
Chapter 957 Fang Lao's true origin, fair seal!

Immortal Lord Swallowing Heaven?

The faces of Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli who were hiding behind Luo Tian changed color instantly, red for a while, white for a while, black for a while, green for a while...

This wretched and shameless bastard who is not human is the Tuntian Immortal Lord? !

As soon as Chiyang and Xianjun thought of Luo Tian, ​​they told them obscenely that I had already locked the position of Tuntian Xianjun, and we went to find him together, and so on, the anger burst out, and they just wanted to rush over and slap him alive Die this fellow.

I have seen wretched ones, and I have seen shameless ones, but Chiyang Xianjun and Xianjun have never seen such wretched and shameless ones.This guy doesn't have the demeanor of a fairy at all, he's just a rascal!

"Cough cough."

At this time, Tuntian Immortal Lord Luo, who beat the four immortals of the foreign race to the ground in a short while, finally saw the expressions of Chiyang Immortal and Liuli Immortal, so he coughed dryly, then scratched his head and frowned tightly, " Huh? What's going on here? Why did the deity appear here? Could it be that the deity's hallucinations have occurred again? It's broken now..."


Chiyang Immortal was gasping for breath.

Let's pretend!You smelly and shameless!

Immortal Liuli was also completely defeated by Luo Tian, ​​and rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I remembered, so this deity is Tuntian Xianjun, no wonder he can lock his position." Luo Tian suddenly realized the realization and slapped his forehead, "The person the two fellow Taoists were looking for earlier, if there is no accident, should be I."


Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli suddenly became weak all over, that is to say, they couldn't beat this guy, otherwise they would definitely rush over and beat him into a pig's head first, so that you don't have any fucking accidents...

"No wonder you know the two of us so well, it really is you." Immortal Liuli calmed down after a long time, and said lightly, "I can't imagine that the little guy who was brought to Tianxinghai by me and Mr. Yang back then has grown to such an extent now .”

Chiyang Xianjun smiled wryly. Speaking of this, he had a small episode with Luo Tian. The guy he just found after he sealed off the entire Huoyan Kingdom, has now created a huge name in the fairy world.

Speaking of which, Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli are reincarnations of immortals, so it is not too difficult to cultivate to the realm of immortals.The two of them were originally strong immortal kings, but this guy who looked like an ant in front of him had already left them far behind without knowing it...

The two Chiyang Immortals were delighted, admired, and admired, but of course, they were more speechless.They are all powerful immortal kings, and they are still so wretched and shameless. I am afraid that in the entire fairy world, this kind of thing is the only one in the world.

"Mr. Fang has something for us to bring to you."

After a while, Immortal Chiyang shook his head and smiled wryly.

"I knew that old man Fang wouldn't let me off so easily!" Speaking of Fang Qingyun, Luo Tian also looked distressed, "This old guy hides the most fucking deep. After he came to the fairy world, I guessed At least this guy is also a strong fairy, otherwise it would be impossible to be in charge of such a treasure house as the Xuanhuang Secret Realm!"

Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli also had wry smiles on their faces. They were taken aback by Mr. Fang's real background.

"What does old man Fang have to say? Tell me, I'm mentally prepared." Luo Tian had a heroic expression, "This old man must have nothing good to come to me!"

Immortal Chiyang smiled wryly and shook his head.

Immortal Liuli said slowly, "Old Fang said, it doesn't matter how you make trouble, but it's best not to set up so many enemies now and use all your strength in the Hunyuan Domain."

"Understood." Luo Tian sighed, "Is my teacher's wife in good health? She should also be a fairy, right?"

Immortal Liuli nodded.

"Just keep it from me!" Luo Tian looked sad, "It's too boring not to talk to him in advance. You two go back, I still have things to do."

"Go back?" Immortal Chiyang was not happy, "Old Fang has repeatedly told me that the two of us will follow you."

"Ah?!" Luo Tian's eyes were really darkened, and he muttered dissatisfiedly, "There are two extra oil bottles."

Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli almost fainted. Damn it, have you ever seen an oil bottle at the level of a strong immortal?Don't talk too much, young man, let the wind flash his tongue!

"You guys can do whatever you want." Luo Tian waved his hand lightly and said helplessly.

The next sentence directly caused Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli to burst into tears.

"Anyway, I'm going to make a big fuss in the Confucianism, Taoism, and God Kingdom. You don't have to be afraid of being implicated, just come."

"... "


In the vast starry sky, it is still so magnificent and so touching.

But at this moment, Luo Tian's whole body was full of fighting spirit, and two black whirlpools slowly emerged in his eyes, "The Confucian gang is immortal, I have no enmity with you, and I have no grudges against you, so I want to get involved and banish me to the netherworld In the core area of ​​the sea, if I hadn’t been so lucky, I would have died here a long time ago!”

"Get out, Lao Tzu!"

With the speed of the three of Luo Tian, ​​it didn't take long before they landed directly on the sky of Confucianism and Taoism.

Luo Tian yelled as if venting, "Zhengzhen Xianjun, Confucian Gemini, get out of here!"

"Tiantian Xianjun, why are you doing this?"

In an instant, the white-haired and trembling Zhengzhen Xianjun appeared in front of Luotian, "You actually went to the Confucian area to make trouble, even if I won't kill you, it's not a problem to teach you a lesson, sorry Immortal Destroyer will not come to you because of such trivial matters."

"Stop fucking farting for me!"

The faces of Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli changed slightly, Luo Tian waved his big hand, and sneered, "You old bastard wanted to exile me when you burned the law of origin, and I didn't offend you! Do you think so? What a reasonable person, are you an old guy whose brains are burnt out, and why don't you give me a slap in the face, so that I can be afraid of you?!"

"Don't be afraid, you have to be afraid!"

Soon, the Confucian Gemini who was personally named by Luo Tian also came, but the rest of the immortals did not see half of them.

"Two noisy little boys, get the hell out of here!"

Luo Tian took a step forward, his breath was like the sky and the earth, and the three-color light beam flew out from above his head. When the three-color beam hit, the two immortal kings were blown away mercilessly.

"Your cultivation?!"


Immortal Kuangshu and Immortal Wenqu shouted, their expressions changed wildly.

"Old guy, let's play? Just leave these two little guys to the two behind me." Luo Tian chuckled, "I'm too lazy to take care of them, besides, it's not interesting to fight with them, isn't it?"


Kuangshu Immortal, Wenqu Immortal, Liuli Immortal, and Chiyang Immortal collapsed upon hearing the words, and this guy was too arrogant and shameless.

"You may not be the old man's opponent."

Immortal Zhengzhen smiled lightly, and layers of light curtains burst out of his fingertips, and what was reflected in the light curtains turned out to be the various eras of Confucianism and Taoism.

"Benevolence and extreme art!"

Luo Tian's pupils also shrank slightly, "I never expected that you would have mastered the extreme art of benevolence, one of the three supreme methods of Confucianism and Taoism!"

"Hehe, you can retreat." Immortal Zhengzhen waved his hand lightly, and the endless age of Confucianism and Taoism came to suppress one after another.

"not necessarily!"

Luo Tian snorted, "Then let you see what I have recently realized——"

"The seal of justice!"

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