
Chapter 958 Shameless Old Guys

Fair seal!

It was the eighth form of the Heaven Swallowing Seal Law comprehended by Luo Tian, ​​and it evolved from the complete Confucian and Taoist kingly attacking technique—Tianhe Zhenjie—from the sermon on the Tianzun stone tablet.

If you want to suppress the fate of the world and make all beings in the world fair, you must first achieve the kingly way!

After the kingly way, there is justice!

The next moment, Luo Tian was smiling, filled with boundless majesty, and the aura of kingship was revealed, even the righteous immortal king's benevolence and extreme skills could not do anything to win him.

There was a faint smile on Luo Tian's face, as if the king came to the world, the spring breeze was blowing on his face.

With a hook of the left hand, an endless aura of kingship was transformed, immediately communicating with the ancients, reflecting the pictures of the ancients in the air one by one, but the right hand was just raised majestically, at an extremely slow speed, as if holding countless mountains in the hand generally.

"The cause and effect of good and evil in the world, I am the only one who breaks it with justice! I am justice, reward the good and punish the evil, and suppress the universe!"

Immortal Zhengzhen's complexion changed slightly, and he murmured, "It turned out to be Tianhe's true solution of the royal way of attack. Where did he practice it?"


The entire space seems to have regressed back to the ancient times, and there are ancient images scattered everywhere. The art of benevolence and the art of kingly attack are intertwined in one place. These ancient images also shattered one after another, exploding like fireworks .

Luo Tian took another step forward.

Zhengzhen Xianjun took a step back, trampled the space into a mess, his complexion was pale, and the white hair on the top of his head was about to fall off, which was a sign of exhaustion.

You must know that Immortal Zhengzhen burned the law of origin in order to exile Luo Tian before, and was seriously injured, but now the fierce battle with Luo Tian made the injury even worse.In fact, even if Xianjun Zhengzhen was at his peak, he might not necessarily be Luo Tian's opponent.The two are in the same realm, both are in the realm of the Great Perfection of the Immortal Sovereign.But the art of benevolence and Taoism focuses on influencing the world, and the true solution of Tianhe is the culmination of the real Confucianism and Taoism attacking technique!

"How can it be so strong?!"

"This guy is really crazy. Don't you want to be punished by the heavens if you have the three supreme orthodox peerless methods?!"

"So strong!"

The four Chiyang Immortal Sovereigns who were fighting changed their faces, and they all looked at the mark that was gradually outlined in the void in horror.

"What a reward for the good and punish the evil!"

Immortal Zhengzhen's aura finally faded, and he opened his mouth to spit out a bloody arrow, "I didn't expect, I didn't expect you to be such a genius. Not to mention the perfect fusion of the three supreme Taoisms, you have also practiced the true solution of Tianhe! This is fair! Yin, that's all, this old man is not your match!"

At this moment, Luo Tian seemed to be the body of justice, representing the justice between heaven and earth, but he would investigate and find out all acts that violated the laws of fate, and then judge them. This kind of power of judgment can be said to be almost a condensed small The law of fate!

Of course, this is still true that Immortal Lord Zhengzhen has never done any evil in his life, but it was against his heart to exile Luo Tian once. If he came here in the form of those murderous demon powerhouses, I am afraid that once the justice is printed, he will be punished. Luo Tian was suppressed to death alive!

"Everyone will admit failure when they are at a dead end. Does it make sense?"

With a faint smile on the corner of Luo Tian's mouth, he stretched out his hand and was about to shoot him down, killing Immortal Zhengzhen.

"do not want!"


Kuangshu Xianjun and Wenqu Xianjun were ruthless enough, they directly resisted the blows of Chiyang Xianjun and Liuli Xianjun, and came towards Luo Tian, ​​trying to stop Luo Tian from making a move.

"You two were fooled." Zhengzhen Xianjun sighed in a low voice with a wry smile on his face.

Xianjun Kuangshu and Xianjun Wenqu froze for a moment, and then felt that the vast imprint in the sky suddenly disintegrated, turning into countless fine lightsabers, piercing the precious light of the two people's bodyguards. hole.

Puff puff!

The twin stars of Megatron Alien flew out backwards, and the breath was reduced by more than half.

"You two cannot escape justice!"

Standing with his hands behind his back, Luo Tian was about to capture Immortal Lord Zhengxuan and bring him back to the North and South Immortal Realms.


In the void, lotus flowers of clear light fell down, shining in all directions, and even the great figures of the immortals almost fell into it.

Immortal king strong!

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and he went back tens of thousands of miles in an instant. The Sanxiao plate was wrapped around by a blue light lotus, and it was buzzing and trembling from the beating, with an extremely frightened look on his face.

"Even if it's the Immortal King, it's unreasonable to make such a move?"

Luo Tian stared at the mid-air, and said loudly.

"Very upset?"

A teasing voice appeared in Luo Tian's ears, "If you are unhappy, see you in Hunyuan Domain."


Luo Tian waved his sleeves, and then sent a voice transmission to Immortal Chiyang and Immortal Liuli, and left quickly.

In the deepest part of the endless void, a middle-aged man in a Confucian robe smiled lightly and shook his head.

"This little guy, as expected of those old guys, I'm afraid he will be the second one in the future..."

After speaking, the figure of the middle-aged man in the Confucian robe flashed, and he stepped on the endless turbulent space and left slowly.

Zhengzhen Xianjun and Gemini were shocked to the extreme.

Immortal king?

The fairy king appeared!

Moreover, it seems that the Tuntian Immortal Lord still doesn't buy the account of the Immortal King!

Chiyang Immortal and Liuli Immortal's hearts jumped into their throats, this guy Luo Tian is too fierce, he dared to disrespect the Immortal King, and he was unharmed!

Of course, it wasn't the first time for these two people to see the Immortal King, so they weren't too shocked.


Jinzhou, Ling Yunxing.

Now the Lingyun Starfield is a well-known big state in the Southern Immortal Realm, mainly because of the appearance of an earth-shattering big shot, Immortal Lord Tuntian.

"finally arrived at home!"

Luo Tian smiled faintly in the starry sky, and then moved directly back to Tuntian Xianjun Mansion.


Just about to sneak into the rooms of the three lovely wives, but found out that many tyrannical prohibition circles had been set up outside his house.

"Haha, I knew you, the bad guy, were going to be tricked!"

In a flash, Zixiao Immortal Luo Xuan appeared with a smirk on her face.

Luo Tian, ​​who was a little bit embarrassed, said viciously, "These old guys are really mad at me! But it doesn't matter, anyway, you will come to pay!"

After finishing speaking, amidst Luo Xuan's coquettish call, Luo Tian moved back to the room directly.


"It's powerful!"

"This kid is getting more and more fierce, and the distance of hundreds of feet can also be moved, but the old man likes it!"

"Of course you like it, boy Luo is torturing your grandson for you! Hmph!"

"Hey, Wangqing, you're so excited! Anyway, sooner or later, he's going to get a grandson out of you, don't you think so, Luo Yun?" The one who made the sound was naturally Huo Luo Xianjun, the old chatterbox.

"Hey hey, that's natural. Anyway, the grandsons born to boy Luo are the grandsons of my Luo family. Of course I'm happy!"

"Find a fight!"


At the bottom, Tang Yan and Li Mufu stood there at a loss. They had scolded these old fellows countless times in their hearts. They were all old, especially Li Mufu, who was so shy that she wanted to get into it. went underground.

"Damn it, you old bastards! Let me see who dares to rob me of my grandson!"

Outside the door, the bandit leader Ruin Xianjun came...

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