
Chapter 953

"I can really sleep, I am like a god of sleep, this kind of sleeping skill is invincible in the world!"

Sitting opposite the old man, Luo Tianduan felt admiration in his heart while feeling the laws of heaven and earth on this strange planet.

The old man in front of him didn't fall asleep like the so-called pranayama and meditation, but the kind of primitive sleep that almost completely closed all perceptions, that is, the sleep of ordinary people, but the sleep of ordinary people rarely exceeds one day and one night. If you are very drunk, you will sleep for two days and two nights at most. No matter how long it takes, you will die of sleep and go directly to the ground for peace.

But what surprised Luo Tian was that the old man in front of him slept for five full days and five nights, and even snored and drooled from time to time. He seemed to be sleeping quite comfortably.

Luo Tian suddenly couldn't take it anymore, this guy had slept for too long and was too absorbed, he shook his head and smiled wryly before getting up and leaving.

"Huh? Fellow Daoist hasn't left yet? Aren't you afraid you're a step too late?"

The old man who had been sleeping extremely wildly and unrestrainedly sat in front of him at this moment and asked with some doubts.

"Hehe, it's all right anyway, so I'll wait for fellow Taoists to go together." Luo Tian opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's not too late. I've slept for five days, and I still have three more days, which is enough time." The old man smiled after finishing speaking, and then bowed, "Fellow Daoist, please."

"Why should we distinguish between you and me, fellow daoists please first." Luo Tian naturally wouldn't be the first to lead the way, he simply didn't know the way!

The old man scratched his head and said, "I'm the one who is the most obsessed, or fellow Taoist who has a better cultivation level, ashamed ashamed!"

After finishing speaking, the old man took the lead, and a linen blanket appeared under his body, and he sat cross-legged on it.

"Fellow Daoist, please come up."

Luo Tian was naturally not polite, just like the old man, stepped on the linen blanket, and then sat down cross-legged.


The linen blanket flew steadily towards the sky, and soon disappeared into the depths of the clouds.

Riding the wind and breaking the clouds, the sound of the wind in his ears was extremely soft, which made Luo Tian feel better both physically and mentally. There was a breath of freshness through all the pores, which was extremely comfortable.

"Hehe, with the cultivation level of fellow Taoist, I'm afraid I can leave soon." The old man sat on the sackcloth blanket and chatted all over the world, really knowing everything, which really opened Luo Tian's eyes. vision.

"Leave?" Luo Tian shook his head lightly, "It's still far away."

"Could it be that the old man's perception is wrong?" The old man frowned slightly, "Fellow Daoist is only a short distance from the Great Perfection of Xianjun, don't be too modest."

That's it!

Luo Tian suddenly understood!

It turns out that on this strange planet, only the immortal king and the Dzogchen powerhouse can leave.

"From the point of view of fellow daoists, how many fellow daoists can leave this time?" Luo Tian asked without a trace.

The old man chuckled, "I'm asking this old man. On this Tianzun star, even many strong people who have reached the Great Perfection of the Immortal King may not be willing to leave. Without him, the realm of cultivation can be improved quickly, and the threshold is low. Even if it is promoted to the realm of the Immortal King, the success rate is not low."

This time, Luo Tian was about to turn pale with shock, what the hell did Tianzun come from?They can even be promoted to the realm of the Immortal King!This is too heaven-defying. Could it be that this place can escape the control of the law of fate?

Luo Tian was shocked, but saw the old man continue to say, "Hey, most people are unwilling to leave Tianzun Star. If you leave here, you will never be able to come back. It is normal for fellow Taoists not to leave."

Luo Tian was shocked again.

So what if the cultivation base reaches the sky and becomes the Immortal King?According to what Luo Tian has seen and heard before, even the Immortal King is not unfettered. He can at least have a certain amount of freedom if he stays on the Tianzun Star. To be sent.

But Luo Tian is not an aborigine here, he wants to leave, he has no nostalgia for this place.

"As long as you practice to the Great Perfection of the Immortal Monarch, you can leave this place, which is fine."

When Luo Tian was thinking this way, the old man had already driven the linen blanket through the air and landed on a platform formed by clouds halfway up the mountain.

This is a beautiful mountain. From top to bottom, it is divided into three layers. Each layer is covered by a cloud platform. The old man led Luo Tian towards the cloud platform in the middle of the mountain.

Landing on the platform above the clouds, the old man laughed and said, "Friend Daoist, you can go to the platform above, this is the area where the holy immortals are located."

Luo Tian stood on the edge of the cloud platform and looked down, the cloud platform below the mountain was already densely packed with people, the number of people was tens of thousands of times larger than that of the mountainside cloud platform.

On the cloud platform on the mountainside, there is a futon every three feet, and there is still room between each other.

"There will be a period later."

Luo Tian performed an ancient etiquette, and then his figure flashed and flew towards the cloud platform on the top of the mountain.

Speaking of which, according to the situation of the two platforms below, the platform on the top of the mountain should be the smallest, but when Luo Tian came to the platform on the top of the mountain, he found that it looked small, but it was actually a world of mustard seeds.

The space is huge.

Very few people.

Looking at the cloud platform on the top of the mountain, there were only a hundred people, but what surprised Luo Tian was that the people here were all immortal-level powerhouses, and there were a dozen or so people with the highest cultivation level.

Luo Tian very low-key chose the jade seat at the end, just after sitting on it, the jade seat he was on revealed a burst of overwhelming coercion, and the world around him suddenly changed without direction. A small world in a dream.

"I'm afraid the rest of the world won't be able to break into this small world."

Soon, Luo Tian understood all of this, and secretly sighed in his heart, it was really a big deal.

Fortunately, all the strong men here didn't seem to have any conversations, just sitting quietly in their own small world, motionless.

After half a day.

A colorful glow descended from the sky, and there were strange humming sounds from the sky and the earth, forming a wonderful scene of a hundred birds coming to worship Feng Wanshou.

"Where the destiny lies, the world is united!"

Amidst the colorful rays of light, a stone tablet tens of feet high soon fell down. Countless ancient runes appeared from the stone tablet, and finally condensed into a pair of light and shadow the size of an ordinary person sitting on it.

"This breath!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank. How could he be the same as the fairy king he saw after completing the mission of the artifact of destiny? Could it be another fairy king? !

Tianzun Stone Monument!

But it's just a stone tablet!A stone tablet can actually become an immortal king!

"What I'm talking about this time is the true interpretation of Confucianism and Taoism. It is the purest meaning of Confucianism and Taoism in the world. Of course, it will also include the three essences of Confucianism and Taoism. You can try to figure it out carefully."

Then, the light and shadow said again.

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