Tian exclaimed suddenly, his scalp was numb, and the immortal king has not appeared for many eras. He did not expect to complete the task of the artifact of destiny, and a random one appeared The Immortal King, moreover, still looks like such a frivolous guy...

The frivolous young man curled his lips and said casually, "If you have any wishes, tell me quickly. I am still busy refining a treasure, so I don't have time to chat with you here."

"Can any wish be fulfilled? How many wishes can be fulfilled?" Luo Tian asked with bright eyes.

"Why are you so wretched?" The frivolous young man frowned slightly, waved his hands and said, "Just one wish, if it wasn't my king's turn this time, I wouldn't bother to be bothered by those old guys."

It's your turn here?

you motherfucker!

Luo Tian was so shocked that he almost vomited blood, "Isn't there just one immortal king?"

The frivolous young man sighed helplessly, "You talk a lot of nonsense, of course the king of immortals is more than just me, all right, tell me your wish quickly, this king will fulfill any wish for you. Remember, there is only one wish, no matter what It doesn’t matter if you want a king-grade fairy treasure, a peerless skill, or resurrecting a person. Of course, you can also be promoted to the realm of a fairy, but you are already a fairy, so don’t waste this opportunity Bar?"

Really fairy king!And there is more than one!I'm stupid!

Luo Tian suddenly had the urge to kill people. Being able to advance to the position of Immortal King means that he has become the existence of the law of his own destiny. He can actually elevate people to the realm of Immortal Monarch, so what the hell is he doing with cultivation?With a few fairy kings, wouldn't it be possible to create a large number of fairy kings?

Seeing the impatient look of the frivolous young man, Luo Tian thought for a while. He could only realize one wish, so what should he do?

"I'll give you a cup of tea time." The frivolous young man said lightly, "Speaking of which, it's just you, the little guy. If it were someone else, he would have been taught a lesson a long time ago. There is no way, who told those two guys to be like me? Brothers."

Luo Tian hardly listened to the other party's words, but frowned slightly, and only opened his mouth when the cup of tea time was about to pass, "Senior, I only have one wish, and that is to bring a woman named Zhou Qing back to life safely." Send it back to Jinzhou Lingyun Star in the Southern Immortal Realm!"


After speaking, Luo Tian stretched out his hand to outline the appearance and figure of young Zhou Qing in front of him.

"Okay." The frivolous young man glanced casually, then closed his eyes to calculate, and suddenly yelled, "You motherfucker, old devil Ding, is it possible to kill this king? Grandma, if you can't complete the task of destiny, I will work hard with you!"

After scolding, the frivolous boy left in a flash.

"Don't worry, boy, this wish will definitely come true for you, we have nothing to do with each other."

"Don't go, senior, there's no righteousness in business, why don't you tell me how to get out of here?" Luo Tian raised his head and howled.

"Good luck."

Good luck you sir!

Luo Tian jumped and cursed, I don't know how to get out of this damn place!


Luo Tian had just finished cursing, when a burst of inexplicable force struck, and he couldn't react at all, and was directly knocked hundreds of millions of miles away.

With a random blow from the Immortal King, Luo Tian flew hundreds of millions of miles away!


Luo Tian opened his mouth and sprayed out a bloody arrow, his body was injured immediately, but his soul was fine, with the protection of the Sanxiao Pan and the Heaven Swallowing Pagoda, it just vibrated slightly.

Of course, Luo Tian thought that the other party was showing mercy.Otherwise, even if the Immortal King exhaled, he would at least have to cultivate for hundreds of millions of years to recover.

"Immortal King and Immortal King, incarnation of the law of destiny!" Luo Tian murmured, "That is the highest existence above the heavens and the earth, and it is already able to control some laws of destiny. The catastrophe could have been avoided a long time ago, so it can survive forever, without any impact from the shattering of the era!"

"But for now, it's better for me to leave here first." Immediately, Luo Tian said with a bitter face, looked around for a while, and then cautiously sped away in one direction.

Since he couldn't figure out the direction, Luo Tian walked in one direction. Although it was a stupid way, it would never go wrong.

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