
Chapter 952 Strange Kingdom, Celestial Venerable?

Just when Luo Tian completed the mission of the artifact of destiny and saw the existence of the Immortal King with his own eyes, he was looking for a way out in the most stupid way.

Both the northern and southern fairylands and the foreign races exploded.

"Zhengxuan, it was Immortal Lord Zhengzhen who made the attack just now, right?" Luo Yun said with a gloomy expression on the cloud sword temple floating above his head, "Even though Immortal Zhengzhen is extremely powerful, he was never the opponent to destroy Immortal Lord!"

"Immortal Yunjian, what exactly do you want to say?" On the side of the foreign race, the measuring ruler above the head of Immortal Zhengxuan finally stopped attacking, and the moon spirit boots were gone, so he naturally would not continue to engage in meaningless activities. fighting.

As soon as Immortal Zhengxuan said this, Luo Yun laughed, "What I want to say is very simple, Immortal Swallowing Heaven, who was exiled by Immortal Zhengzhen's burning origin just now, is the only closed door for Immortal Destroyer now. Disciple, even if those old monsters of your Confucian clan join forces, it may not be easy to dispel the anger of destroying Xianjun. Of course, the most important thing is that Tiantian Tuntian is the ninth generation direct descendant of my Luo family!"

Immortal Zhengxuan's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, and his heart was overwhelmed. Even though their Confucian people are not very well-informed, they also know that the Destroyer Immortal who caused a storm in the Confucian people in the last era has appeared again, and, Achieved the realm of the Great Perfection of Xianjun.Not to mention the Luo family, which itself has a fairy king Dzogchen sitting in the town.

The Ice and Snow Immortals and the True Dragon Immortals in the Northern Immortal Realm did not gloat in their hearts, just because the Karma Immortals, who are now one of the best in the Northern Immortal Realm, are looking forward to the Tuntian Immortal and his party in the Hunyuan Realm, and even the Karma Immortals. The next era has changed and shattered, and if the fairy wants to survive the catastrophe, most of the cause and effect will fall on the head of the swallowing fairy.

Since Tuntian Xianjun is the one who should be robbed, it should be impossible for him to die young, but who knows that this guy was exiled to the core area of ​​​​the Nether Sea. Xianjun is afraid of his feelings, so he might have to take action.

The Immortal Lord of Karma, once died in the Dao with his body, just to forcibly spy on a glimmer of opportunity in the long river of fate.What he said is probably true.

Everyone wants to live in peace for a few more epochs. Even if the great figures of Xianjun are not afraid of death, they will never want to die just because they are not afraid of death.

"Immortal Yunjian, I think we need to have a good talk."

Suddenly, a few trembling old men in Confucian robes suddenly appeared in the distance, and said softly.

"What do you think there is anything to talk about other than going to war?"

Yunjian Xianjun Luo Yun snorted coldly and said expressionlessly.


"This damned ghost place!"

At this moment, Luo Tian was standing on a strange planet, and this planet was not because Luo Tian wanted to descend, but it took the initiative to lean over and directly sucked Luo Tian into it.

At first, Luo Tian didn't care. Given his current state of Immortal Monarch, the old god was still there, but then he became extremely annoyed.

On this strange planet, the place where he is at the moment happens to be a primeval forest. In the primeval forest, there is only a family of fierce beasts, and none of the other groups have been seen.But these ferocious beasts are quite powerful, sometimes Luo Tian has to bind his hands and feet.

He had thought of leaving this place, but when Luo Tian moved to the top of the sky, he was bounced back by a soft invisible force, and even with the strongest combat power he could not break through the air.

It's bloody bad luck!

Luo Tian almost jumped into a rage, and even with a punch, he directly blasted a small river into a cloud of water mist and dispersed it.

And the ferocious beasts that happened to be drinking water near the small river suddenly rose into the sky, bursting into blood mist.

"The rules here are so weird, I haven't seen them before."

Luo Tian muttered again, and then he didn't bother to stay, the dark lotus flower emerged from under him, and went straight to the distance through the sky.

After a while, Luo Tian came out of this vast and boundless primeval forest, and landed in a small valley village with only a few hundred households.

"Huh, another fellow daoist has arrived."

In a certain vegetable garden on the edge of the small village, an old man who was wiping the sweat from his forehead laughed.

"This small village!"

Luo Tian casually walked in the small village, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. The villagers here, even those with the lowest cultivation level, all had Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation level, and most of them were children.

When he was a child, he was the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

What about adults?

Soon, Luo Tian saw the result he wanted. In this ordinary small village, all the adults were Saint Immortals. Bu Xianjun's cultivation base!

This mother is so against the sky!

Such a small village on an unnamed planet is enough to match the strength of the top-level planets in the North and South Immortal Worlds, even surpassing or even worse than most of the top-level planets in the North and South Immortal Worlds.

Finally, Luo Tian's figure appeared in the vegetable garden.

"I have seen fellow Daoist."

For everything on this planet, Luo Tian's scalp tingles, it's too weird and unreasonable.

The old man who was watering the vegetables slowly finished pouring the water, turned his head and said with a smile, "Is it such a pleasure to have a friend come from afar? Is the Taoist friend here to preach or to travel here?"


After being slightly stunned, Luo Tian replied cheekily.

"It seems that Lord Tianzun's requirements for his disciples are not so easy." The old man smiled slightly, "Vegetables, tofu, chicken, duck, fish, fine wine, fine wine, do you mind, Fellow Daoist?"

"Of course." Luo Tian nodded lightly.

"Friends, please."

Soon, the old man just smiled and turned back into the room. After a while, he brought out a plate of dishes, which was not rich, but it was better because of the variety of dishes.

"Master Tianzun once said that a gentleman stays far away from the kitchen. Many people in the world misunderstand this statement." The old man chuckled, and then he finished it first. After greeting Luo Tian to take a seat, he continued, "A gentleman stays away from the cook. If a gentleman sits with a villain, it is natural to be far away, if they are people of the same way, then there is no such concern."

Lord Tianzun?

Luo Tian's face remained unchanged, but his heart was overwhelmed, what kind of big man is Tianzun?

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the old man's face turned red, he shook his head and smiled wryly, "I'm too strong to drink, I made fellow Taoists see a joke."

"No." Luo Tian shook his head and said with a smile. The old man in front of him turned out to be a Saint Immortal Dzogchen, and it seemed that there were no barriers in his body, that is to say, he could cultivate to the level of an Immortal Monarch. It's just a matter of time.

"In a few days, when the Tianzun stone tablet will appear to preach, the old man will not keep friends." The old man smiled happily, and fell asleep on the table.

Tianzun stele?sermon?

Luo Tian was confused all of a sudden, what is this place?How weird it feels so unreal.

Thinking of this, Luo Tian really wanted to wake up the old man and ask him carefully, but he was afraid of offending the old man, so he had to sit quietly and wait for the rabbit.

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